[Wittrs] Re: Wittgenstein and "Brain Scripts"

  • From: Sean Wilson <whoooo26505@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrsamr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 1 Nov 2009 14:27:51 -0500

... yes Stuart, that is getting very close now! In fact I am inclined to say 
"nice catch."  I am in no way telling people how to speak or saying that our 
language is deficient -- for it surely is not. As Pinker (through Chomsky) 
notes, we have a language instinct. And I am in no way trying to sort out some 
form of logic that tells people what is valid to say and what is not valid to 
say (or what logic dictates they have said). All I am doing is letting people 
speak, picking out the sense, reflecting upon its implications -- as any good 
Wittgensteinian would do -- and then finding a better way to notate the 
differences in the cognition involved both within and across sense. 

I want to say this: I am an accident reconstructionist in the language game. 
The labor I am offering is like some sort of accountancy. When I am done, one 
could say: (a) here is the structure of the sentence; (b) here is the logic of 
the statements; and (c) here is the script of the language.   

Regards and thanks


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