[amayausers.com] Re: Where is Melco's customer service?

  • From: theboards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 18:50:49 UT

This message was posted by Steve on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY VIA 
EMAIL. Instead, respond to the thread on the WEBSITE by clicking here: 

My parents and I have been Melco customers since 1993 (when the EMC machine 
came out) Melco used to have great customer service for an 'average' product. 
Our salesperson would call about every 6 months or so just to chat and see if 
there was anything he could do for us which was great. The customer service was 
great until about 2003 when things really started to slide downhill quickly. 
They pulled our salesperson from our state and never heard a word from our new 
salesperson. It took a while to find out who it was (Don McCready.) Now I had a 
name but couldn't get him to call me when I was ready to buy a machine and 
software. I ended up getting a used machine (since he couldn't call or email me 
back) with EDS3 which I quickly wanted to upgrade to DesignShop. After several 
phone calls and emails, I finally got a quote to upgrade to DesignShop. About a 
week later, I was ready to place the order. Once again, couldn't find Don. I 
ended up emailing my old salesman for my area and g
 oing through several people in Denver before someone would finally make the 
sale. I was then told Don quoted me the wrong price and I had to pay more than 
what I had been quoted in an email. I wasn't happy about it but I had no choice 
since EDS3 doesn't run on Windows XP. (EDS3 ran on Windows 3.1 - this was 
before Windows 95 came out.) Don was no longer my salesperon not long after 
that, I had to jump through hoops to find out who my new salesperson is. Once I 
found who that was, things were good (not great but she did return my 
voicemails and emails!) Luckily, I really haven't had to call Melco much except 
for a couple parts. I saw Live Designer at a show and purchased it and thought 
it would be a great idea. called Melco several times about suggestions what to 
change and add to make it better for both embroiderers and customers. I kept 
hearing that other people were making the same suggestions and they would be 
implemented soon or they are working on something similar. NOT
  ONE thing was added to the website a year later. Nice to know Melco listens 
to their customers! Sales dropped by about 75% once I implemented it but I 
stuck with it since I already paid for a one year contract. I did get some 
sales but it didn't come close to my old website but it didn't match up to what 
I used to do in sales. I noticed my website dissapeared a couple weeks ago so I 
called Melco to see if the server was down or what happened. They told me they 
cancelled it due to non-payment. I asked them how they contacted me to renew 
it. They really didn't answer that question and said I should call my 
salesperson. As in typical Melco fashion, no one seems to know who that is 
(since I have had 5 different salespeople in 4 years.) For some reason no one 
at Melco knows how to email or pick up the phone and call me to tell me my 
website is going to be taken down if I don't pay the bill? I have since moved 
it over to Sanmar's FREE website which is getting more sales anyways.
Moving on to MelcoMart for a minute...they wouldn't listen to their customers 
about opening an East Coast distribution warehouse for MelcoMart when it was 
around. BTW, MelcoMart used to be called ARC which had warehouses in CA, CO, 
IL, and NC. We used to use them all the time because from IL and NC, it was 2 
day shipping. Once they pulled all warehouses and only left Denver open, we 
found a new supplier for backings, thread, needles, etc who was 1 day shipping. 
Melco's loss, not mine! Speaking of MelcoMart, I think they could have notified 
the customers Madeira was taking over or somehow given customers a chance to 
buy supplies and thread that Madeira doesn't sell. Did they throw away all that 
ARC thread???
I have never received a phone call in the past 5 years from anyone at Melco to 
see how my products that I purchased are working out for me. Nice to know Melco 
cares after taking thousands of dollars from me! Once my machines die (it can't 
come soon enough) I'm moving to Tajima's.


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