[windows2000] Re: FTP login and redirect

  • From: "Jim Kenzig http://thin.net" <jimkenz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 12:25:47 -0500

Worked fine for me... here it is
Step 1: Create a home folder for your user. 
Typically, this will be a subfolder under a parent folder called (Users or
FTPusers would be typical names). Additionally, this group needs the right
to Log on Locally. Of course, Admins should have full control of everything
all the time (just kidding. This is optional).

TIP: Do not set NTFS permissions yet. If you do, be sure the System account
has access to the users' folder or you will get a 'stop sign" error when you
try to create the Virtual Directory.

Step 2: Create a Virtual Directory and map the user's folder.
The trick here is that the Virtual Directory has to be the exact same name
as the user. In this case, we create a folder called BartS and map it to
FTPusers/BartS. Note that the directory name is case sensitive! 

Step 3: Enable Write on the Virtual Directory
Unless this is a read-only FTP site, enable the write permission on the FTP
snap in.

Step 4: Remove Anonymous authentication from the Virtual Directory.
Uncheck the "Allow only anonymous authentication" on the Security Acccounts
tab. Now, when BartS logs on, he will be automatically placed in his user

Step 5: Assign NTFS permissions.
For the parent folder of your users' folders, you can assign No Access to
the anonymous account. Despite what some KB articles say, the user does not
need permissions to the parent folder. The System account, however, does
need access to this folder so Everyone, No Access is not a good idea. If the
System account can't access the folder, you can have problems later when you
go to make changes to the FTP server setup for the user. 

For the users' folders, NTFS permissions Read and Write are typical. Execute
permissions should be avoided. Remove Everyone from the access list and add
the user's account. According to your policy, you may or may not include

That's it! Now when users log on with FTP, they will be routed to their own
FTP folder.

TIP: You can keep users from seeing folders for other users:
1. Point your FTP server to an empty root. Fine to use Inetpub/ftproot, just
don't put anything in there or your users will see it. 
2. Map your users' Virtual Folders to a location outside of the FTP server
virtual root. By keeping your users' folders in the same parent folder
outside of the virtual FTP root, when they go "up" in the directory tree
from their personal folder, they will be magically transported to the empty

WARNING. Password sent to the FTP service are sent in absolute cleartext.
SSL can't be used and you can't use NTFS authentication. No good solution
exists for this problem using native Microsoft FTP server.

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-----Original Message-----
From: windows2000-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 12:11 PM
To: windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [windows2000] Re: FTP login and redirect

I tried the site ray, didn't work, so I must be missing something
obvious.  Does the virtual folder have to be shared?  And does the home
directory in the user's properties include the full path or the virtual


-----Original Message-----
From: windows2000-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 10:01 AM
To: windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [windows2000] Re: FTP login and redirect

As much as I love Microsoft, I have to say that their FTP server is
pretty weak the way the only 100% way to do this is to setup a unique
site for each user.  So, if you have 100 users and one IP address, you
have to setup sites by using different ports.  That's unacceptable, in
my opinion.  But, here is a way to do what you want, for the most part.


Ray at work

-----Original Message-----
From: Herchenbach, Jim [mailto:jherchenbach@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 10:52 AM

I'm trying to do the following...
When an FTP user logs in, he or she is redirected to the correct folder
path.  My FTP box is a NT 4.0 box with sp6a.  I know it is set up in the
user area, but I can't seem to get it to work correctly.  Any help or a
link would be great.

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