[amayausers.com] Re: warranty

  • From: theboards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2009 17:58:55 UT

This message was posted by sschroed2 on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY VIA 
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The contract does NOT say 2 or 5 years.  But the contract  or it may have been 
in the terms & conditions that it says see the warranty policy for limitations 
or something like that.  The problem for me was I did my entire order via email 
with the salesperson I had spoke with at one of the shows and then mailed the 
signed contract back and never got the actual warranty policy.   Being new to 
this, I still feel I was mislead!  I ask specific questions about warranty and 
was led to believe it was 5 year unlimited parts & labor.  As bad as car 
salepeople can be I've never had one mislead me on the warranty or have it go 
down the way the sale of the AMAYA did.  The first time I actually got a copy 
of the warranty policy was when I had a part breakI actual and was told it 
wasn't covered under warranty.  I actually had to ask for the terms & 
conditions and repeatedly ask about warranty.  Warranty was a main concern to 
me because this was to be a home based business and I didn't have
  a lot of cash up front.  NO ONE will ever convince me that I wasn't 
intentionally mislead and it sounds like it's happening to others.

Melco sales reps have always seemed pleasant, nice and informative, so I 
stupidly thought I had no reason to doubt what I was being told.  I'm not an 
idiot, but this sure made me feel like one.

The people I dealt with at Denver were also nice, and I think tried to work 
with me but would not go so far as to honor the 5 yr.  

End result, lesson learned, if the machine ever has a major failure again, I'm 
done.  I paid cash for my machine, thank goodness I don't have a lease to worry 

The funniest part is, one reason I went with Melco was because I thought they 
seem more professional and honest.  The other companies I spoke with at the 
show were quick to put Melco down and say how bad the AMAYA machine was and it 
wouldn't last.  Melco reps didn't say anything bad about the other companies.  
But I wonder if the warranty thing is handled the way it is because they don't 
have long term confidence in their product.


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