[Wittrs] Re: Focusing on the Made-Up Muddle

  • From: "gabuddabout" <gabuddabout@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrsamr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 22:51:51 -0000

Stuart, you're really confused.

Stuart writes:

"In short, if arguing that the CR's problem is that it is underspecked is 
"consistent with Searle's position", as you put it, then Searle is in an even 
more contradictory predicament than I initially suggested (due to his 
discrepant treatment of brains and computers)."

I didn't put it that way.  I simply said that by conflating functional 
(2nd-order) properties with 1st-order properties, the upshot is something 
Searle is not arguing against!

This simply undercuts any charge of dualism you would wish to make.

Further, it is precisely the issue about brains being entirely composed by 
1st-order properties that makes for the difference between them and programs, 
which essentially have 2nd-order properties in their actual-running description.

You are seriously confused to the point that you don't make good inferences at 
all.  You jump on slivers and miss planks.

Peter was right.  You have a dilemma.  And I'm happy to see you don't disagree 
with Searle at all.  You just aren't aware enough to know it.  That's why I 
said you were seriously confused.

Do you think you might one day become less confused?

Your arguments about Searle being muddled are too sloppy to take seriously.  


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