[USS Tempest] The Playground from Hell

  • From: TKilyle@xxxxxxx
  • To: usstempest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 19:11:10 EDT

The Playground from Hell
by JT Swiftwind, Izra'il S'Erientae, Stan Zelany, Steven  Striker, Private 
Kammere, and Jack Menzies
Nothing is so strong as gentleness. Nothing is so gentle as real  
strength.--Frances De Sales   
The set up was a different one from the last time they set up a MASH.   For 
one thing, there were force fields with independent power sources set up and  
the only people who could walk through them were those equipped with the field  
nullifiers Lieutenant Le Beau had made them.  That meant Delta company  could 
pass through.  That was all well and good, JT supposed, but the kids  were 
going to hurt themselves.  They'd already deployed a nets to stop  children 
bouncing off the fields.  
JT looked at his Marines and shook his head.  He had every bit of  faith in 
them but they needed reinforcement.  He tapped his comm  badge.  "Sick Bay, 
this is Swiftwind down in the shuttle  bay."

Izra'il glanced at Cassiel but he was engrossed with one of the  Marine 
medics so she tapped her own badge.  "Sick Bay here.  How may  we serve, 
"Reinforcement," JT said bluntly.  "We need a bit more of a medical  hand 
than what my medics down here have got.  These kids are going to hurt  
themselves--or us--if something doesn't get done,"

"We have nurses to  spare but that is it," she informed him.  "There is 
precious else I can  offer as we are dealing with a medical emergency of our 
"No offense to any of them but send a strong one then," JT requested.   He 
watched as Stan forcibly, but gently, separated a group of boys.  "These  kids 
might be scrawny bit they're strong as hell."

"I am Vulcanoid, will  I suffice?" she asked, already making her way to a 
"Perfect.  Just stop outside the door and take a nullifier from the  guard 
posted there.  You can't get in or out otherwise."

"As you  say," she said stiffly before cutting the connection.  Marching out 
of the  turbolift, she fixed oddly pale eyes on the guard at the door, her 
blonde hair  pulled into a tight knot at the back of her head.  "I am here as 
medical  assistance at the request of Captain Swiftwind.  You will allow me to  
The private nodded sharply.  "Aye, ma'am, you can," he said, all  business 
even if the thought of a Romulan nurse freaked him out.  "as soon  as you a fix 
the nullifier to your comm badge.  Else you'll get  zapped."  He held the 
small chip out to her.

Taking it, she  applied it to her comm badge then fixed stern eyes on him 
again.  "Zap is  not an official military designation, Private."
"Ah, no, ma'am, it's not but complete neurological shock takes too long,"  
the private said dead pan.  "Zap works better."  The man coded open  the door, 
saying, "Welcome to the playground from hell."

She shot him a  disapproving look then marched past.  Hell was one of the 
many Human  concepts that she found it hard to come to terms with.  It implied 
personification of evil that simply did not exist in Romulan culture.  Her  
pale eyes took in the children and Marines and the Hell as the Private had  
called it.  They quickly found Captain Swiftwind so she approached  him.

"I am here as ordered, sir," she said simply.
It had technically been a request but JT didn't care to argue the  point.  He 
waved a hand at the tableau before them.  "Based on my own  good guesses and 
what information we got from Georgetown, I'd guess the kids are  no older than 
sixteen but the littler ones're close to five or six.   They're also out of 
hand for the most part.  They've learned touching the  force field's a bad idea 
but that's about it.  We're supposed to get them  checked out."

"Sedate them," came the simple Romulan solution.  "Use  a gentle anaesthetic 
gas to calm them down, something that will make them drowsy  rather than knock 
them out.  We can always up the dose if it does not  work.  The alternative," 
she met his dark eyes with her own pale ones, "is  to injure them and us 
trying to perform the necessary treatments.  These  are wild animals, Captain, 
must alter your perspective and cease to treat  them as intelligent beings 
until we have them under control."
JT hmmphed, nodding his head wearily.  "My only concern is the speed  of 
effect.  If it doesn't go fast enough, somebody'll catch on and get  worse.  
see an animal get shot with a tranque dart?  They always  get nastier before 
they go under."

"I have observed many such things,"  she sniffed.  "I have also observed the 
results of leaving wild animals to  tear each other apart.  Is that what you 
wish for these children?"
He skewered her with a look that as much as shouted 'you have to be  
kidding'.  "Hardly," he snorted, "but don't say I didn't warn you.   Let me 
warn my 
people so they can activate the personal shields on their  nullifiers and then 
do what you have t'do."

She prepared the computer,  telling it the exact dose she wanted of the mild 
sedative.  It was fast  acting but shouldn't hurt them even in their weakened 
state.  At least,  that was the theory.  "I am ready."
JT put two fingers to his mouth, issued a sharp whistle that got his  
Marines' attention and, fortunately or unfortunately, their refugees' as  well. 
"Incoming anesthetic, people.  Follow proper procedure," he  called out then he 
nodded at Izra'il.  "You, too.  Y'all aren't going  t'be useful if you're out 

Giving him a withering look, she sniffed  as she administered the drug 
through the vents.  Within moments the  children were becoming drowsy.
The largest of the refugees was a fusion who looked to be mostly Klingon  but 
his wide build and ears suggested more, maybe Orion and maybe  Vulcanoid.  He 
eyed the smaller, weaker ones warily as the seemed to drop  off then he 
watched the ones who dressed alike.  The one near the female  who was dressed 
differently wasn't the biggest but he made sounds and the others  listened.  He 
the one who would take food from him.  Who would own  him and send him to the 
traders to be used.  Despite the wobbliness in him  as the gas began to work, 
the fusion launched himself at the one in charge with  amazing speed.
"What the--Hey, Cap, watch out!" Stan shouted.
JT ducked and raised his arm to deflect the attack, shoving the fusion  
toward the barrier after the child clamped down on his arm with razor sharp  
 "Son of a bitch!" he barked.  "Somebody zap that kid before he  chomps on 
anyone else."

Delicate fingers found the Klingon child's nerve  point in his neck and he 
dropped.  Izra'il caught him deftly and lowered  him to the floor.  "Something 
one of my Vulcan nurses once taught me," she  mused as she straightened and 
eyed JT's arm.  "You are the one who refuses  modern medical techniques, are 
not, Captain?"
"Neat trick though," Stan snorted amiably as he moved the kid.
"Damn it, the little bastard got me good," JT hissed, his right hand  
clamping over the wound on his left arm.  He nodded at the nurse.   "That'd be 
scourge of modern medicine.  You do know Kawee's gonna be  upset about this, 

"Nurse Swiftwind will forebear, for now we must  stem the bleeding and clean 
up the wound.  Are you opposed to antiseptics  or may I replicate a 
rudimentary one for you?"
"No replicating," he said, shaking his head even as he eyed the children  
warily.  He hated to think them animals but it's what they were at that  point 
and animals loved the smell of blood.  "As much as it hurts, pure  alcohol 
suffice for now, ineffective as it is."

"Hmph," Izra'il  sniffed.  She turned to stare at one of the Marines who was 
helping one of  the children lie down.  "You," she said sharply.  "Run to the  
hydroponics bay and bring me back eucalyptus leaves."  When all he did was  
gape, she made shooing motions.  "Now."

Steven nodded and scampered  away, glancing backwards at her all the time.

"I assume the antiseptic  properties of eucalyptus are acceptable," she said 
to JT.  "I do not  inflict pain unless absolutely necessary."
"Koala chow?" JT asked, almost laughing despite the gravity of the  
situation.  "So long as it isn't replicated, it's fine.  Smells nice,  in any 
He took his eyes off her a moment so that he could survey  the enclosure.  The 
children all seemed more sedate if not out right  asleep. Stan gave him a 
questioning look, asking 'you okay?' and his nod was  enough to satisfy the big 
man.  Turning back he asked Izra'il, "You're  familiar with Earth botanicals 

"I have made it part of my  assignment here to learn as much about all 
cultures I come into close contact  with as I can," she said as she took his 
arm and 
started looking it over.   The bite was deep and would need stitches if he 
refused the dermal  regenerator.  "You will have a scar," she informed him.  
we were  on ch'Rihan, I would have my brother make up a paste to apply to 
prevent it but  my knowledge of such Federation equivalents is still limited."
"If I do, I do, but you might want t'ask Master Caine about healing plants  
if you're really interested," he replied, standing stock still as she inspected 
 the wound.  "I gotta say, I think this is the first time anyone's ever  
bitten me.  Got bit by a horse once when I was a kid but never an actual  

"You will have to excuse my manner, Captain, but these are not  people, not 
yet."  She glanced up as the doors opened and Steven came  running in carrying 
a handful of leaves.  "Get me water from one of the  pitchers and a cloth."
"No excuse necessary, ma'am," he told her.  "Sad enough but I  agree.  These 
kids're...what's been done is beyond against the law.   It's a damned sin."

Izra'il didn't respond as the young Human brought her  the bowl of water and 
cloth.  She crushed the leaves in the water, mashing  them up then setting 
them aside.  Carefully, she applied the water to his  arm, pushing it in as far 
as it would go.  "They must be nurtured back to  rational thought," she 
observed quietly.  She met his eyes and  smiled.  "Love, Captain.  These 
need love and  tenderness."
JT bit back a hiss of curses the moment the mixture hit his arm.   Botanical 
or not, the stuff still hurt like hell on an open wound.   Nevertheless, he 
maintained his composure, especially in front of his  Marines.  "And 
compassion," he agreed.  "Right now, I want them  calm enough to allow the 
social workers 
and shrinks to start their job.   We're just the tip of the iceberg.  It's 
also why we're all wearing cammies  and not regular uniforms."

"You require stitches," she told him softly  once she had finished cleaning 
the wound up.  "Without replicating, I do  not have the appropriate 
He shrugged slightly.  "Either leave it be til later or send one of  these 
guys out t'ask Master Caine for one.  Or Sergeant Singh has them  too."

"I will strap it until the situation is better under control," she  told him 
as she placed the leaves she'd set aside earlier on his wound and  wrapped the 
cloth around the whole arm, tying it tightly.  "Perhaps we  should start 
seeing to these children."
"Absolutely.  We were trying to sort them by age before I called  you.  It 
also seems that they're mostly male," he told her.

"Then  that may be why they are reacting badly to you and your men," she said 
 softly.  "Perhaps they need to see softness in a controlled  environment."
"If you're familiar with Sergeant FRix, she's a--the softest Marine I have  
quite literally and b--she's the only female in this company.  What do you  
suggest, Nurse?" he asked, making an effort to keep his voice level.

His  reaction was puzzling to her so she frowned at him.  "I suggest 
separating  them off to see to them.  Perhaps bring more of my nurses down when 
are free, bring in as many members of the crew who are not involved in their  
"Definitely but it's the trust part we're having a problem with.  They  don't 
even speak Standard for the most part.  I don't even know if we can  start 
with food."

"Start with words," she suggested.  "The language  doesn't matter, it's the 
tone.  A soothing word can calm a thrai."
With a shrug, JT lowered himself to the deck in front of one of the  
children.  He held up both hands to show he was unarmed.  "Haaahe," he  said 

The boy stared at him for a moment, his mind fogged.   Slowly, he approached 
the man with sluggish movements and touched one of the  hands.
Out of the corner of his eye, JT saw his men tense.  If you guys screw  this 
up, he said mentally, y'all are doing nacelle scrubbing duty for the  
engineers til the crack of the next millennium.  "Nice t'meet you, pal," he  
carefully.  With his other hand, he pointed at the rank badge sewn on  his 
uniform.  "Captain."

Big, wide brown eyes stared at the pin, his  mouth forming the word 'captain' 
but not quite saying it out loud.  One  thin hand reached out and ran fingers 
over the metal surface.
"Nurse, come closer if you will," JT said in the same easy  tone.

Izra'il was very slow in her movements but even so the boy gave her  a 
startled look and scuttled around the keep JT between him and her.
"Captain," JT repeated, pointing at his insignia as he held his hand flat  at 
shoulder level.  Lowering his hand slightly he pointed at Izra'il's rank  
sign.  "Lieutenant."

The boy shook his head firmly then pointed at  JT.  "Ca...pt...tain..."
"Exactly," JT said brightly.  He didn't quite smile, remembering how  FRix 
felt about smiles.  Not everyone found them friendly.  He  gestured to Stan and 
Steven.  "Private."

Again the boy shook his  head.  Only one could be called Captain.  Just like 
there was only one  little boy called Jck in the mines and only one called 
Wllm.  How could  there be two called Private?  What kind of people stole 
someone's  name?
"Swiftwind," JT said pointing not to his rank but simply to his chest, just  
over the spot where his tattoo was.  "Captain Swiftwind."

Glancing  nervously at the pale woman, the boy pointed to himself and 
whispered, "Jck..."  his voice cracked, the syllables hard to form around a 
He knew there were alien languages where there were sounds no Human could  
make but it seemed that, in this case, there was simply a letter missing.   
"Jack?  Is that your name then?"

The boy nodded, creeping closer to  the man again.  In a hollow, broken 
sound, he whispered, "J...Jack...   M... Menzies..."
"Welcome then, Jack Menzies," JT told him.  His eyes not leaving the  boy, he 
added, "Mr. Striker, could we get our young guest here something warm to  
wear please?  I think if he was less distracted by the cold, we might get  

"Sure, Cap," Steven said softly as he bounced off, followed by  a pair of 
distrustful brown eyes.

"Pr... Private St...riker..." Jack  mumbled.
"Exactly and you're Jack Menzies." JT nodded then looked up at  Izra'il.  
"How old you think this guy is?  I can't tell."

"By  his physical structure I would estimate approximately eight for a Human 
child,"  the nurse informed him.
"And when I was eight, I was runnin' around the res with my little brother,  
learning to ride horses from my dad," he said with a sigh.  "Jack, this is  
Nurse S'Erienetae.  She's fixing my arm."  He patted the bandaged limb  for 

"Nurse... S... S..."  He shook his head then peered at  his arm.  That name 
was far too complicated to say.  But at least she  had a name.  She wouldn't 
take his from him.  It was the only thing he  had that was his alone.
"Jack, anyone who has the name Nurse can help you. They can make you feel  
better.  Will you let Nurse S'Erienetae help you?" JT asked.

"Iz,"  she whispered as she crouched down to his level, no longer towering 
over  him.  Pointing at herself, she repeated, "Iz."

The boy nodded.   "Iz..."  He approached her slowly, carefully, all the time 
keeping his eyes  open to run if he needed it.
"It's okay, Jack," JT assured, even as he watched the Marine and other  
children out of the corner of his eye.  "Iz won't hurt you.  I tell  her not 
It was oversimplified and he knew that he'd probably hear  about that later 
but he wanted it understood.  The nurse was there to  help.

He trusted Captain.  He wasn't sure about the lady but she  seemed soft.  
He'd seen some of the other boys who had ears like her.   But none had blonde 

"I simply wish to make sure you're healthy,"  she assured him.
"Healthy is good," JT stated.  "Healthy means good and strong: like Iz  here, 
like me."  He nodded at Stan and Private Kammere.  "They're  healthy, too: 
big and strong."

The little boy nodded, his eyes staring  all around as the woman knelt at his 
side and took out a strange device that  hummed when she waved it at him.

Izra'il frowned then nodded.   "Malnourished but otherwise healthy.  He needs 
suppliments but he can take  solid food.  I would recommend one of the 
doctors verifies my assessment  before he is given anything stronger than a 
weak tea though."
"Any sign of that infestation they have topside?" he asked.   "Anesthetic or 
not, those things start crawling out and they'll go off  again."

"None," the nurse nodded.  "The child is clean.  I  would suspect that these 
children have learned by observation about such  things."
"Alright then here's what we'll do.  I'll have the company set up beds  and 
bring some tea, at the least, for everyone.  They can be comfortable  and rest 
til one of the docs come down."  JT gestured for Kammere to come  over.  The 
lanky Marine stopped short, watching Jack warily.   "Private, take three others 
and set up a small MASH like we had the last  time.  I want the rest of you 
to assist the nurse here with whatever she  needs and keep an eye on our young 
guests here.  Calm now doesn't mean  permanently."

Jack stared up at the new man.  He was tall and  staring right at him.  Jack 
stared back, hard.
"Put your eyes back in your head and do as you were ordered, Private  
Kammere," JT said in the same tone.  Even still it left no doubt but that  it 
was an 
"Aye, sir, right away," Kammere said sharply, pivoting on his foot to do as  
he was told.  Creepy little kid...

"Captain," Jack croaked as he  kept his eyes on the man.  "He is..."  what 
was the word?  Jack  couldn't remember what the word was.  He knew the mine 
word, but not the  standard word any more.  He shrugged, waving his hands 
"M....  mean..."
"Who?  Private Kammere?  No, I think he's as afraid of you as you  are of 
him," JT said quietly.  "Big people get afraid, too."

The boy  shook his head and pointed at JT and then at Izra'il.  They weren't 
afraid,  he could tell.  They were sad, the woman especially.  She didn't look 
 it but she felt it somehow.  Like her heart was breaking.  He used to  hate 
knowing what people felt.  But it added to his survival skills.   He knew when 
one of the other boys was going to hurt him so he could hide.   But now, he 
felt their care, the strange people.
"I'll tell you a secret.  Private Kammere will behave because he's  afraid of 
me.  I'm his boss.  I'm not mean but he has to do what I say  or he gets in 
trouble," JT said in a mock whisper.

"Secret..." he  frowned.  What was one of those?
"It means something we know but we don't tell others," JT told him.   "Well, 
Iz will know but we can trust her."

Okay, he understood  those.  Like when he had some food and snuck it to one 
of the weaker  ones.  They wouldn't tell and neither would he.
Kammere returned with the requested equipment and the four set to laying  out 
the cots, complete with blankets.  "You each will have your own space,  no 
sharing the cots unless you want to and there will be enough to drink, and  
eventually eat, for everyone."

Steven wandered back too, his arms full of  clothing.  "I tried to get enough 
for them all, but I didn't know what  sizes, sorry sir."
"That's fine, Striker.  Sort them out by size for them.  Jack, my  friend, do 
you and your mates here know how to dress?"

Jack nodded.   He supposed he did.  He imagined he knew.  Maybe some of the 
little  ones didn't but he couldn't work out how to make the man know.
"Don't worry.  These Marines get dressed every morning.  They  taught them 
that at boot camp," JT said dead pan.  "Y'all can learn to  dress like a 

Steven set out the clothes as best he could then  picked up a set for the kid 
the captain was talking to.  "Here," he siad  softly as he put down the shirt 
and pants.  "Kid looks exhausted,  Cap."
"That they do, Striker."  JT stood up and held a hand out to  Jack.  "You 
want to help help your friends, Jack?  I need you to tell  them something."

The boy nodded.
"I know you boys have your own language.  Tell them what I told you  about 
the clothing and the cots.  Tell them that they're safe.   Nobody's getting 
sold, beaten, or harmed."

Jack nodded again.  He  tottered away, found one of the smaller ones and 
crouched down to whisper in his  ear.  The little boy stared up at him then 
at JT and Iz.  Jack  gave him a reassuring nod.  The kid scampered away to 
whisper in someone  else's ear and so the word spread.
JT rubbed the bridge of his nose, forgetting that his arm was injured then  
swore softly when it reminded him.  "I think we're going t'have to draft  Jack, 
Nurse," he said wryly.  "He's very helpful."

"I believe that  would help the boy," she said softly, sad eyes watching him 
skip from group to  group.  "He is so young...  They're all so young..."
"Like I said: when I was that size, I was horse back riding and  
fishing...tossing my brother in the river..."  JT shook his head.   "What are 
they going 
t'do with them all?"

"If they cannot find families,  I would guess that they will relocate them, 
find them foster families,  orphanages," Izra'il shrugged.  "Places warm and 
Orphanages made his skin crawl, thinking of ones that were hundreds of  years 
in the past, where children were stripped of their cultural identity so  
they'd fit in.  "Education..."  JT shook his head.  "Would they  do DNA 
and maybe find their genetic families?"

"I honestly have  no idea," she admitted.  "I am not a Federation citizen, I 
have not been  educated here.  In the Empire, they would possibly do that.  
Assuming  that those who had found them had mnhei'sahe."
"The suggestion will go in my report," he said with a thoughtful nod.   "The 
Cheyenne might've done that years ago and I know mine would today if they  
knew someone was ours."

"I would hunt until the end of my days if one of  these children were mine," 
she whispered sadly.  Pale eyes stared at the  deck plating in front of her 
eyes.  "I would..."
"Even if they find out, a lot of people aren't going t'want them," he  
muttered softly.  "They have their own culture but most people aren't going  to 
it civilized."

As Jack scampered back, Izra'il gave the boy a  rare, soft smile and reached 
out.  When he let her touch his cheek, she  brushed his matted hair from his 
face.  "Then most people are veruul who do  not deserve such gifts."
"Jack, my friend, I have a job for you, work to do but you don't even have  
to leave this place to do it.  Would you like to help us out?  Be an  assistant 
Marine?" JT asked, smiling softly.

The boy nodded as the lady  stood up.  He watched her withdraw and he frowned 
when she moved to help  another boy.  "She is sad."
"Yeah, she is and so am I," JT admitted.  "Out here, children are  cared for: 
nurtured and cherished.  When I was a little older than you, do  you know 
what I was doing?"

Jack shook his head.
"I was playing with my brother, riding horses, and getting spoiled by my  
grandparents.  I was wanted and loved.  That's why we're sad, because  all 
children should be loved and wanted," he said wistfully.

The Captain  was speaking about things Jack had no concept of.  Horses, 
brothers,  grandparents.  But he understood the sadness in the man's eyes so he 
leaned  forward and patted JT's hand very lightly.  "We live," he said  
JT hmmphed softly, almost to himself.  Hearty little guy, isn't  he?  He's 
the one who needs help and here he is consoling the adults.   He grinned at the 
boy then.  "Yes, yes you do and now you'll get the  experience of fresh air 
and freedom."

Again concepts he wasn't entirely  sure of so he simply nodded.  They sounded 
like they should be good things  so he tried for a smile.  It lit his whole 
face up.
At that, JT had to grin.  "My friend, I know you don't understand yet  but 
the girls are gonna love you.  You're a fine lookin' guy."

Jack  simply shook his head, a bemused smile on his face.
"And very helpful.  One day, you'll understand what kindness  means.  You're 
giving it out and you don't even know it.  It's a good  thing," he assured the 

Izra'il came back with a small cup of  lukewarm tea that she set on the floor 
next to Jack.  "Drink it  slowly."

He sniffed it then sipped it, staring at her all the time.   His nose 
wrinkled as he set it on the floor.  It tasted weird to him.
"Dare I ask what's in this?" JT asked, eyeing the cup.

"A very weak  ceylon tea," Izra'il said, her eyebrows raised.  "What did you  
expect?  Some poisonous Romulan concoction?"
"No," he said dryly, "nor did I expect any paranoia from you but that's a  
whole other story.  I just had an idea is all.  Watch."  He  picked up the same 
cup and sniffed it again before taking a sip, his eyes on  Jack the whole 
time.  "It's not that bad."

"Of course it isn't,"  Izra'il huffed, her eyes growing a little wider as the 
boy shuffled over to JT,  took the cup back and sniffed it for himself again. 
 He took a sip then  settled down to drink it.
"It's not my usual taste.  I'm a coffee man but that went to a good  cause 
after all so..." He shrugged and nodded at the boy.  "Old military  and 
political tactic, you know.  Take the drink yourself to demonstrate  trust.  
maybe, the others'll go along a bit more easily."

"It  is a good job that you did not ingest too much of it," the nurse mused  
ruefully.  "Much of the content is for strengthening weak bodies.  I  doubt 
you need much strengthening, Captain."
At that, JT laughed brightly.  "Well, I hope not but you never  know."

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  • » [USS Tempest] The Playground from Hell