helping your monday go a bit better.

  • From: "Jarrod Jicha" <jamminjerry@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <chit-chat-cafe@xxxxxxxxx>, <friends@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, <winamp4theblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <web-audio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <webaudio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <streamad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <streammadness@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <blindcast@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2004 11:02:32 -0400

Hey there everyone!  Yeah, I know, today is monday, and your boss is all over 
you to get that perposal done, make a zillikon more phone calls, all while 
typing up that 200 page document on why the sky is blue.  You go are drinking 
last fridays coffee in a cup, that if you are lucky will hold together until 
you are finished.  sounds like a bad day to me.  If you have time, let us help. 
 Tune into ACB Radio Interactive starting at 16:00 GMT, wich is 12:00 PM 
eastern, 11:00 central, and 09:00 pacific for the Monster Music Mix!
pop to rock, oldies to current, country to comedy.  four hours of great fun, 
and music.  won't you join us?  we may not be able to help you with the broken 
fax machine, and jammed printer, but we can help make it all seem, well, not so 

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