[USS Tempest] SoS 'ej puq

  • From: TKilyle@xxxxxxx
  • To: usstempest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 06:31:41 EDT

SoS 'ej  puq*
by Empet, Nat  Lynley, Roberta Dashman, Kaine, Cassiel Calhoun, Hamish Ross, 
& Lindsey  Craig  
*Mother and Son
The tall Klingon woman towered over  her accompanying staff, her chain mail 
and fur cloak flowing around her as she  stormed up to the airlock that 
currently held the USS Tempest to DS9.   Pausing only briefly to glance at the 
communication panel, she stabbed at  it.  "I am General Empet, daughter of the 
of Topian and Chief  Ambassador of the Klingon people.  I demand access to 
your  ship."
Upon hearing the sharply worded  demand, Nat wondered if offering to spell 
the comm officer while she grabbed  lunch was still a good idea.  He opened the 
comm and offered his best,  most polite smile.  "Good afternoon, madam. I'm 
Nathaniel Lynley, the  captain's aide and the crew liaison.  If you would be so 
kind as to tell me  why you need access, I'll see what I can do to arrange 

"I demand to  see my son," she said sharply, her dark eyes fixed on the 
Human's.  "Kaine,  son of Tren.  Either bring him here or let me  on."
Perhaps someone needs to take into  account the throng of families that will 
be on station, Nat thought  ruefully.  "If you'll be patient a few moments, 
General, I'll see if I  can't find the gentleman," he said smoothly before 
putting her on hold.   Nimble fingers tapped his comm badge.  "Yeoman Dashman, 
Mr. Tren with  you?'
"Yes, Chief, he is," came Roberta's  reply.
"Excellent.  Could the two of  you come up to the bridge?  There's a message 
waiting for  him."

Kaine stared at Roberta with a confused expression.  "What can  that be 
about?" he mused, giving her a cuddle as he creaked to his  feet.
"I have no idea," Roberta admitted,  "but I wouldn't be too worried.  The 
chief would say if there's something  wrong."

"Lead the way then, Cliodhna," he chuckled.  "My addled  brain is too soft to 
remember directions any  more."
By the time Roberta and Kaine reached the bridge, the  relief comm officer 
was back, allowing Nat to greet the two at the lift  exit.  He offered Kaine a 
smile.  "Ah, Mr. Tren, it's good to see you  again.  I've got a somewhat 
impatient lady waiting on the line for  you."

"A lady?" he asked, still puzzled.   "Who?"
"Perhaps we should step into my office," Nat suggested ,  nodding toward the 

Kaine nodded, taking Roberta's hand and holding  it  tightly.
Nat sat on the edge of his desk as Roberta and Kaine   filed in.  "Now that 
we've got a bit of privacy," he said, "why don't you  have a seat and I'll tell 
you who I've got on hold.  Lovely lady but she  seems a might...hmm...shall 
we say, firmly charactered."

"Firmly  charactered?" Kaine asked, a sinking feeling in the pit of his  
"I expect she'll be thoroughly angry with me: your mother,"  Nat admitted.

Kaine instantly pushed to his feet, span around and headed  for the door.  
"Tell her I died.  Tell her my honour is in tact.   I don't want her to see 
this.  I don't want her to be near  me."
"Kaine, stop," Roberta pleaded.  "She's your  mother."
"I will certainly not lie to the lady, sir," Nat said in a  firm but kind 
tone.  "Roberta is quite right.  She wants to see her  son."

"No," Kaine said even as he stopped.  "Her son died.  He  died a warrior's 
death protecting his father.  This is just a shell.   See? It's not a  lie."
"Listen to me, my young friend," Nat said as he stood in  front of Kaine, 
looking up at him.  "I do realize the lady is Klingon an  therefore not the 
as my own mother but I can categorically say that all  mothers have something 
in common: they want their children to live well.   Did you live well or as 
well as you could?"

"I do now but not then,"  Kaine said in a harsh voice.  "You don't  know..."
"Shall I refer her to HoD Kadir or Dr. Calhoun for answers  as to that then?" 
Nat asked.

"Do as you like, just don't make her see this," Kaine said sadly, trying to 
get past Nat.&  "I don't want her to see  this  shell."
"I am not making  her do anything.  I just believe a mother would listen 
rather than just  look.  I cannot believe you come from such shallow stock," 
replied, not  budging an inch.

Kaine hissed angrily, wrapping thin but strong fingers  around Nat's collar.  
"Careful,  Human."
Roberta stared wide eyed.  The  chief was deliberately provoking the man.  
She wasn't sure who needed the  protection more: Kaine or the chief.  
"I'm always careful, my friend," Nat  said easily.  "I  repeat my prior 
statement, though.  Is the lady  so shallow souled that she would judge only on 

The hiss  became a growl and Kaine started to shake with restrained violence. 
 "She  is honourable, Human.  More than can be said for  you."
"As you wish, Mr. Tren.  If she  is that honorable then you have no reason 
not to see her: as one warrior to  another." Nat  retorted.
"Chief, shut up," Roberta hissed  urgently.

Thin fingers wrapped around Nat's throat and squeezed.  "I  am not worthy of 
being seen, Human.  Stop pushing this.  Leave it  alone."
Nat took a very slow breath.   The man might have lacked strength but what 
little he had was quite  considerable.  "I'll ask once more, sir: is the lady 
poor a warrior that  she judges allies and enemies by appearance alone?"

"She is not," he  hissed.  "Do not dare even imply it again or I'll kill you 
where you  stand."
"Then give the woman credit and  stand before her as the warrior Roberta sees 
you as," Nat rasped.

Kaine  threw the human back with disgust, slumping onto a chair in 
exhaustion, panting  softly.  "This," he gasped, "is why.  I can barely stand, 
let alone 
be  a  warrior."
Nat staggered back a step or two,  rubbing rather carefully at his neck.  
"I'm going to need a decent ale  after this," he muttered softly.  Then he 
straightened out his uniform  shirt with a pass of his hand and sat in a chair 
across from  Kaine. Roberta, it seemed to him, had been struck silent.  "Talk 
me, Kaine," he said, using the man's name finally.  "What I see is a man  who 
did his duty to the best of his abilities in the circumstances that he was  in. 
 I've heard quite a bit about you from the others and not one of them  has 
maligned your status as a warrior.  In fact, you ought to hear what HoD  Kadir 
said about you and Roberta."

"What did he say?" Kaine asked softly,  raising tired wary eyes to Nat.  
"Good that the Hybrid finally found  someone to take care of him?  If he even 
breathed that she's not ever inch  the strongest woman then  I'll..."
"Nothing of the sort. I was  referring to what happened before you were all 
freed.  I heard how you  protected the weaker when you could, used your 
strength to help your fellow  prisoners," Nat began, his voice a bit scratchy.  
looked Kaine dead in  the eye.  "And it was your idea that Dr. Calhoun ease 
one warrior's  suffering so that he could die a warrior and not be sent to 
Gre'Thor.   That, my friend, is the mark of a man who is not only a brute 
 That  is the mark of a warrior, who thinks of the whole picture and not just 
His eyes flicked toward Roberta and  he almost smiled.  "As for what he said 
about Roberta...I'll tell you  later.  It wasn't anything terrible but it is 
also something I would not  repeat in front of a lady."

Kaine's lip turned up in a snarl but he  nodded in acceptance of the 
compliment.  "Then send HoD Kadir to see my  mother.  She would be more pleased 
him as a son or a  surrogate."

Empet paced.  All of her aides ducked for cover as she  made another turn in 
front of the airlock, her cloak lashing around her like a  whip.  "How dare 
they keep the Klingon Ambassador waiting," she  yelled.  "There will be 
repercussions for  this!"
"Oh I think not, Kaine," Nat said,  shaking his head.  "Shouldn't a warrior 
sing his own  praises?"
Finally, Roberta added in her own  two cents, still wondering if Nat had 
completely lost his mind.  "Kaine, it  isn't boasting to take credit where 
credit's due but there's something else  involved here, too.  How can I steal 
away from your mother if you  aren't there?"

"Then don't steal me," he said simply.  "Take me as I  am."
"I already have, Kaine, but I'd like  to meet the lady," Roberta said as she 
reached to take both his hands.  "I  want to tell her what a fine son she has."

"You're both determined," he  sighed, laying a gentle kiss on Roberta's 
knuckles.  "I suppose we should  get it over  with."
"Please?" she asked softly before  laying a kiss on his cheek.

Again, he sighed but then nodded to  Nat.  "Go on then, let her aboard.  
She's probably worn a hole in the  carpet  outside."
"Or quite possibly throttled the  guards at the airlock," Nat said with a dry 
chuckle.  "One moment  then."  He tapped at the open comm connection and 
offered the ambassador  his easiest smile.  "I do beg your pardon for the 
madam, but I  wanted to make sure that my own office would suit Mr. Tren's 
needs since he has  none of his own at the moment."

Her eyes sparking, Empet rounded on the  console.  "Do not beg, little man, 
simply open this airlock before I do it  with my bare hands."

"And don't think she won't," Kaine muttered from  off-screen.
Laughing would have been even more  suicidal than provoking Kaine had been so 
Nat bit the inside of his cheek to  keep a straight face.  "Of course, madam. 
 I'm sending the  authorization to the guards now.  One of our Security 
officers will escort  you here."

The moment the doors opened, Empet was through them and  storming on ahead.  
She ignored the Security guard, they were  irrelevant.  All she wanted was her 
son, nothing  else.
Nat was tidying his desk up, not  that it needed it, when a frantically 
beeping text message popped up on his  screen.  He looked up at Kaine and 
"It seems the lady  general is full steam ahead and left her escort in the 

"Sounds  like her," Kaine grumbled, hanging his head between his  knees.
"Hang in there, my friend," Nat  murmured while Roberta simply rubbed his  

Whisking into a turbolift, Empet called out  for it to take her to this 
Lynley's office.  Her arms folded, she glared at  anyone who dared make the 
stop on its way there.  Her irritation like  a palpable field around her, she 
exploded out of the lift and descended on the  room, knocking  hard.
"Not one for door chimes I see," Nat  said as he stood up.  Rubbing at his 
neck where he was sure there were  bruises forming, he strode to open the door. 
He didn't dare smile at the  woman but he did offer her a respectful nod.  
"Madam Ambassador, I'm sorry  our escort was not up to your liking but welcome 
aboard the  Tempest."

"Where is he?" she demanded.  "Where is my son?  Why  do you keep him from 
me?"  Her piercing eyes darted around the man in the  doorway but the people 
inside she didn't recognise - another Human and a walking  skeleton...  With 
horror, more at herself than anything, she realised  who that skeleton was.  
Colour drained from her face and she pushed past  Nat.   "Kaine!"
Roberta could feel the tension in Kaine and slipped her arm around  him.  An 
angry mother, never mind an angry Klingon mother, wasn't something  she really 
wanted to face but there was no way that she'd leave him alone.   He needed 

"My son," Empet rasped, kneeling down on the floor at his  feet.  Warm hands 
clutched at his cheeks, horrified at how thin he  was.  "We did this to you."

Fear and pain filled eyes met his  mother's as he shook his head.  "The 
Dominion did this to me.  Get  up.  Powerful warriors do not kneel before the  
"No, a  mother might simply be grateful for the return of her warrior son," 
Nat murmured  from the spot he'd retreated to by the door.

Empet lifted her head to Nat  and nodded without saying a word.

"Please," Kaine asked, all but  begging.  "Get up.  Don't kneel before me.  
I'm not worthy of  that."

"And what has my son done to be unworthy of my love?" she asked  softly, 
staring into his  eyes.
Roberta kept her silence but she squeezed Kaine's hand gently, willing  him 
to be strong.  This first step was so very important.

"I killed  him," Kaine replied in deep grief.

"Killed..."  Empet paled even  further but didn't let go as she worked out 
who 'he' was.  "The Dominion  killed your father.  Powerful warriors do not 
blame themselves for things  beyond their scope of influence."

"I'm not powerful," he replied in a  whisper.

"You're more powerful than you know.  You live," Empet said  simply.  "My 
only son lives despite everything.  And he's a brave and  strong man to stand 
and admit that he lives.  You do live, don't  you?"
"I  sincerely doubt a dead man or a coward would have had me with my feet 
dangling  off the deck," Nat said bemusedly as he rubbed at his neck and the 
bruises it  had acquired. 
Roberta looked up at Kaine and added, "No dead man loves me like you do  

Love?  Empet glanced over her shoulder to the slip of a  Human.  Well, slip 
compared to any decent sized Klingon woman.  But  right at that moment, she was 
irrelevant and to be dealt with at a later  time.  Right now she needed her 
son to look at her.  "Kaine, son of  Tren, do you love your father?"

"Yes," he said, colour touching his  cheeks.

"Then behave like you honour him.  Stand tall and look me in  the eyes," she 

Slowly, he raised his eyes.  His mother was  staring at him as if he was her 
son.  For some reason he couldn't fathom,  it chilled him inside that such a 
strong woman, someone who had known the old  Kaine, could see him as he was but 
know he would be as he should.

"There  now, are you going to introduce me to the woman who claims access to 
our  house?"

Roberta supposed she should have behaved as a Klingon woman would have  and 
shoved herself in the lady's path but that wasn't right.  Not  yet.  But 
neither did she shy from her gaze.

"Cliodhna," he asked,  lifting his hand to beckon her close.  "My Cliodhna, 
this is my mother,  Empet of the house of Topian.  Mother, this is Roberta 
Cliodhna Dashman,  the woman I intend  marrying."
"I thank you for raising such a  strong warrior son and I will do honor to 
him," Roberta said steadily.

"I  know you will," Empet said with certainty.  "If you do not, you will 
answer  to me.  He may be a warrior but he's still my  son."
"Madam, I am in no way old enough to  be Roberta's father but she has been my 
yeoman for a good ten years or so.   Believe me, I think you'll find her 
worthy of your house and your son," Nat  stated, the smile coming back into his 

"I have heard of you,  Warrant Officer Lynley," Empet told him after settling 
her dark, hard eyes on  him.  "You're an honourable  man."
"I'm honored to hear that, madam,"  Nat said quietly.  "I couldn't have done 
half of anything I did without  Roberta's help.  She's a wonderful lady."

"High praise," Empet said  smoothly, flowing to her feet and pulling up to 
her full, impressive  height.  "When do you intend marrying?"

Kaine flushed and  groaned.  "Let us enjoy each other a while before having 
to go through all  of the..."

"Boring old tradition?"  Empet sniffed in  amusement.  "My son has never been 
the true blooded Klingon in all senses  of the  word."
"Of course not.  He's part  Trill," Roberta stated, smiling up at Kaine, 
reaching to tickle to spots she  could reach.

Frowning at the slight giggles that started from the  tickling, Kaine clasped 
her hand in his and kissed it.  "You'll never let  me get too serious, will 
you,  Cliodhna?"
"Not when you smile like that--no,"  she said pertly.  She looked at Empet, 
careful not to smile showing teeth,  and said, "The other Klingons speak so 
highly of him but I don't need to hear  it.  He's shown me how strong he is on 
his own."

"What do they say  of my son?" Empet asked  proudly.
She squeezed Kaine's hand lightly  before beginning.  "They've said the same 
things to the chief here,  too.  I've been told time and again how Kaine 
protected the weaker  prisoners from the JemHadar or took their work for them.  
it was his  idea that a fellow warrior be allowed to die like a warrior 
rather than from the  injuries that were inflicted upon him.  There was no 
available so  Kaine asked another prisoner to do what he could."

"A warrior's death for  a warrior," Kaine said gruffly.  "No wasting away 
like a weakling  invalid.  He fought and died bravely."

Empet's heart roared with  honour at her son.  How could she not be proud of 
him and overjoyed to have  him  back?
"That was HoD Kadir's brother," Nat  said quietly.  "He's rather grateful 
that his brother won't be in  Gre'Thor." 

Kaine just grunted but Empet turned and nodded.  "If he  had been mine, I 
would be grateful that my own son was where his father  is."
"Apparently Xenexian's have a  warrior's ethic as well.  Dr. Calhoun did what 
was right," Roberta  said.

"Is he the man who has taken care of my son?" Empet  asked.
"Yes, he is," Nat  offered.  "He was the CMO of a Starfleet ship before he 
was captured and is  now our CMO.  I understand he was quite pleased to see 
Kaine when Roberta  took him to Sick Bay to visit."

"I would like to meet him, I wish to  thank him for taking care of my son," 
Empet declared.  "Take me to  him.   Now."
"Are you quite certain that you  wouldn't rather have the captain escort 
you?" Nat asked carefully.

"Now,"  Empet growled to Kaine's deep  embarrassment.
"As you wish," Nat said as he headed  for the door, "but I do have to warn 
you very strongly about something.   Don't startle the man.  He doesn't deal 
well with that."

"Do I look  like a fool to you, Warrant Officer?" she asked, her eyebrows 
disappearing in  her chain mail  headdress.
"Ah, no, madam, you certainly  don't," Nat said with a straight  face.
"I certainly hope there aren't any  loose chairs in the room if that 
happens," Roberta said softly to  Kaine.

"Could be quite amusing to watch," Kaine said with a sick  chuckle.  "She is 
imposing but smug at times.  It would be nice to see  her brought down to the 
level of real  people."
Cassiel had long since perfected the  art of sleeping while standing up but 
it had become an art form for him in the  camp.  There was, thankfully, nothing 
going wrong for the moment so a few  seconds of rest would do no harm.  He 
was even calm enough to allow his  perpetual escort a moment to eat lunch out 
his sight.

Empet followed  wordlessly as she was led to the Sick Bay.  Her eyes swept 
across the many  filled beds and a rare moment of horror and pity took her.  
threw it  aside as foolishly Human and instead saw them as seasoned warriors 
returning  safe from a long and weary battle.  "Show me the man," she said  
"The tall blond haired gentleman in  the warrant officer's pips over by the 
main console," Nat said quietly, offering  a quick smile to one of the men who 
was awake.

Empet thanked Nat and made  her way toward the man.  "Dr Calhoun?" she asked  

Strange voices.  No!   They've come for me.  The freaks and that crazy big 
eared bastard...Cassiel  had his hand wrapped around a tricorder and was poised 
to strike before his eyes  were even open. He halted the instrument's progress 
bare inches from  Empet's head before he awoke.  
"Are you insane?" he snapped.   "You could have ended up dead!  Gods that was 
stupid."  His arm shook  with the restraint of not following through, the 
tricorder still poised to  strike.

Dark eyes glanced up at the tricorder then down to where she held  a knife 
near his throat.  "No, I would not."  Empet smirked at the  young man as she 
resheathed her knife.  "Your reflexes are impressive  though."
Bright hazel eyes glanced down at the knife as it went back in.   Lax, 
C'ss'l, you were lax.  No, not true, there were no women there.   Still...  
"All the 
more to kick M'k'n'zy's ass when I see him.  Who  are you and what are you 
doing in my sick bay?"

"My name is Empet,  daughter of the house of Topian and mother of Kaine, son 
of Tren.  I am  here to see the sort of man who saved him.  You are..."  She 
looked  him up and down but snorted.  "Not entirely as I  expected."
Cassiel realized that Kaine was there, too, and tossed him a friendly  wave.  
"Never saw a Xenexian before, did you?" he asked casually, ignoring  the fact 
that his heart was still pounding in his chest.  Not a  ghost.  A man.  
H's'l'ng's man. 

"Once or twice.  I've met  your M'k'n'zy," she said,  pronouncing it 
perfectly.  "He impressed me only marginally more than  Picard once  did."
"I hope you took a good  look at his face because it isn't going to look that 
way when I'm through with  him," Cassiel told her with a smirk, slowly 
lowering the tricorder.  He  also realized that Nat was there too but shrugged 
off.  If the captain  wants to yell at me, she can.  Stupid to startle me that 
way.  "Good  thing I'm not out to impress anybody then, eh?"

Kaine snorted with  laughter, leaning heavily on Roberta to stop from falling 
over.  "It's hard  work impressing my mother, friend.  She's a hard  woman."
Cassiel grinned.  "I'm pleased  to see you laughing, my friend," he said, his 
eyes bright with amusement.   He stared up at Empet and said, "That's a good 
man you have there, ma'am.   I'm proud to call him friend."

"And I am proud to call him son."   She placed a hand on his shoulder and 
stared into Cassiel's eyes.  "Thank  you."
"It was an honor, ma'am.  I'd apologize about the  tricorder but, well, I'm 
not sorry," Cassiel said with a careful  smile.

"As would I for the knife but again I shall not and for the same  reason," 
Empet laughed deeply.  "Come, have a drink with us.  Just  something soft.  I'm 
no fool to think I can feed my son up no matter how  much I want  to."
"I think we could both do that..  Just one moment, though," he  said.  
Tapping his comm badge, he added, "Renatus, topside if you  will.  I'm taking a 
"About time, damn it," came the hissing reply.

"Where is there  decent drink?" Empet  asked.
"The only civilized tea  on the ship is in my office," Nat said mildly, "but 
otherwise the lounge is  quite well appointed."

"Which ever is best," Empet said.  "Just so  long as the coffee is strong and 
Roberta sniffed in amusement at the  look on Nat's face.  "The chief doesn't 
drink coffee, ma'am.  I think  the lounge would be a better bet."

"No..."  Empet shook her head as  if something were stuck in it.  "Heathen  
"So I've been called many a time though I do hope you will  excuse me, madam. 
 I'm meant to be on duty," Nat said with a slight  bow.

"I am a high ranking Ambassador," she said, "and a General who has  served 
her people for longer than you have drank tea, Warrant Officer.  I  would 
respectfully suggest that this is your duty.  Or would you rather run  back to 
Captain and tell her  first?"
"I would never run, madam," Nat said with a straight face, "it isn't  
dignified but I concede your point.  Though, if you'd like Captain Craig to  
join us, 
I'm certain I can ask her to."

"Yes, I believe I would like to  meet the woman who has caused such stirs in 
the Alpha Quadrant without even  being here," Empet nodded.  "Go and find your 
captain, we will be in the  Lounge."
"If you  will excuse me a moment then," Nat said, striding off to find her.  
Once he  was out of Sick Bay, he ducked into the nearest briefing room. 
"Lynley to  Craig.  Captain, I do apologize for the short notice but we have  

Lindsey tapped her badge and lifted her eyes from the reports  on her desk.  
"Company of what kind,  Nat?"
Nat coughed softly, both to clear  his thoughts and to give his neck a break. 
 "Ah well, a now slightly more  mollified Klingon mother, Lindsey, that being 
General Empet.  The lady  demanded to see her son."

"Damn," she sighed.  "We got any more high  rankin' parents or relatives of 
those  folks?"
"Not that I'm aware of but one never  knows.  Believe me, she was quite vocal 
about seeing the man  immediately.  Roberta is escorting her and her son to 
her lounge and she  would like to meet you," Nat replied.

"I'll be there in five minutes,"  Lindsey said.  "Just got one more thing I 
gotta  do."

Roberta  looked up at both Kaine and Empet, happy to see them together, then 
tugged  slightly on Kaine's hand.  "Follow me.  I know where everything is on  
this ship by now."

"She is my compass as well as my anchor," Kaine  laughed softly, following 
her easily.

The look in her son's eyes soften  some more of the worry Empet felt.  After 
finding the craft with everyone  dead except her son, who simply wasn't there, 
she believed he had been taken and  tortured or killed as an example.  He was 
clearly weak but there was  something in him that shone and it brightened 
Empet's hope just a  little.
"You  must have left for DS9 as soon as you got word then, ma'am?" Roberta  

"Of course, how could I not?" Empet  asked.
"You never know.   I've heard a few of the men worry that their families 
wouldn't want them or  forgot about them," Roberta said  sadly.
Her comm badge chirped  just then.  "Lynley to Dashman.  We'll be with you in 
a few minutes,  Yeoman."

"Brave woman, your Captain, to keep me waiting," Empet  observed.

"Mother," Kaine warned in a soft voice, "don't stir things  here.  I like 
these  people."
"And Captain Craig really is very  brave," Roberta added.  "You have no idea 
how hard it is for a woman to  become a ship captain, even in this day and 

Empet snorted at the  woman.  "Has my gender missed your observation?  My own 
people are  still very patriarchal.  Not to mention having to deal with yours 
in  council."
"With the exception of this one here," Roberta said as she  squeezed Kaine's 
hand, "and Chief Lynley, I'd have to agree with  you."

"Kaine has been raised with a deep respect for women," Empet said  smoothly.  
"If he didn't exhibit it, he would answer to me."

"And  that would probably kill me right about now," Kaine observed with a 
soft  snort.
Roberta smothered a snort of laughter and led them into the lounge.   It was 
full of Fleet personnel as well as freed prisoners.  A few of the  latter 
greeted Kaine with waves as they entered.

Hamish waved to his  friend, ushering them over to his table where he sat 
nursing a tea that he  wished was a whisky and waited for his love.  "You have 
guests, Kaine," he  called.
"Mr. Ross,  this is General Empet, Kaine's mother and the Klingon 
ambassador," Roberta said  as she led the group over. 

Beaming brightly, he nodded to everyone as  they joined him at his table.  
"Call me Hamish," he said  cheerfully.

"Hamish Ross," Empet said softly.  "Son of Fleet Admiral  Ross?"

"Aye, that's me," Hamish said.  "Got to get used to being  Malcolm Ross's son 
again.  It's been a long  time."
"Would you prefer we just refer to  you as the funny talking one?" Cassiel 
asked with a smirk and a teasing glint in  his eye.

"Whatever works for you," Hamish laughed brightly.  "You  could call me the 
Scot or Hamish or Robert the Bruce for all I care so long as  you don't call me 
a  number."
"No," Roberta said softly as she  laced her arm around Kaine's waist, "no 
numbers for any of you.  You all  have names to be proud of."

"Aye, that we do," Hamish agreed  easily.
Roberta gently nudged Kaine toward a seat.  "Don't  anybody get up.  I'll 
take any drink orders."

"You serve him when  he's capable of serving you?" Empet asked with a  smirk.
"No,,"  Roberta said steadily, "it's an honor as someone who will be his 
wife, to serve  guests in his House. Well, the situation being what it  is..."

"Ha!  Men are there to serve," Empet laughed as she watched  Kaine rise 
again.  "Oh sit down, boy.  Sit with your woman."  The  tall Ambassador rose to 
feet and pushed Roberta to a seat.  "I will  serve this  time."
"I like her,  Kaine.  She's got a seriously strong personality," Roberta  

"She is my mother and I love her," Kaine said.  "I have been  embarrassed by 
her many times but not now.  I thought...  I expected  her to hate what I  am."
"H's'l'ng would like her," Cassiel  mused.  "Xenexian women are just as 
strong that way and still  beautiful."

"Women are strong no matter the race," Kaine said as he held  Roberta's  hand.
"Do you know how many men, of any species, would have  trouble agreeing to 
that?  People think the chief's got something going  with Captain Craig on the 
side because he works for her.  He'd have a fit  if he heard that, too.  
They're just good friends," Roberta said, lowering  her voice slightly.

"Is he not with the Chief Engineer?" Kaine asked,  trying not to get 
confused.  It frustrated him when his mind couldn't  follow even simple  things.
"He is but some people have nasty little minds," Roberta told  him.
"Pretty thing she is, too," Cassiel stated, "but she's no  Xenexian."
"Ah, no, I think she's Human," Roberta told him.

"Not as beautiful  as my Cliodhna," Kaine agreed.  "There are none to rival  
Cassiel looked at the  two other men sitting at the table.  "My friends, when 
we are all three  back to better health, I say we toast to beautiful and 
strong women who make  life a better place to be..  That includes lovers, 
and  mothers."

Both Kaine and Hamish nodded, smiles on their  faces.

"Aye, we should set a date for it, that way we can't pull out,"  Hamish  
"Now lets see about that," Cassiel  began.  "You all really think my 
physician brain isn't warring with the  Xenexian brain that wants to go out 
to beautiful women?"

"About  as much as my common sense wars with wanting to toast to my lovely 
Cliodhna,"  Kaine  chuckled.

Cassiel grinned and leaned  forward slightly.  "I hear even the noisy one has 
himself a wife.   D'you suppose even Vulcans might toast a family?"

"Oh definitely," Kaine  nodded, smiling over as his mother came back with a 
tray of drinks, shortly  followed by the Captain sauntering in.

"Ambassador," she said easily,  "Doc.  How's y'all doin'?"
"Captain," Cassiel said  brightly, hazel eyes dancing as he eyed Nat 
following behind her, "we were just  talking about you."
Inside Roberta cringed.   Xenexians were sometimes known to have rather 
perverse senses of humor.   She hoped that the doctor wasn't about to exhibit 
right now.

"Oh?"  Lindsey asked, her eyes twinkling.
"We were going to add you onto  the list of beautiful women to be toasted," 
Cassiel told her.
"I should think Captain Hale  would be glad to join that one," Nat stated.

Lindsey's cheeks flushed  bright red and she laughed deeply.  "Well now, I 
think you're right,  Nat.  Don't think John'd be too happy if y'all toasted me 
without him  there."
Cassiel noted the sudden flush  in the woman's face and held his tongue.  
Fortunately, he had a bit more  tact than some others of his race but his eyes 
were still dancing merrily.   "How about you, Chief?  Would you join us?"
"In Rosemary's honor, I most  certainly would, though I'd prefer a decent ale 
to Klingon blood wine," he said  mildly.

"Heathen," Empet grinned.  "Do the women get to toast their  men?"
"Actually I believe the last  word I was called was 'sassanach', madam, and 
the gentleman would no doubt  agree with you," Nat said, barely able to 
restrain a smile.
Roberta glanced up at the  captain then at Empet.  "I don't see why not, 
ma'am.  Blood wine would  be fine for me."

"Works for me too," Lindsey laughed.  "Hamish, you  got yourself someone we 
can toast you with?"

Hamish grinned.  "Aye,  Sorcha, she's the most beautiful..."

"We covered that," Kaine  laughed.
"And agreed to disagree,"  Cassiel added.
"Smart move," Nat said, finally  cracking the smile.

"I can see this is gonna get complicated," Lindsey  chuckled.
"I'll explain it to you later,  Captain," Roberta said carefully, unable to 
look Nat in the eye.

"You do  that," Lindsey nodded, accepting the coffee one of the servers 
handed  her.
Cassiel smiled slightly,  watching Kaine with his mother.  His sister was the 
only one he had left on  Xenex and he'd been afraid to even think about 
contacting her.  Gods, she  could be dead...he shook his head as if to clear 
thoughts and bring himself  back to the room. 

Kaine pinched between his eyes for a moment to stem  the tide of weariness 
that had started to grow.  It frustrated him that he  didn't have the stamina 
other men his age, even his father would be more  spritely...  Letting out a 
soft sigh, Kaine closed his eyes and forced  himself to stop thinking of the 
man.  He'd managed it so far.  If he  thought too long, he'd suffocate in grief.
"You know, General," Nat said as  he sipped the tea the waiter brought him, 
"when you get back to Earth, you ought  to visit my brother-in-law's pub in 
London.  He might even be persuaded to  stock warnog and blood wine."

"There are many pubs in London," Empet  said, her eyes drifting to where her 
son swayed gently in his seat.  "And  many of them stock Klingon ales, even if 
they are poor reproductions or bad  imports."
"Madam, please," Nat said with  mock affront, "you've obviously never met 
Alfred.  I should think that the  name of the place would be a hint as to its 
libations.  George's Dragon is  named for the patron of our country and the 
mythical beast he slew, though maybe  it wasn't mythical."

Empet snorted again, raising her eyebrows at  Nat.  "There are many pubs 
called the George's Dragon in London  also."

"How," Kaine said softly, "would you know that, mother?"

"I  enjoy Human culture, it fascinates me.  One of my current guides is an  
Englishman," she explained.
"Yes but only one of those is  located in Bromley and has had the honor or 
infamy to have me three fourths  passed out on the back table," Nat said with a 
dry chuckle.  He offered  Lindsey a curious look.  "I never have found out how 
you found me  there."

"Really?" Lindsey asked innocently, taking a sip of her  coffee.  "Guess it's 
just one of life's lil mysteries, huh?"
"Quite," he said with a fond  hmmph.
For a moment, Cassiel found  himself wondering about Roberta's prior comments 
about the relationship between  the captain and her aide but something else 
caught his attention.  "Hamish,  my friend, you have the luxury of your own 
nurse," he said with a mischievous  grin, "but Kaine and I have a cranky EMH.  
We've got orders to get scanned  or we get confined to quarters.  I don't like 
arguing with Renatus.   He gets damnably obnoxious."

"Scanned?" Hamish asked, frowning.   "Right this minute?"
Cassiel gave the Human a look  that said 'shut up and trust me'.  "This is 
the same lizard who went and  tracked me down when I was with H's'l'ng the 
time," he said with a  smirk.

"Best do as he says then, friend," Hamish said, still  frowning.

Kaine blinked, not quite realising they were referring to him  as his head 
fogged and he swayed more violently.  Empet caught him quickly,  set him 
straight then sat back, her dark eyes full of worry.  "Do you need  help 
getting my 
son there?"
Cassiel's common sense warred  with the need to protect his friend's honor 
and dignity.  He made a slight  motion across the room and almost smiled as a 
Marine slowly sauntered  over.  "I don't think so, ma'am.  I'd be pleased to 
allow the use of  my personal escort," he said as Stan finally made his way 

"I'm  fine," Kaine said softly, trying for his feet but swaying again.  
"Really,  I'm fine."
Cassiel put a steadying arm at  the bigger man's shoulders, surreptitiously 
eyeing Stan to make sure he did the  same thing, and leaned in closer. 
Whispering just for Kaine's ears, he added,  "Yeah but we have to look good for 
ladies, don't we?  And I wasn't  kidding about Renatus, that cranky SOB.  The 
chief's lady programmed him  perfectly."

Kaine grumbled a bit but didn't say anything else, even when  his mother 
followed them out.

"Take care of my son," she  warned.
"Of course," Cassiel told her,  not even bothering for a smart remark.  "He's 
my friend and he's also  earned the right.  Come, my friend, leave us find 
that damned cranky  lizard."
Nat made a small shooing motion  at Roberta, indicating she could join them 
then looked at Empet.  "You  needn't fear, madam.  The good doctor's only 
joined us recently but I think  the captain might agree that he's been more 
than up 
to the task of keeping an  eye on Tempest and her guests."

"When he returns to Qo'noS with me he  will have the best doctors I can find 
to see to him," Empet said softly,  watching her son steered away.
Nat hmmphed softly.  He  hadn't thought about it but he realized that he 
might very well lose Roberta's  presence when Kaine left the ship.  He couldn't 
see her leaving the man.  

"There is a problem with my intention to take care of my only son?"  Empet 
demanded as she turned to stare at the Human.  "He is still a warrior  who 
deserves a hero's welcome to his home."
"Ah, no, ma'am, there's no  problem at all.  It merely just occurred to me 
that your son's return home  would mean my losing Roberta," Nat explained 
carefully.  "She's a wonderful  assistant and she's been with me for years."

"Why would she leave you?"  she asked, staring hard.  "She is in Starfleet.  
There are regulations  to prevent people simply leaving on whim, are there 
not?  Besides, Qo'noS  is a hard place for non-Klingons to be.  My husband 
have told you  that.  He was one of the rarer people who could put up with 
Klingon  behaviour and not be offended."
"Why?"  Nat cast a glance  at Lindsey.  Surely she understood why.  "The why 
of it would be a  rather simple answer, General.  Roberta clearly loves the 
man and I know  she would ask for leave to go with him and I, personally, would 
grant  it."

"What for?" Empet pushed.  "Good assistants are very hard to  come by.  
She'll get over Kaine, forget him and be fine."

Lindsey  frowned as she sauntered over.  "You don't sound like you care too 
very  much 'bout what your son wants, ma'am."

"I want him home where he  belongs."
"My grandfather is quite fond of  saying that we worry about what children 
will become and forget what they  already are.  I do believe Roberta sees him 
a grown man," Nat  murmured.

Empet glared at the insolent man, her eyes flaring up.   "Why should I not 
baby my son?  Doesn't he deserve it?"
"You've not once referred to him  as a grown man, madam," Nat said steadily, 
wondering why he was looking to get  throttled for the second time in a day.  
"Even if I am her youngest, my own  mother refers to me and treats me as an 

"He is my son," she  snarled.  "My only son.  I have no other and, until but 
a few days  ago, I thought I had none at all.  I defy any mother to wish to 
take care  of her child when she believes they have been lost to them, even 
"And he is still a grown man,  madam," Nat said steadily, not looking away 
from her fierce stare.   "Something that was denied to these gentlemen for 

"Sounds more  like it's what you want rather than what he wants that 
matters," Lindsey  observed easily, silently glad she wasn't the one being 
pierced by 
those  eyes.  "You gonna let the guy think for himself for the first time in 
five  years?  Or you just gonna turn his home into a spittin' image of that  

Empet paled but she turned to glare at the Captain.  "How  dare you insinuate 
that I have nothing but my... but Kaine's interests at  heart."
"All due respect, madam, but I  believe he respects you too much to tell you 
that he may disagree with  you.  A caged bird will sing but it may be because 
it's all he has to do,"  Nat added.

"And what, pray tell, would the wisest people in the Galaxy  recommend I do?  
Leave him? Run back to Qo'noS?  Forget I got him  back?"
"Make the choice his?" Nat asked  simply.

"And if he chooses to stay here?" Empet pushed.  "Will you  just click your 
fingers and let him stay?"
"That would be Captain Craig's  decision, madam," Nat told her.  "I merely 
sort out her  paperwork."

"We need a Klingon Ambassador," Lindsey said slowly after a  moment's pause.  
"You think of someone to fit that bill, Nat?"
"Ah, well, it ought to be  someone with some prior experience, don't you 
think?  Someone used to  dealing with the multitude of Federation and 
non-Federation races aboard  ship?"

"Someone who's been in the GQ before, maybe?" Lindsey asked  idly.
"That would help most  assuredly," he mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"Alright!" Empet  huffed.  "I will speak to my government.  If they allow it, 
Kaine will  be assigned here as a minor Ambassador.  Nothing more,  
"Captain, do you suppose the  gentleman will take the office?" Nat asked.

"I hope so, it'd be good  t'have someone like him on this ship.  He's a good 
man.  Should be  proud of your son, ma'am."

"I am," Empet sighed.  "But I seem to  have lost him a second time."
"No, ma'am," Nat said  gently.  "Perhaps you've only made the bond stronger.  
You know he's  alive and on his way to being  well."

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