[USS Tempest] Angels Taking Wing

  • From: TKilyle@xxxxxxx
  • To: usstempest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, ussgeorgetown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 15:48:50 EST

Angels Taking Wing
by Rosemary Le Beau, William Worthington, Nathaniel Lynley,  Seren Deaver, 
Tawa Pax, Betsy Braddock, Eislin Rissa, & Dal Disir  

Rosie practically bounced on her toes as she  stepped into Georgetown's Sick 
Bay, her smile as bright as it always was.   No, of course he wasn't one of 
her 'cousins' but it was so good to see somebody  from home, good to see 
Xavier kid.  "Yoo hoo, anybody home?" she  called softly.

There was a flutter of wings and suddenly a form dropped  from the ceiling 
with a beaming grin on his face.  "Rosie," he whispered in  his fluting notes.
She laughed brightly at the motions.  She  could tell it was startling some 
of the staff but, to her, it was perfectly  normal.  "I see you're still here.  
I was afraid you'd taken off on a  tour of the ship," she teased, her hazel 
eyes shining.  "Give the staff and  Security fits an all."

"I like flying," he said cheerfully.  He  flashed teeth newly cleaned at her 
in a grin.  Flapping his wings lightly,  he fluted.  "Freedom!"
"God but you're as pretty as your daddy  is."  She meant it as a statement of 
fact.  Nat was the only man she  would ever lay eyes on but she could admit 
that Warren looked just like his code  name.  "How are ya today, handsome?"

"Bored..." he admitted.   His grasp of words wasn't bad now, much better than 
it had been when he'd been  saved, but he found sentences confusing so he 
liked using the shortest he could  get away with.  "Lonely."
"Well how 'bout a trip?" she asked brightly,  still bouncing on her toes.  "I 
want you t'meet somebody and that'd be down  on the station."

William shook his head, now tilted to the side, as he  frowned at her.  He 
had a vague recollection of what 'station' meant but it  was fuzzy and distant. 
"It's a manmade planet so to speak," she  explained.  "Except it's enclosed 
like a ship.  It's just a heck of a  lot bigger than this ship or mine.  Kinda 
like a floating city."

Oh  cities he knew.  He remembered cities.  One in particular with his  
father holding him tightly and sweeping him up to the heights, the feel of the  
wind on his face, the little buildings and people below.  His wistful look  
became sad and he frowned.  "New  York..."
She didn't want to get his hopes up.  She  hoped his parents would be down on 
the station but Warren had been in such an  all fired hurry (not that she 
blamed him the least bit!) that she hadn't been  able to find out their transit 
information.  "Don't worry, sweetie, you'll  be back there soon enough.  Right 
now, though, this particular city is Deep  Space Nine and my friend 
Nathaniel's there.  He's been wantin' to meet  you."

New people.  More new people.  William eyed her warily  but he supposed that 
if this person was a friend of Rosie, he couldn't be so  bad.  He nodded 
carefully and folded his wings against his back so he could  pull a coat over 
and hide them.
"You going out like that?" she asked  curiously.  "You don't have to hide 
those wings, honey.  They're  beautiful and anybody with a smart mouth is going 
t'get more than they bargained  for if they say anything."

William stopped mid-motion, his mirror eyes on  Rosie's and he shrugged.  He 
could go out without, he supposed.   "You... don't mind?"
"Mind?  William, as some pushy but well  meaning lady we both know once said, 
we are who we are and we shouldn't have to  hide it.  I'm through with hiding 
what I am.  We're in this together,  handsome," she told him.

He nodded and dropped his coat on his bed.   "Okay... ready..."
Tucking her hand around his elbow, Rosie  steered her charge toward the exit. 
 On the way, they passed the same  Vulcan with the oddly bright blue eyes.  
"We're just taking a stroll down  to the station.  Is that okay?"
"Certainly, Lieutenant," Seren said.  He  offered William a smile.  "Careful 
spreading those wings down there, my  friend.  There are a lot of support 
beams and poles."

William nodded  at him and tucked his wings even tighter against his back.  
He could keep  them firmly behind him, he would never hurt someone  
"I think he meant if you decide t'fly,  darlin'," Rosie said in a mock 
whisper to which Seren nodded.

William  nodded again but kept them tucked in.  He still wouldn't risk  it.
"Alright, on our way then: the little angel  and the little rogue," Rosie 
said brightly.

He kept close to her side as  they moved through the ship, being sure to 
watch everyone who past them.   He tried not to stare but it was all so 
fascinating.  He'd only been out of  Sick Bay a few times to go to the holodeck 
so he 
hadn't really seen much of the  ship and new he was staring like a  tourist.
"This ship's a lot bigger than Tempest," Rosie  told him as she headed for 
the level that would take them to the air lock.   "Pretty snazzy for such a big 
thing, don't you think?"

"Pretty," he said  softly.  It wasn't as sleek as he remembered his father's 
ship being but it  beat the hell out of the last ship, the garbage scow that 
had taken him to the  mines.
As they approached the airlock, Rosie caught  sight of one of the guards on 
duty from Georgetown.  Well, now, isn't he  interesting looking.  Can't say as 
I've ever seen green AND spots  before.  "Lieutenant Le Beau, Ensign," she 
said simply.  "My friend  and I are going stationside."
Tawa nodded.  "I got word from Mr. Deaver  already so no problems," he said.  
He smelled of citrusy curiosity as he  peered at William.  "Now that is 
really neat, if I might say.  I've  seen you in Sick Bay, friend, but I never 
realized how big those wings  were.  Very neat."

William blushed and tried to hide behind  Rosie.  "Thank you," he whispered, 
his eyes flicking up before returning to  stare at the floor.
"Any way, glad to see you up and about," Tawa  said as he waved them through. 
 "You and Mr. Eislin's kid are the only two  still around I think."

"No orphanage," he said softly and in slight  panic.
Tawa shook his head vehemently.  ""Not  for her and not for you, friend," he 
said with a smile.  He nodded at  Rosie.  "The lieutenant'll make sure of that 
I  bet."
"Damn skippy straight about that," Rosie said  emphatically.  "This dear 
boy's one of my own, an Xavier kid just like  me."

William nodded but kept behind Rosie, staring at Tawa as if he might  change 
his mind any minute and force him to an orphanage or worse, back to the  mines.
"Have a good day then, both of you," Tawa said  with an easy smile.  Goddess 
but Humans were  fascinating...
Rosie waited until they were in the tunnel  leading to the door on the other 
end to look up at William.  "And people  say mutants are strange sights?  I 
can't say as I've ever seen a fusion  quite like him."

"Green," he murmured, "like the trader..."  The one  who'd taken him, stolen 
him from his parents, sold him to the mines, to the  stinking dark.  He 
shuddered and shrank even further behind  Rosie.
Rosie squeezed his hand slightly.  "It's  alright, William.  We're safe here. 
 Even if he is a little odd  looking, that one's one of the good guys.  You 
saw the spots?  Means  he's part Trill and they're definitely alright."

He nodded and held  tightly to her.  "Trill," he whispered.  "Pretty  spots."
There was less security on the other end of  the airlock.  A very bored 
looking Bajoran waved them past, barely even  making note of William's wings.  
There was someone waiting, though, he did  see them and his eyes widened  
"Magnificent!" Nat said with soft awe as he  approached.

William tried his best not to flinch.  He offered the  man a small smile and 
stretched his wings out slightly.  He let out a small  fluting.
Nat grinned and held out his hand.   "Hello there, mate.  The name's 
Nathaniel Lynley and I've heard a lot about  you from my Rosemary.  I'm pleased 
finally meet you."

William  peered at the hand curiously and took it with more than a little 
care.   "William," he whispered.   "Worthington."
"Nathaniel is Captain Craig's aide and the  crew liaison, William," Rosie 
said, smiling at Nat's genuine pleasure in meeting  the young man.  "He's also 

"You're marrying?" William  cooed, his eyes dancing happily as he embraced 
her  tightly.
It was like being embraced by his father's  namesake Rosie thought as the 
wings and arms enfolded her.  Giving him an  equally affectionate embrace, she 
looked up and said, "Eventually we certainly  are but it'll have to wait until 
we can have enough time to be on Earth.   We want all our families there after  
 He nodded, he could understand.   "Earth?  Is it... still  beautiful?"
Keeping her arm around him, Rosie  nodded.  "It still is, honey.  Before I 
stepped onto Tempest I was  home at the mansion and in New  Orleans."
"And I was in London," Nat added, "and New  Orleans.  I'm certain things will 
seem strange but they are indeed still  beautiful."

He wanted pretty things, like flowers and trees and birds  singing.  He'd 
guessed he wouldn't be going to the mansion because he had  no idea how to read 
or write, though he was sure he had once known how.   "Home," he whispered.
"Soon, honey," Rosie said softly.  
"You know, William, there's a lovely arboretum  here on the station.  It's on 
the way to the civilian docking area and  there are rather high ceilings," 
Nat said with a calculating look in his  eye.  "I'm sure if you were careful of 
the trees, the lady in charge  wouldn't mind if you, ah, stretched out a bit."

"Fly?" he asked in  hope.
"I don't see why not," Nat said, glancing at  Rosie, who gave him a shrug.  
"Who knows, we might meet some interesting  people there."

William smiled shyly.  He wondered what interesting  meant when  applied to 
people.  He supposed he wasn't interesting  enough to be interesting.
"This way, then," Nat said with a smile.   "The lady in charge likes me any 
way.  She says the plants know I'm good to  the ones at home."

"Plants?" William asked softly.  "Green things  with flowers..."
"Green and blue and red...William, the plants  from other planets are in this 
arboretum, too.  Ms. Monroe would love it,"  Rosie told him. 

He bit his lip and frowned.   "Monroe?"

"I bet you'll remember her more from her code  name: Storm.  She's Lexie's 
mom," Rosie told him. 

Then William  grinned.  "Aunt Ororo!"
"That's her!" Rosie chimed.  "She'll be  another one to go flying with and 
maybe now you remember just a little about her  greenhouse at the mansion."
"The lady can fly?" Nat asked  carefully.
"And without wings no less.  So's my  mama," Rosie told him pertly.

"Aunt Marie," William nodded.  He  could remember them, like he remembered 
Rosie, it was other things he was fuzzy  with.  He'd dreamed of the Xmen all 
throughout his time in the Mines,  knowing that the next day was the day they'd 
save him.  They never  had.
When they  arrived at the arboretum, Nat stepped in and offered the Bajoran 
lady there a  warm smile.  "Madam, my young friend here is new to the station 
and I  promised him it was probably high ceilinged enough in here that he could 
stretch  his wings without a problem."
The woman  blinked.  It was clear that she had never seen someone like 
William  before.  How odd...an avian species.  "Of course, child," she said  
smiling up at William.

With clear relief, William spread his  wings out to their full and leapt from 
his feet.  Several large flaps and  he was sweeping out across the arboretum.
"That is  absolutely magnificent," Nat said in a softly awed voice as he 
looked up,  following William's path.  
"Isn't it,  though?  His daddy's just as pretty that way," Rosie replied as 
she slipped  an arm around his waist.  "Nathaniel, did you manage to find out 
when his  folks are getting here?"

He should have been more aware but the act of  flying to freely freed his 
mind as well and William let out a high pitched cry  as he performed a loop.  
This was what living was about!

Betsy would  have jumped ten feet in the air if she hadn't felt the presence 
of two mutants  so close, one of which was achingly familiar to her.  Dark 
purple eyes  searched the ceiling of the arboretum and she finally found her 
nephew and felt  tears in her eyes.

"William!" she called out.  "Sweet  William!"  She was laughing, giggling and 
crying like a silly girl and  nothing like the Lady Braddock she was.

William heard the voice and let  out another joyful cry as he spiralled down.
"Betsy!" Rosie  cried with a smile as she reached to hug the other woman.  
"Did you bring  everyone else?"

"I was off-world on Betazed when I heard and so Erik flew  me here himself," 
Betsy said after hugging Rosie.  "Apparently he had  business on Bajor, though 
I suspect Magneto is softer than he makes  out."
"He did?"   Rosie asked, wide eyed.  "That old sham."  She shook her head in  
amazement then nodded her chin up at William.  "Isn't that just the most  
miraculous thing you've ever seen?"

"Wonderful enough to make a woman  cry," Betsy sniffed, thoroughly unashamed 
that her mascara had run a  little.  "My Sweet William.  Warren and Paige are 
on their way.   They said a day more tops.  All to do with space traffic and 
permits.   I think Warren's broken every law going just trying to get  here."
"I'll smooth  things over if it becomes a problem," Nat said mildly.  
"Commander Vaughn  and I go back quite a long way."
"Is there  anybody in Starfleet you don't know?" Rosie asked with a fond 
smirk.  Of  course he knew the current commander of the station.
"No, my dear,  there probably isn't," came the smug reply.

"Use all of the connections  you can get," Betsy laughed.  Her purple eyes 
took in the older man but she  smiled and offered her hand.  "Betsy Braddock.  
You must be Nathaniel,  the one who's making Rosie's poor grandmother spit 
nails."  Then she  winked.  "Good for you."
Nat took the  proffered hand gladly, noting the strength of the grip.  Good, 
he told  himself.  "That would be me, Nathaniel Lynley at your service.  It's 
a  pleasure to finally be able to meet some more of Rosemary's family and  

"It's good to hear a voice from home," Betsy observed.   "Nice to know Rosie 
had the taste to fall for a good, old fashioned Brit."   She pursed her lips 
and narrowed her eyes.  "I'd say a Londoner...   South of the river...  South 
East, but with a cultured accent so...   Bromley way?  Maybe even further into 
"Oh now that's  very good," Nat said, his eyes dancing with amusement.  "When 
I first met  Rosemary, she picked out London simply because I sounded a bit 
like the head  master of her school."  He offered Betsy a slight bow.  "I am 
most  certainly Bromley born and raised.  My brother-in-law will tell you that  
his pub is the headquarters for the Crystal Palace fan club."

Betsy gave  him a wry grin.  "I'm more of a Chelsea person myself," she 
chuckled.   "Our family home is in Essex, just round from you though in the 
civilised North  of the River."  She gave Rosie a wink and shook her head, "A 
standing  tradition.  We northerners consider those southerners as heathens and 
vice  versa."
"He's not too  bad, Betsy," Rosie teased gently, smiling up at Nat.  "Even if 
he does  sound like the Professor.  Which reminds me, Daddy didn't come back 
from  anywhere talking about busting any place up, did he?"

"Busting?" Betsy  shook her head slowly.  "I've been on Betazed for quite 
some time working  with some of their teachers for dealing with a particularly 
gifted psi-talented  girl we recently took in.  She was with me but I left her 
with Erik."   Which still made Betsy edgy.  He'd taken his helmet off and let 
her scan  his thoughts but it didn't help that she knew he was adept at hiding 
things that  only Charles or Jean would be able to see.  "Where would Gambit 
have been  busting?"
"His  brother-in-law's pub," Rosie said with a smirk, pointing at Nat.  "It 
seems  him and Uncle Logan were going to go over there and see what sort of 
baseline  I'd gotten myself mixed up with.  Nathaniel kinda neglected to warn 
anyone  that they were coming."

"So long as they had lots of that watered down  swill Logan drinks, he'd have 
been fine," Betsy laughed brightly.  "He  likes American beer," she told Nat, 
her nose wrinkling.  "I prefer my real  ale, especially as Braddock Manor 
rents out part of its lands to a small  brewery.  They even brewed a new ale 
my wedding.  Ever had a  Wildcat, Nathaniel?"
"Can't say as I  have actually.  I'm rather partial to Hobgoblin.  During the 
war, the  barman on my station used to get in especially for me," he  

"That's the Kentish Man coming out of you," Betsy  laughed.  "Wildcat was 
named for my wife.  Psylocke was named for  me."
"I've been quite  well behaved on this voyage.  I do believe the next visit 
home will have to  make up for that," Nat said with a smile.  "Any brew name 
after someone has  great potential."

"I'll ask them to name one for when you get married  too, Rosemary," Betsy 
told them both, her eyes dancing.
"Tell them to make  one for William," Rosie said softly.  "Not that he's old 
enough to drink  yet."  She ignored Nat's politely hushed snort at that.  "I 
think he  deserves the honor, though."

"A Sweet William," Betsy said with a  smile.  Her eyes started to fill again 
and she had to dab them with her  hanky.  "My sweet William.  The poor thing's 
going to be spoiled when  he gets back to the mansion."
"Believe me,  Betsy, he'll deserve it.  It gives me nightmares seein' what 
those poor  things were like that were on our ship.  William was on Georgetown 
and the  only reason I knew that was because some doctor there hoped my being a 
mutant  would make it more likely that I knew him."

"Probably more likely than he  even realised," Betsy sighed.  "If you hadn't, 
just a call to either the  mansion or Erik would've confirmed it."
"Fortunately, the  rank and file of the Fleet is more sensible than most of 
the brass," Nat  grumbled.  "The wrong sort would have made him a pariah."

"But he  had our Rosie," Betsy smirked as she put an arm around her friend 
and sort of  adoptive niece.
"He's an Xavier  kid," Rosie said softly.  "We might not all get along and be 
at each  other's throats but he's kin.  And still a sweet kid, too."

William  let out another screech as he flipped and spiralled down to land 
next to them  with a flourish.  "Thanks," he whispered.  "It's fun."

"Hello,  Sweet William," Betsy said softly.  She let Rosie go and opened her 
arms to  William.  When he gripped her tightly, she engulfed him in her arms.  
 "You've grown so handsome."
"Look at that,"  Nat said softly.  "He's a fine young man, Rosemary.  I'm 
certain  there's got to be a good deal of hurt inside but that place didn't 
destroy  him."
"Thank God," Rosie  agreed.  "I still want to know how he ended up there.  
It's not  right."

"It's not," Betsy agreed as she cuddled the boy tightly.  "I  think I will 
ask some questions with some people I know.  Maybe even see if  Erik knows 
something."  She doubted Magneto would have anything to do with  this, he at 
respected all mutant life, he would never destroy a child like  this.
Disir tugged on  Rissa's hand, making him chuckle a bit.  "Calm yourself, 
child," he  said.  "The flowers will be there."  He couldn't really bring 
 to scold her, though.  The girl had perked up so much since Chailin had let  
her stay with him and Elizabeth that he hated to temper the  enthusiasm.
"I know," she said  brightly.  "It's just so pretty..."  Her words trailed 
off as she  rounded a bend in the path.  The boy with the wings!  She hadn't 
seen  any boys, except, very small ones, in all her time in the slave camp but 
she  knew the winged boy had come from there, too.  "You're okay!" she cried as 
she bounced forward, grinning widely. 

William tried not to flinch at the  loud noise but when he saw who it was, he 
grinned just as widely.  Stepping  back from Betsy, he nodded shyly.  "You 
too.  Your dad?" he asked, his  eyes flicking to Rissa.
Disir smiled shyly  up at Rissa then looked back up William.  She shook her 
head and said, "No  but he will be.  Rissa and Elizabeth are going to adopt  

"Adopt?"  He shook his head, he didn't understand.  "My  Dad and Mom are 
coming...  I think..."

"Of course they're coming,  sweetheart!" Betsy told him firmly.
Rosie watched the  older Bajoran man curiously.  He was obviously old enough 
to be the girls'  grandfather but, in her mind, age had no bearing on fitness 
for  parenthood.  And he obviously adored the girl.  "William, adoption is  
when, for one reason or another, you get an official new family.   Mr...."
"Eislin," Rissa  supplied, realizing Disir, in her enthusiasm, had failed to 
see to  niceties.
"Thank you," Rosie  said promptly before facing William again.  "Mr. Eislin's 
going to make  your friend here his own but don't you worry.  Warren and 
Paige are coming,  sweetie.  If your dad could have flown through space on 
wings of his,  he would have."

"I know," the boy said softly, his mirrored eyes  dancing.  "He's coming to 
take me home."
"Are you Human?"  Disir asked curiously.  "I never saw a Human with wings 

"Of  course he's human," Betsy said gently.  "We're all Human.  We're  
Disir was still holding Rissa's hand.  She looked up at him.   "What's a 
"Someone who has a natural genetic change from the original," Rissa said  
promptly.  "At least that's as I understood it when I heard about that sort  of 
"Wow!  That's so neat," Disir said brightly.  She grinned at  William.  "My 
name's Disir, in case I forgot to tell  you."

"William," he offered shyly.  "Worthington."
This was, it seemed to Rissa, some sort of family reunion that they'd  
happened upon and he realized they ought to get on their way.  "Say,  Princess, 
I do 
believe Elizabeth's waiting on us."
Disir nodded brightly them smiled at William.  "I'm glad you're going  home, 
too, William.  Family is the best."

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  • » [USS Tempest] Angels Taking Wing