[zxspectrum] Re: Interfaccia PlusD

  • From: Massimo Raffaele <massimo.raffaele@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: zxspectrum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 15:40:55 +0200

Pino Giaquinto:
"It's not clear what is the right floppy type to use: it seems that 1.44MB FDD can also be used even with some compatibility issue (why?)... closing the second window of a 1.44MB floppy with Scotch tape and formatting it in the Plus D... shouldn't it work as a common DSDD 720KB? Why shouldn't it be reliable?"
Enrico Maria Giordano:
"Honestly, I don't remember if it is possible at all or reliable. I always used 720 KB floppies with my Plus D. Anyway, I presume that you will try it when you will get the interface. :-)"

I've tried the good old trick of covering the HD hole of 1.44MB floppy disks and then using them. The reliability of these disks used as 720KB disks varies greatly. I found some disks worked great for years, while others would fail at the formatting stage, yet format fine in 1.44MB format on a 1.44MB drive. I must admit I've only ever tried this using a 720KB drive on attached to the +D. You may have more success using a 1.44MB drive which has a READY signal.


Probably this is due to the surface disc's material AND to the 720KB drive head characteristics... Surely this is strange, because one would suppose that higher density discs (hence with better surface material/composition) should support without problems a lower density formatting... Perhaps the 720KB drive heads "sense" a "strange" surface (magnetically speaking), giving different results from drive to drive and from disc to disc.


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