[ZeroBrane Studio] Re: Docked Search?

  • From: Andrew Starks <andrew.starks@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "zerobrane@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <zerobrane@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 19:54:25 -0600

On Monday, February 2, 2015, Paul K <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Andrew,
> > Can you share any of your other thoughts on searching? Specifically on
> the user interface to it? I poked around the mailing list and the issue
> list, but I wanted to know if you had any more plans, given the addition to
> fuzzy search.
> Yes, I'd like to make some improvements to the search UI, but I haven't
> settled on the best way to do this. I'm considering three options (some are
> not mutually exclusive):
> 1. Improve the current dialog and make it dockable. This will allow users
> to position it where they want and keep it available. It would also get the
> dialog out of the way when it covers the text. The main disadvantage is
> that the content doesn't "flow" easily, so it's limited in what size it may
> have.
> 2. Make the dialog docked at the bottom/top of the page, similar to how
> it's done in browsers or some editors. There are some UI issues related to
> this solution as it doesn't work well with the current tabbed interface (as
> it needs to be "outside" of the tabs) and doesn't work with Output/Console
> search (or those tabs need to get their own search).
> 3. Extend the current command bar and allow search and replace from it. I
> have some ideas on how this can be done, but I'm not sure it can cover all
> the cases that the current search/replace dialog covers (most likely not),
> so it's not going to be a replacement, but rather a complement to the
> current dialog. This unfortunately doesn't solve the problem with search in
> Output/Console panels, but may reduce the time spent in the dialog, which
> may alleviate some of the issues.
> What scenarios you have in mind that are not well covered by the current
> functionality?
> Paul.
You nailed it. Basically, search popping up as its own window is now
"different" and, dare I say, "old". Not that it's terribly bad, but it's
nice to have the screen remain uncluttered.

It sounds to me as though maintaining a context inside of ZBS's internals
is a bit of a "thing."

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