[wwpoenglish] Re: [gha-peace] Re: [gha] Re: Re: TR: L'ACCORD DE PAIX A MINSK ENTRE L'UKRAINE ET LA RUSSIE = ENFIN !

  • From: María Cristina Azcona <mcrisazcona@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "gha-peace@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <gha-peace@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 12:58:33 -0300

Yulia and Rosana send us links to read on the conflict

but please dont say Christianity has something  to be involved in not
respecting others lives

The sinners, even in Catholicism the priests that have been involved in
monstruous activities against children  havent done their crimes "because"
they were catholic, they were criminals, that´s all

Each religion  has different principles and there isnt a religion that may
be called guilty as muslim religion is not guilty of the caliphate´s crimes

*María Cristina Azcona*

*María Cristina Azcona*

2015-02-18 12:49 GMT-03:00 Роксана Садыкова <roksana.sadykova@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Dear members of the GHA!
> I support Yulia Budnikova on the topic of Ukraine. There is a real war,
> where the government kill its own people. Children instead of going to
> school hiding in the basement with their mothers. Destroyed infrastructure,
> shells fall in hospitals, schools, homes. But in Western countries,
> unfortunately, there is no comprehensive and accurate coverage of these
> terrible events.
> ​
> Sincerely, Roxana Sadykova,
> Vice President GHA and GHA-Russia
> Address: Ufa, Republic Of Bashkortostan, Russia
> E-mail: roksana.sadykova@xxxxxxxxx
> Website: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=624
> ​
> 2015-02-18 20:39 GMT+05:00 Prof. Ernesto Kahan <ekahan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>   This discussion about arguments in for and against, including the
>> question of Maria Azcona, are very instructive in order to learn about this
>> bloody conflict that is very dangerous for the universal peace. We must
>> recognized that the press I can read in not a good source of information
>> Ernesto Kahan
>>  *From:* María Cristina Azcona <mcrisazcona@xxxxxxxxx>
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 18, 2015 4:58 PM
>> *To:* gha-peace@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> *Cc:* IFLAC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; MANAVATAVADI-GROUP@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ;
>> Bhaskarroy@xxxxxxxxx ; bilingualmca <bilingualmca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ;
>> wwpoenglish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ; decade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; Alain
>> Bal <al.bal@xxxxxxxxxxx> ; Daniel Durand <dan.cdm@xxxxxxxxx> ; Daniel
>> Durand <daniel@xxxxxxxxx> ; Germain Dufour <globalcommunity@xxxxxxxxx> ; 
>> Germain
>> Dufour <globaldialogue2004@xxxxxxx> ; Adel Safty
>> <globalleaders@xxxxxxxxx> ; uni.alli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; gha
>> <gha@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> ; ghausa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ; peace-from-harmony
>> <peace-from-harmony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ; peaceforum
>> <PeaceForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ; Peace and Conflict Studies Center (PCS
>> Center) <cscenter1.nepal@xxxxxxxxx> ; Carlos PALMA
>> <peacedayeducation4peace@xxxxxxxxx> ; Carol Rosin <peacemother@xxxxxxxxx>
>> ; WWWI WCP KENOSHA <peace@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ;
>> secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> *Subject:* [gha] Re: [gha-peace] Re: TR: L'ACCORD DE PAIX A MINSK ENTRE
>>  Christian culture what???
>> *María Cristina Azcona*
>>    *@macazcona*
>>  *María Cristina Azcona*
>> 2015-02-18 8:52 GMT-03:00 Julia Budnikova <budnikova@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>  Dear monsieur Сrequie! I want to notice that you distort the facts.
>>> Russia didn't make the peace with Ukraine because Russia wasn't at war with
>>> Ukraine. Ukraine is at war with own citizens in Donbass. And in Minsk
>>> Putin, Merkel and Hollande convinced this mad country in the person of
>>> her president to stop killing peace people. Will be to tell more honestly
>>> that it is the United States of America are at war with Russia. You can
>>> argue with arrogance of old Europe for what the West needs Russia. But I
>>> want to notice that after that fact that the European "Christian culture",
>>> you including and your governors, a half of year didn't tell any word
>>> against murder by the Ukrainian soldiers of the Russian children, women,
>>> old men, against destruction of schools and hospitals in Donbass, this old
>>> civilization finally died as CULTURE.  For Russia and for God.
>>> Julia Budnikova,
>>> Vice-president of Global Harmony Association,
>>> Acting President, GHA-Russia
>>> *From:* gha-peace-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:
>>> gha-peace-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] *On Behalf Of *Guy Crequie
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, February 12, 2015 1:55 PM
>>> *To:* IFLAC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; MANAVATAVADI-GROUP@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
>>> Bhaskarroy@xxxxxxxxx; bilingualmca; wwpoenglish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx;
>>> decade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; al.bal@xxxxxxxxxxx;
>>> dan.cdm@xxxxxxxxx; 'Daniel Durand'; globalcommunity@xxxxxxxxx; 'Germain
>>> Dufour'; 'Adel Safty'; uni.alli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; gha@xxxxxxxxxxxxx;
>>> ghausa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; gha-peace@xxxxxxxxxxxxx;
>>> peace-from-harmony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; PeaceForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Peace
>>> and Conflict Studies Center (PCS Center);
>>> peacedayeducation4peace@xxxxxxxxx; 'Carol Rosin'; 'WWWI WCP KENOSHA'
>>> *Cc:* secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> *Subject:* [gha-peace] TR: L'ACCORD DE PAIX A MINSK ENTRE L'UKRAINE ET
>>> *De :* Guy Crequie [mailto:guy.crequie@xxxxxxxxxx
>>> <guy.crequie@xxxxxxxxxx>]
>>> *Envoyé :* jeudi 12 février 2015 11:43
>>> !
>>> *Après de longues négociations préparées par les experts, 2 rencontres à
>>> Moscou puis Minsk et une longue négociation en ce dernier lieu (toute la
>>> nuit et une partie de la matinée) un accord de paix a enfin abouti entre la
>>> Russie et L’Ukraine et les séparatistes pro-russes ont été représentés à
>>> certains niveaux de la négociation. Un accord de paix a été trouvé, jeudi
>>> 12 février au matin à Minsk, après plus de quatorze heures de négociations.
>>> Les quatre dirigeants russe, ukrainien, français et allemand vont se porter
>>> garants d'un compromis qui a été signé par des émissaires ukrainiens et
>>> russes, les séparatistes et l'Organisation pour la sécurité et la
>>> coopération en Europe (OSCE).*
>>> *La France et l’Allemagne représentées par le Président François
>>> HOLLANDE et la Chancelière Angéla MERKEL ont été à l’initiative de ce long
>>> marathon de paix et ont pris une part plus qu’active pour son
>>> aboutissement.*
>>> *Les points durs de la négociation étaient :*
>>> *-        Quel avenir pour le Donbass ?*
>>> *-        Les frontières*
>>> *-        Les prisonniers*
>>> *-        Le cessez-le-feu*
>>> *-        Un accord respecté ?*
>>> *Après des milliers de morts, des exodes forcés, et la guerre à la porte
>>> de L’Europe, on ne peut que se féliciter de cet accord et surtout espérer
>>> son respect.*
>>> *Certes, Vladimir POUTINE a l’ambition de redonner à la Russie la
>>> grandeur de la grande Russie tsariste au temps de sa splendeur et des
>>> meilleures années de l’Ancienne URSS. Cependant, la diplomatie américaine
>>> et parfois européenne avaient commis des erreurs. Les perspectives d’une
>>> possible entrée de l’Ukraine dans l’UE (Union Européenne), et pire dans
>>> l’OTAN, ne pouvaient qu’irriter le Maître du Kremlin.*
>>> *Les armes tues, il faudra trouver par la diplomatie et la bonne volonté
>>> la place de l’Ukraine dans le concert international : une place qui
>>> respecte ses liens historique avec la Russie malgré les péripéties de leur
>>> histoire et son ouverture vers L’Union Européenne.*
>>> *Vladimir POUTINE au-delà de son caractère et de ses pratiques este le
>>> Président de la Russie. Ce pays est doté de l’arme nucléaire et siège comme
>>> membre permanent au Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU. Entre autres, ce pays
>>> peur tenir un rôle majeur pour le règlement de la situation politique en
>>> Syrie.*
>>> *Alors, que les nébuleuses terroristes avec l’existence et l’agressivité
>>> de Daech, Boko Haram, Aqmi…. Posent des problèmes pour la paix mondiale,
>>> l’humanité a besoin d’une harmonie entre l’Orient et l’Occident, entre les
>>> pays du Nord et ceux du Sud et présentement des pays comme la Chine, la
>>> Russie, l’Inde, le Brésil, l’Afrique du sud, le Nigéria, l’Indonésie,
>>> l’Egypte, l’Iran,…auront de plus en plus toute leur place dans le concert
>>> international.*
>>> *La réalité et l’expansion du terrorisme international héla concrétisé
>>> principalement par le fondamentalisme musulman inspiré notamment par le
>>> Wahhabisme et le salafisme conduisent de grands pays et des Institutions à
>>> envisager des rapprochements avec le régime iranien et celui de Bachar
>>> Al-Assad malgré ses crimes par la force de l’urgence.*
>>> *La levée des sanctions économiques contre la Russie devrait permettre,
>>> espérons- le, la reprise progressive de coopérations pas seulement
>>> politique et économique, mais également sur le terrain culturel. Ce pays
>>> peut aussi apporter sa part au règlement du dossier du nucléaire iranien.*
>>> *Sachons apprécier, et surtout faire vivre cet accord dans le respect
>>> des différences politiques, culturelles et sociales, pour la dignité
>>> humaine et le bien commun universel.*
>>> *Copyright Guy CREQUIE*
>>> *Ecrivain français-Observateur social*
>>> *Messager de la culture de la paix de l’UNESCO*
>>> *Représentant français d’ONG internationales*
>>> *De paix et d’harmonie*
>>> *After long negotiations prepared by the experts, 2 meetings in Moscow
>>> then Minsk and a long negotiation in this last place (all the night and
>>> part of the morning) a peace agreement finally led between Russia and the
>>> Ukraine and the separatists pro-Russian were represented on certain levels
>>> of the negotiation. A peace agreement was reached, Thursday, February 12 in
>>> the morning with Minsk, after more than fourteen hours of negotiations. The
>>> four leaders Russian, Ukrainian, French and German will go guaranteeing of
>>> a compromise which was signed by Ukrainian and Russian emissary, the
>>> separatists and the Organization for safety and the co-operation in Europe
>>> (OSCE).*
>>> *France and Germany represented by President François Hollande and the
>>> Chancellor Angela Merkel were on the initiative of this long marathon of
>>> peace and took a share more than active for its result.*
>>> *The hard points of the negotiation were:*
>>> *- Which future for Donbass?*
>>> *- Borders*
>>> *- Prisoners*
>>> *- Cease-fire*
>>> *- A respected agreement?*
>>> *After thousands of deaths, forced exoduses, and the war with the door
>>> of Europe, one can only be pleased with this agreement and especially hope
>>> for its respect.*
>>> *Admittedly, Vladimir PUTIN has the ambition to give again in Russia the
>>> size of large Russia tsarist at the time of his splendor and of the best
>>> years of the Old USSR. However, the American and sometimes European
>>> diplomacy had made mistakes. The prospects for a possible entry of the
>>> Ukraine in the EU (European Union), and worse in NATO, could only irritate
>>> the Master of the Kremlin.*
>>> *The weapons kill, it will be necessary to find by the diplomacy and the
>>> good will the place of the Ukraine in the international concert: a place
>>> which respects its bonds history with Russia in spite of the adventures of
>>> their history and its opening towards the European Union.*
>>> *Vladimir PUTIN beyond his character and of its practices este the
>>> President of Russia. This country is equipped with the nuclear weapon and
>>> seat like permanent member at the Security Council of UNO. Inter alia, this
>>> country fear of holding a main function for the regulation of the political
>>> situation in Syria.*
>>> *Then, that terrorist nebulas with the existence and the aggressiveness
>>> of Daech, Boko Haram, Aqmi…. Pose problems for world peace, humanity needs
>>> a harmony between the East and the Occident, between the countries of the
>>> North and those of the South and at present of the countries like China,
>>> Russia, India, Brazil, South Africa, Nigeria, Indonesia, Egypt, Iran,… will
>>> have more and more all their place in the international concert.*
>>> *The reality and the expansion of international terrorism héla
>>> concretized mainly by the Moslem fundamentalism inspired in particular by
>>> Wahhabisme and the salafism lead large countries and Institutions to
>>> consider bringings together with the Iranian mode and that of Bachar
>>> Al-Assad in spite of its crimes by the force of the urgency.*
>>> *The lifting of the economic sanctions against Russia should allow, hope
>>> for it, the progressive resumption of co-operations not only political and
>>> economic, but also on the cultural ground. This country can also bring its
>>> share to the regulation of the file of the Iranian nuclear power.*
>>> *Let Us Can appreciate, and especially make live this agreement in the
>>> respect of the political, cultural and social differences, for human
>>> dignity and the universal community property.*
>>> *Copyright Guy CREQUIE*
>>> *Writer social French-Observer*
>>> *Messenger of the culture of the peace of UNESCO*
>>> *French Representative of ONG international*
>>> *Peace and of harmony*
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