[USS Tempest] "Appearances Are Deceiving"

  • From: "Miranda Craig" <mirandacraig@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <usstempest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 18:48:08 -0400

"Appearances Are Deceiving"
Admiral Paula Sullivan, M.Captain  Euginie Roux
Guest Appeance by Will Riker

Will sighed as he straightened his uniform then settled himself in front of his 
comm-unit. With odd familiarity, he typed in the code for the Admiral on DS9, 
silently hoping it wasn't Fishler anymore.

Tapping the connection button herself since her aide was seeing to some 
personal issues, Paula looked up from padd she'd been working on. The sight of 
the man on the screen made her smile fondly. "Well isn't it our reluctant 
Captain Riker. Calling to give back that fourth pip so soon?"

"No, I think I'm getting comfortable with it," he chuckled, his blue eys 
dancing. "It takes some getting used to."

"Wait until they start boxing them." Paula laughed as she sat back in her 
chair. "So what can I do for you Captain?"

"Just a heads up, really. There's an interesting woman headed your way. She's 
not your usual type of officer. Found her in the Neutral Zone in an escape pod, 
badly in need of medical attention and a decent meal." Slowly, he explained 
about the woman. "Romulan operative by the name of Tyee t'Sen. She used old 
codes to get access but they checked out. She's looking for her daughter and 
she's trying to keep a few steps ahead of the Tal'Shiar."

A perfectly plucked silver brow slowly raised. "Do they still count her as a 

"Not exactly," Riker sighed. "Maybe more of a refugee. I get the impression a 
war is coming and it's not going to be pretty."

"They never are, Captain." The silver haired woman sighed. Why would anyone 
think they'd be granted a time to fully recover from the Dominion and then that 
freaky clone. "How soon can I expect her?"

"No more than an hour," he said. "And don't expect a Romulan either. She'll be 
a tallish, pretty woman with dark eyes and blondish hair, name of Euginie Roux."

Again the silver brow sprung up. "Your sending me an undercover Romulan?"

Will grinned rogueishly, "Fun, eh? You'll like her, she's a bit strange but an 
interesting lady."

Paula laughed. "Strange and interesting lady, perfect fit for my bunch. Thanks 
for the heads up, Captain."

"Not a problem, Riker out."

Barely a moment later, the chime rang out.

Paula blinked at the sound of her office chime. "Come." She ordered and then 
blinked again at the woman who entered. "Well I'd say that was far less then an 
hour. I'm guessing your Euginie Roux my Romulan in Human drag."

The Marine that marched in blinked once but that was her only sign of surprise. 
"Ma'am," she inclined her head. "I take it Captain Riker has already spoken 
with you."

"Not more then a moment ago." Paula replied as she got to her feet and walked 
around to the other side of her desk. She leaned against the edge, palms 
pressed against it at her sides, and looked the woman over. "So your a marine 
and a captain at that. Hmmm.. Now, what to do with you. Riker said something 
about a daughter?"

"She was bundled off on a Galae vessel due to a misunderstanding. One of the 
operatives believed I had died, he thought it was for the best to save her. I'm 
not even sure she's alive. All I know is that the Rihannsu did not find her, so 
she reached Federation territory without detection." 

As a mother of daughters herself, Paula could sympathize. The woman must be 
scared to dead under all that calm. "Do you know who took her to our ship?"

"I didn't even know she'd reached a ship," Tyee admitted.

"What do you know other then she was wished away?" Paula asked as she moved to 
pour them tea. 

"She was placed on a ship belonging to our Ambassadors. It spends most of its 
time milling about in Federation terratory so I assumed she's here somewhere. I 
don't even know where the ship is."

Paula groaned loudly at that. "Are these Ambassadors sisters by chance?"

"That's them," Tyee said darkly. "Obnoxious creatures."

"Ticks on a bloodhound, those two." Paula nodded and then turned to hand the 
girl some tea. "Ticks who at present making pests of themselves with one of our 
sovereign class ships." 

Tyee was about to sip but the cup froze on the way to her mouth. "Which one?"

"The Georgetown." Paula answered. 

"Is there... any word of a young woman?"

Paula shook her head. "Georgetown's on an assignment that limits communication 
at the moment. The last word I know of reported the approach of your 
Ambassadors' ship as well as that of a Klingon ship. I've been toying with the 
idea of sending a ship under my command to even the odds so to speak."

"If you do, can you assign me?" Tyee asked almost desperately.

"They do have several unfortunate opens in their battalion. It should be 
doable." The Admiral replied. 

She almost sagged with relief. "If you don't send it, I'll need some other way 
to reach the Georgetown."

"We'll work something out." Paula reassured her.

"Thank you, Admiral," Tyee whispered, finally sipping the tea. "And to think, 
Captain Riker warned me I would be dealing with a rather obnoxious man named 

Paula had to hold back a cringe and growl. "If you'd have come any sooner you 
might have."

"Five months I've been searching," she admitted. "It's a long way from ch'Rihan 
to hear, I don't think I could have moved any faster if I'd tried."

"Then you've come at just the right time then." Paula smiled. "Hopefully your 
closer to finding your daughter."

"I pray," she nodded.

Stepping back behind her desk Paula turned on her terminal and started tapping 
at it's screen. A moment later she handed a padd out to the girl. "I've 
assigned you quarters here on the station. As soon as I know what I'm doing 
next I'll let you know. I need to speak with my ship's captain before I plan to 
far ahead."

"I understand, thank you, Admiral." Tyee took the PADD and read it over, 
handing it back.

Paula offered her a warm smile. "I'll be in touch. Try to relax a bit. If you 
do get sent along with Tempest, you'll not get a chance to after."

"I can work hard, Admiral, we're not as soft as you all seem to believe," Tyee 
assured her evenly. 

"Never thought you were my dear." Paula reassured. "Which is a good thing given 
where those ships are heading."

Tyee simply raised one brow but didn't question further. The lady seemed to 
like giving just a little bit too much away. "I will return when you summon me."

Paula nodded. "Dismissed then."

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  • » [USS Tempest] "Appearances Are Deceiving"