
  • From: Steve & Pat Hochstetler <srh2pjh@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 03 Nov 2002 17:05:55 -0600

What to do: make 10 gallons of chili (more or less)
When to do it: Wednesday at 6:30, you can come as early as 6:00.
Where to do it:  At  Steve and Pat's

If you need a map or directions, see http://srh2pjh.crosswinds.net

After mixing the chili we will need to let it simmer for a bit.   We will
have dinner prepared for anyone that can stay and eat with us while it

Please bring ingredients to make 2 chili recipes of your choice.

Here is Carl's chili recipe

1 medium onion
2 cloves garlic
4 oz can diced green peppers  (mild)
1 pound ground turkey
3 T chili powder (Eagle Brand or Adams)
1 1/2 T ground cumin
1 t black pepper
2 T of flour

Carl's Chili Conspiracy
Saute in a couple of tablespoons of cooking oil:
1 medium onion - chopped
2 cloves garlic - minced
in a large skillet (or large wok) until thoroughly cooked
Add one 4 oz. can of diced green chili peppers (mild for Relief Sale
and 1 lb. ground turkey meat.
Cook on medium heat until meat is browned, stirring regularly
Add 2 - 3 tablespoons of chili powder (Eagle Brand and Adam's are the
Don't use old or cheap chili powder and expect to have decent chili.)
1 1/2 tablespoon Cumin
1 teaspoon black pepper (as above... old pepper does not taste as good as

Stir until everything is the same color, and continue cooking on medium
until it starts to get a little dry, then lower your heat a little.
Sprinkle 2 Tablespoons of flour over the whole mixture, cook over
heat and stir until you have a stiff dry mixture, and uniform brown-red
Add 1 cup of water, and stir thoroughly.  Add one 10 oz. can of beans or
cooked beans in same size.  Pinto beans or black beans are best.  Check
can to make sure it is only beans, water, and maybe salt.
Stir all together, and heat over medium heat until it starts simmer.
Check for taste.  Add salt in 1/2 teaspoon increments until the taste is 
Let it cool and pour into one quart containers to freeze and store. 
from freezer about 2 days before and thaw in refrigerator or with several

quarts in an ice chest.
I usually made two of the above batches at the same time.  That's how big
pan was.
On relief sale day, heat the chili and add water as needed.  I recommend 
about 1 cup per each recipe batch above.

Steve & Pat Hochstetler
Austin Mennonite Church,  (512) 926-3121  www.mennochurch.org
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