[yunqa.de] Re: DiSqlite FTS: how to query using MATCH and rowid?

  • From: Delphi Inspiration <delphi@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: yunqa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 13:40:16 +0100

At 10:46 25.02.2010, Edwin Yip wrote:

>I'm trying to search a FTS3 table with the following SQL, but I got an error 
>"unable to use function MATCH in the requested context"
>select * from MYFTS where (MYFTS MATCH 'test') and (rowid=1) 
>How to solve it? Thank you.

Works fine for me with DISQLite3 3.2.2. Here is a complete SQL script:

  drop table if exists myfts;
  create virtual table myfts using fts3 (text);
  insert into myfts values ('one 1');
  insert into myfts values ('one 2');

  select * from myfts where (myfts MATCH 'one') and (rowid=1);


  one 1

Maybe you are using an older version?


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