<USS Lovisa> The Walk to Adulthood - Occurs just before the 1st Departure from Sivao

  • From: DrizzellaGL0n@xxxxxxx
  • To: usslovisa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, usslovisa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2006 05:59:59 EDT

Editor's Note: This log has  been sometime in being published, but it was a 
labor of love as a few of the  Sivaoans herein are portraits of BELOVED cats I 
have known. Particularly at the  end.
My fellow authors and I NEARLY wrote a novel. I  hope you enjoy our work.
Lt. Drizzella Glon and Counselor Joy Mudd  made the decision to be recognized 
in Sivaoan society as adults and for that  they needed to WALK.  
Being festival season Sretalles would be  expecting new adults to be arriving 
ANYTIME now, but at the moment there was a  party of youngsters readying for 
their own WALK. It made sense to join  them.
Zel approached a young male with the  coloring of a grey Mackerel tabby who 
was packed and impatient to get on the  trail. "Would you have room for two 
more? " she asked, indicating Joy and  herself. The young male looked at her, 
warily," I am FetchesWater to Sretalles.  Why would offworlders want to WALK?"
"For the SAME reason you Walk, to be  recognized as adults," Zel replied as 
she watched a long haired calico female  fold usefuls to be carried. Another 
female, white with tabby patching was  carefully wrapping herbs and what seemed 
to be rolled bandages into a pack.  Into their midsts and THROUGH the 
encircling crowd of interested adults of the  village, bounded a handsome 
silver grey 
tabby, his chin and chest of a lighter  shade with striping. His heart shaped 
pink nose twitched as he looked around the  crowd for something to catch his 
interest. That proved to be food, as an older  female, a pastel Tortie, came 
through the crowd with a haversack of  foodstuffs to give the young female 
packing the herbs. The tabby boy reached to  open the sack and got  cuffed.     
    "Pouncer! That is  for the trip cub!" the pastel tortie said, " you take 
care of distributing this  WhiteEars to Sretalles, else it will disappear in 
the first day."  She  watched her son go over to a younger cub and ask to share 
in what he was eating.  Pouncer got a share that he then hissed at and moved 
away with a growl to  eat.
    "Thank you  PurrsLoud to Sretalles," White Ears said, tying the sack to 
the small rack her  backpack was attached to. Moonshadows to Ennien stood among 
the surrounding  adults reviewing once again the rules of a Walk for Joy and 
    "You get no powered devices, no phasers, comm badges, only medical  
supplies are allowed like sensors. You will be allowed your boots and clothes." 
Zel made up a back rack similar to White Ears' pack and rolled 5 usefuls to  
to it, as Moon had explained they could take as many of the waterproof,  warm 
"Usefuls" as one wanted to carry. 
    Joy balanced her pack, pocketed  her blade and made ready to move out. 
She also visually scoured the ground for  stones of a good throwing size, 
thinking it a good idea to have some with her.  She had earlier shaped a piece 
flint into a cutting edge, that  allowed her to smooth out a staff for herself. 
Zel had finished tying the  usefuls to her back rack, shouldered it and 
adjusted the Klingon knife belt  she wore. Hefting the mek'leth, asked, "Are we 
ready to  go?"
    Each  of the Sivaoan youngsters nodded, shouldered their repsective 
packs,  staff, spear or walking stick. "C'mon! Let's go!" Pouncer exclaimed  
impatiently, tossing pebbles into the bushes. FetchesWater took the point into  
Jungle Trail, when a Ginger Tabby female burst thru the circle of adults,  
"Wait! Wait for me!" She was frantically stuffing articles into a makeshift  
pack, made from a useful.  She bent quickly to grab what items had  dropped.
    "AlwaysLate to Ennien, you are late!" FetchesWater admonished the orange  
striped female, still tucking  things into her pack.
    "I  cannot help it, I wasn't packed!" AlwaysLate ran a quick 'washpaw' 
over her face  as she shouldered her finally together pack.
    "Remember Joy, Zel, no adult will meet  you or help you.  All must 
survive or none are adult," Moonshadows told  them with slightly wilting 
She forced herself to brighten up as she  added, "Take care of yourselves and 
each other.  May you walk in  peace, and arrive as adults."
    "We  will be home on the Lovisa before you know it, Moon," Zel assured 
the moping  Sivaoan. Joy watched as Moon waved to the leaving party and slunk 
away slump  shouldered, "Find your own path Moonshadows."
    The  Walkers left the clearing and headed out into the Jungle, bound for 
Vensre. The  local "Welcome Homes"  set up a great racket in the trees and 
pelted them  with a hail of nuts. " I presume others have studied the 
as  well.."Joy inquired of Zel who had let FetchesWater and Tanglefoot take 
the  lead.
    "I have a basic idea of the terrain from having  looked at the ship's 
scans....I am being courteous letting them take the lead,"  was the reply.
    "Well  enough.  If you lean your eyes left, I will lean right.  Beyond 
this,  I cannot help but feel this is their voyage, not mine," Joy intimated to 
the fit  Argellian woman beside her. White Ears' white ears twitched as she 
listened to  the offworlders' exchange. She wondered about them, but kept her 
own  counsel.
    "Keep up! Keep  up!" FetchesWater called from the front.
    "But we just  started!" AlwaysLate whined from the back. Tanglefoot 
paused to sniff the air  around her, looking very serious, "Keep bickering, no 
doubt the slashbacks will find us more  easily."  Pouncer bounded hither and 
past  Tanglefoot,   
"Slashbacks HA! I will SLASH THEM  First!"
    "You said that about Cloudy sky too, and he bit your ears!"  AlwaysLate 
reminded the silver tabby, who paid her no mind in his continuing  foraging 
search for food. The pink heart shaped nose twitching and inhaling  snuffully 
when he found something of  interest.
    "Why do I feel  like I am back at the Academy?" Joy asked as she walked 
along observing the  Sivaoan cubs' banter.
    "You kind of are,"  Zel replied in a whisper, in a normal tone, 
commented, "This is EXCITING for  me....I am a student of culture as well as a 
scientist being the Xenobiologist."  Zel cut a few leaf branches out of their 
way. The 
path was becoming less and  less defined as their journey progressed. "This 
is the Sivaoan Academy. Just is  TRUE to LIFE," Zel continued.
    "Perhaps.  It  is just that I am going through a negative feedback cycle, 
much as Moonshadows  is.  While this is the case, I am just not sure this is 
true to my life,"  Joy explained. Zel nodded while she continued to hack brush 
and tall grass out  of the way with her mek'leth. "Well...we are engaged in 
the mission now," Zel  stated, "These youngsters are counting on becoming  
    "So they are,  Zel," Joy affirmed, still questioning her own presence on 
this  Walk.
    At sunset  FetchesWater called a halt when they had reached a small 
clearing that seemed a  good place to make camp. White Ears set up and tended 
fire. Pouncer had  raided a GroundBird's nest for eggs to add to the evening's 
meal. Tanglefoot,  Zel and FetchesWater made tents from a number of  usefuls. 
AlwaysLate went  about gathering fruit and roots. Joy chose to gather firewood 
in assistance to  White Ears. FetchesWater also lived up to his name once the 
tents had been  erected.  He had a question of the offworlder Joy, that he 
just had to  ask.
    "You are "all palms" all over, how will you stay warm and  dry?" He 
referred to the fact Sivaoans did have bare palms on their hands as  MOST 
do. Joy smiled as she  replied,
    "I am made in  the image of humans, who make their fur, and take it off 
and on with the  seasons, or a need to wash." FetchesWater gave her a look of 
dubiousness, so she  elaborated, "Do you always need the same amount of heat?  
Always need the  same amount of fur?  There is not only one way." Fetches 
grunted his  acquiesence.
    " I will take  first watch," he announced to the camp.
    "I will take the  second, if you like," Zel chimed in. 
    "I will second all  watches.  My kind do not require sleep," Joy informed 
FetchesWater, who was  still incredulous about the offworlders. 
"We have to trust them  FetchesWater," Tanglefoot said, her ears and whiskers 
forward, reassuringly.  Still not COMPLETELY convinced Fetches nodded when 
AlwaysLate voiced her  concern,
    "You humans are  numbnoses, can you smell danger Joy Mudd?"
    "I have no nose  for night air, but my eyes and ears are better than 
many," Joy replied, "If I  watch to the downwind, while another scents from the 
up, we may be all  right."
    "IF  we get eaten,  I will not speak to you again! " FetchesWater 
laughed, as  evidenced by his looping tail.
    "I shall strive to  cause indigestion, Fetches Water," Joy smiled..

Zel had settled herself beside the fire  listening to Joy and FetchesWater's 
exchange. She was glad Fetches had finally  decided that she and Joy were 
alright for offworlders. She began  cutting one of the usefuls she had packed 
long thin strips. When she had  realized she had forgotten to pack a rope, 
she chose to sacrifice a useful for  that purpose. Soon she found she had an 
audience in Pouncer, who was  ordinarily facinated by food, but the Klingon 
blades she carried had  caught his attention.
    "What are those?!"  he asked, his pink nose STILL snuffling as it did 
around food. Zel picked up the  heaviest blade and explained, 
    "This is a Klingon  mek'leth, about half the size of a bat'leth," she 
laid it down and picked up the  next blade,"This is a dk'tagh."  Zel drew the 
dk'tagh from it's sheath and  the mini blades just above the knife's tang 
out at 45 degree angles.  Pouncer drew back with a slight hiss when the blades 
snapped. "The others are  just balanced throwing knives that my fianc- uh, 
mate gave me, "Zel corrected  herself to a term she knew the young Sivaoan 
understand. She continued  cutting the useful into strips, but nearly 
swallowed her tongue in mirth when  Pouncer experimented with the Klingon blade 
names, sounding like he was having a  hairball.
    White Ears, ever  stoic, tended the fire, but her tightly looped tail at 
Pouncer's language  lessons, gave her away to Zel.  Zel did her best to hide 
her amusement at  the young male by finishing tying the useful strips together. 
Tanglefoot and  AlwaysLate had loops in their own tails while they made up 
"plates" of dinner on  huge jungle leaves.
    Joy and  FetchesWater were conferring about keeping the camp secure 
during the night  and sleeping when AlwaysLate presented them each with a 
of  dinner. Joy mapped in the faint light, the possible paths a predator  
might take to stalk prey with a strong sense of smell. Looking further around  
the camp, Joy marked in her mind the places they would have difficulty against 
 sight defending prey.
    Zel having  completed tying her useful rope, and eaten her share of 
dinner, contentedly  began singing an Argellian camp song. She knew her Sivaoan 
companions would  never forget the tune, so she strove to sing it correctly 
though is had been  years.
    "I think it will  rain tomorrow. We should sleep," Tanglefoot announced.
    " I  gather this is not the river-that-may-be-flooded?" Joy theorized as 
the Sivaoans  headed for the tent.
    "This is not the bad river," Tanglefoot  replied as she let the side of 
the tent flap down.  Joy and FetchesWater  began their watch as the others 
bedded down for awhile. Fours hours later,  FetchesWater lay down while Joy 
Zel up for the second stint of nightwatch.  White Ears took over for Zel not 
long before dawn.
Nothing of consequence occurred until  after the sun had come up.
    Joy came alert to  where a predator had made it's presence known, but 
seemed to have sensed fire  and chose to skirt around it. She did send up an 
alarm that put White Ears on  the alert at the firepit. Tanglefoot, did just 
her name was, as she emerged  from the tent. FetchesWater stepped deftly over 
Tangle as she wrested her foot  from her blanketing useful.  AlwaysLate had 
not yet been seen.  Zel  scrambled from the tent she was sharing with Pouncer. 
strong nudge got the  young tabby moving, but he entered the firecircle 
yawning widely, that showed  his fangs, " 'sit morning? where's breakfast?"
    "Assuming that  that big ball of fire is a sun, I think we can assume it 
is morning," Joy mused,  as the kittens milled about. She rose from her 
post,"Yep.   A  sun."
    "Sounded like a slashback... They may not  come near the fire" 
FetchesWater said, as he threw more flamables on the coals.  White Ears stirred 
coals further to have what Fetches threw on ignite  faster. AlwaysLate finally 
came out of the tent dragging her  feet, and her spear end along the ground. 
looked toward the sound, briefly,  then away from the sound.
    "WE are too exposed here," AlwaysLate  volunteered, leaning on her spear.
    "And you have a cave in your pack,  AlwaysLate?" Tanglefoot asked, 
prompting a sour look from  AlwaysLate.
    "Well,  let's eat, and then move on," was Joy's solution. FetchesWater 
agreed  that was the most expediant thing to do and went to the stream 
implimenting his  cub name, while everyone took a role in breaking camp or 
breakfast. Joy  maintained the watch, Tanglefoot assisted Zel in cutting down 
tents made of  usefuls and WhiteEars passed out biscuit bars from the supplies 
she had been  given by PurrsLoud to SreTalles, Pouncer's mother. 
    Pouncer took his  with a growl and gnawed on it while he rolled and tied 
up usefuls. WhiteEars  doused the fire, highly amused, thinking on 
FetchesWater ALWAYS living up to his  cub name and wondering what would he 
choose as an 
adult name. She also watched  Pouncer, wondering if he would EVER be mated to 
someone. AlwaysLate joined Joy  on the watch, as she had not really unpacked 
much. Feeling a bit more a part of  the journey, Joy teased the young female 
    " What?   Aren't you supposed to be late?" The dark haired android smiled 
without  showing her teeth. AwaysLate thumped her tail as she replied, "I 
can't help  it I TRY to be on time!" The ginger female thumped the end of her  
spear on the ground for emphasis as well.
    Pouncer had  finished his biscuit bar and was cajoling WhiteEars into 
letting him have the  spare, when FetchesWater stepped in asking her for an 
accounting of the  distribution. He then approached where Joy and AlwaysLate 
standing. Joy had  shouldered her pack and was showing AlwaysLate her now 
completely smoothed  staff.
    "You must eat Joy  Mudd," FetchesWater proclaimed, holding out the last 
biscuit bar Pouncer had  been trying to wheedle from WhiteEars.
    " No, I  must not.   I was not built for eating...  or being  eaten."
Joy told him. "Don't worry about me.  I'll be fine." FetchesWater's tail  
reflected his questioning of this. Joy continued to explain," I am a machine  
built to look like an animal.  I do not take energy from food as you  do. And 
I think much like other  walks-on-feet."
    "Androids don't need to eat," Zel  input as she nibbled her own biscuit 
    "We know machines  from Vensre,"AlwaysLate commented, "they need power, 
are you all  right?"
    "I have sufficient  power assuming we keep moving.  If the walk is very 
much delayed, there  could be problems," Joy stated. The conversation turned 
much more personal when  Pouncer, chewing on the biscuit bar FetchesWater 
relinquished to him upon  Joy's decline, asked, "How?"
    Joy blushed a  shade correlated to 32 percent and hurriedly said, "Um...  
External power  sources are inserted.  It is not considered polite to ask 
where." Zel felt  it wise to cutoff further inquiry by announcing, "We can 
questions while  we move..." and hustled Pouncer along the trail. Tanglefoot 
checked to see that  the fire was out. That brought WhiteEars to an ear 
flattened  hiss.
    "I did that job  Tanglefoot!"
    "Better safe than  singed fur," Tangle moralized to WhiteEars as she 
disappeared thru the jungle  foliage. Zel hung back, bringing up the rear so as 
observe the young  Sivaoans. Joy began marching slowly forward, again 
focusing on the  right flank. She was caught up in thought, beginning to 
an old saying about the  difficulty of herding cats. When there was a commotion 
on the left side of the  trail.
    White Ears,  miffed, but moving, had been concentrating on being annoyed, 
slipped down a  slope off to the left. She grabbed with her claws, and slowed 
her decent with a  cry, "Nuts!"
    "Hold!" Joy  shouted for the others to wait, while she kept watch over 
the bushes in  WhiteEars' immediate vincinity.
    "And they call me  Tanglefoot!" Tangle smiled ironically.
    "The better use of  a staff," Joy philosophized, bracing herself.   "To 
give aid rather  than cause injury." as she reached to allow WhiteEars to grab 
a hold of her  staff. The tabby and white female grabbed the staff end with 
the claws of her  right hand and pushed herself back up the slope with her own 
staff in her  left.
    "I'm alright,"  WhiteEars chuffed, just at the lip of the slope. She let 
go of Joy's staff, who  then executed a deft back roll to her feet and took a 
full 360 glance  around for danger. Zel coming up from behind was impressed 
with Joy's dexterity.  She had in mind to invite the counselor to workout 
sometime once they were back  on the Lovisa. At the moment Zel offered a hand 
up to 
WhiteEars who was  still on her knees. Pouncer was up ahead on the trail, his 
tail full of  loops, "Watch where you step!" he sniggered at WhiteEars.
    "Watch where you  stand!" Zel grinned, as she watched a bird high in the 
trees let loose his waste  right on Pouncer's head. He ducked away with a 
hiss, highly annoyed. All Sivaoan  tails except Pouncer's were slinky springs 
mirth as they continued up the  trail.
    "Now you will have  to wash!"Tanglefoot teased the silver tabby who 
angrily charged toward a  tree.
    "I'll  get that feathermess where it lives!" Pouncer cried, and began 
using his claws  to shinny up the tree.
    "Oh THAT is adult,  Pouncer! " Tangle admonished from the ground. Joy 
positioned herself casually  where she might have a chance to catch him, if 
Pouncer fell, and yet, not directly under the  "feathermess". Zel on the other 
took action, grabbing Pouncer's tail before  he got much higher up the tree.
    "You can hunt  later down the trail....let's Walk!"  Pouncer reluctantly 
released his  clawholds, jumping back to the ground and taking up his spear. 
Zel clapped him  on his back and gave it a reassuring scritch. "G'wan 
Hunter..." She also slipped  him one of her spare knives.
    The Walking Party  made good time, but at a brief stop Joy asked, "Will 
we come to water  shortly?"
    "A stream by  end of day, the Walk is routed that way, " FetchesWater 
informed her," We may have a smooth walk, and this still smells like rain." The 
latter statement echoed what Tanglefoot had said the night before. The clouds  
rolled in from the West as they and the day progressed.  The wind began to  
accelerate, prompting Joy to put on the jacket she had brought. Zel, as well,  
donned her Starfleet uniform jacket. Though to this point she had preferred 
the  sleeveless jumpsuit she had chosen for jungle  wear.
    "Are we close to  where we can stop for the night?" WhiteEars inquired of 
FetchesWater. She had  been being more careful and placing her staff ahead of 
her as she walked, but  was approaching her limit of travel. Fetches sniffed 
the air, "I smell water, we  must be near the stream... the weather will be 
bad. We will need  tents."
    " How many usefuls do we have between us?" Pouncer asked, finally taking  
things a bit MORE seriously. Zel smiled catstyle, slowly closing her eyes. 
The  young male puffed his chest and twitched his ears proudly. Joy  silently 
pondered on the possibility of predators being found near water,  but chose to 
let the cubs make their adult choices, after all it was their world  and their 
Walk. Aloud, she said, "I brought a few usefuls.   These  might be shared."
    "A fire may be  possible if small and sheltered," Fetches continued to 
lecture about the  evening's plan.
    " We might want to move  quickly, then, for dry fuel and to start fire 
before the wet," Joy stated, as  she watched the sky and felt the wind increase 
in  velocity.
    "I have 4  usefuls....it might be good to make ONE large tent, if tightly 
secured," Zel  suggested.
    " Keep an  eye for a good tent place, then," Joy said in response to 
Zel's suggestion, "Or  is it a place of tradition?" she inquired of the nearest 
Sivaoan cub. None of  them answered her though. They were caught up in their 
    "I hate wet fur! "AlwaysLate  moaned.
    "I see the stream,  down slope!  Not too near, it may rise!" Tanglefoot 
called to the others.  She rushed forward and tripped on a tangle of grasses, 
demonstrating her  cubname. The bundle of long haired calico disappeared into 
the grasses hissing  and making untranslateable growling noises. AlwaysLate 
passed right by  muttering, "Fuzz Brain."
    "There you go!  "WhiteEars paused, offering a paw to the flattened 
feline. Tangle accepted the  help with a nod and semi-closed smile eyes.
    "Are you ready to  walk, you two?" FetchesWater had turned around to see 
what the rest of his  Walkmates were up to. "The numb noses are more adult!  
Let us make camp  now."
    Joy had gone on  alert when Tanglefoot had fallen, but was now wandering 
into the camp clearing,  wondering if a fuzz brain was a kind of predator, or 
yet another way the kittens  address one another. Zel had taken her clues from 
Joy's response and had been in  a battle ready stance, but then realized it 
was just the cubs having another  interactive incident. She arrived in the camp 
clearing just as FetchesWater made  his comment about "Numbnoses." She smiled 
widely at  Joy.
    Everyone pooled  their usefuls to make the tent. Joy, keeping a constant 
eye out for  predators, had dropped her usefuls in the communal pile and 
joined in  the search for firewood. Tanglefoot chose to accompany her. 
and  AlwaysLate staked out the tent feet, while Zel directed Pouncer in the 
tying of  the usefuls and using the minor knife she had given him in making 
vine roping.  WhiteEars gathered firewood in a useful on her walk to and from 
stream  to fetch water. She liked the idea of doing the chosen chore of her 
possible  mate. It was only a matter of finding out if the Mackerel tabby male 
would want  her for his mate. "Once this Walk is done," she thought  solemly.
    Joy returned to  camp with a  supply of fuels, from light kindling to  
fairly heavy branches. WhiteEars dropped the firewood she had gathered beside  
Joy's pile. It was only fair that another member of the party have a chance at  
fire building since she had done it last night. Joy got an intense look on 
her  face as she wondered if this flint and spark business can be all that  
    "~Ah...only slighly impossible....~" was  the android's inward 
thought,"~feel more cat like already.~" it continued,"~  however, there is no 
of a tail.~" Joy smiled, and exhaled oxygen  on the small fuels, slowly adding 
larger fuels. "~  There is something to this burning of plants for heat  
buisiness that can be satisfying, big chief fire Joy...~" her inner soliloquy  
continued. She started considering the  compromises involved in warming kittens 
without burning tents. 
    Meanwhile, FetchesWater had broken out his  cache of food to share for 
dinner. "I brought tail kinkers!" he extolled. Zel  blinked and closed her 
remembering Moonshadows' offer of tail kinkers. She  liked hot and spicy, but 
the spiny nuts were a bit much for  her. 
    "Tail kinkers! My favorite!" Pouncer  exclaimed, reaching out to grab 
one. WhiteEars cuffed him for his rudeness,  "Wait for everyone else!" 
got out a pot and sliced up meat and fruits  into it.  FetchesWater added 
water from a skin and a few tail kinkers,  mindful of Zel's tender tongue, 
he had caught her expression at the  mention of the spice.
    "Do you think the rain will swell the  stream too much?" Zel asked, 
addressing Tanglefoot.
    "That is why we are back from the bank...  but it looks like heavy rain.  
We are lucky this is one of the Easy Walks,"  Tangle replied as she looked 
out the flap of the tent, up at the sky's impending  rain.
    "Speak for yourself, Tangle," Pouncer  mewed, as he clawed the dried bird 
guano off his head.
    Joy had finished building a successful fire  and returned to the task of 
PredatorWatch. She began by scanning the  periphery.  "~Storm coming through 
means wind is apt to shift.~" she  inwardly noted. Outside the tent, she 
isolated the stalk paths appropriate to  various wind directions and notes the 
difficult points on the stalk for each.  The difficulty lay in finding a 
where she can  keep dry while observing all the stalk approaches.  Joy chose 
what seemed  to be the most advantages and returned to the tent to report her  
    "This is going to be a bad rain,"  FetchesWater intoned, his nose 
twitching and his scruff having risen in  concern, bordering on fear he wasn't 
to show the others. 
    "Well, I'm good to minus one twenty  centagrade.  If the watches keep an 
eye on what can be seen from the tent  mouth, I'll cover the back side," Joy 
told everyone gathered around the fire.  She wasn't looking forward to what she 
knew would be a wet night. Tangle foot  thumped her tail and said, "Tonight 
Joy Mudd you will have  company."
    "Appreciated," Joy responded, smiling  toothlessly.
    WhiteEars chose a corner of the tent and  began making a bed of jungle 
leaves thick enough to keep the water from her fur.  Zel emulated this action, 
but chose to put her back rack inverted on the ground  so the water would pass 
under the bed of leaves. FetchesWater did what would  circumvent water getting 
into the tent. He dug a small trench, moatlike, the  perimeter of the tent.
Pouncer had been occupied with scraping the bird guano from his  fur, left 
the tent to go wash in the stream as Tanglefoot complimented Joy on  her fire 
making abilities.
    "Very nice fire, not so big it will scorch  the usefuls, but good for 
cooking," she raised her voice so Pouncer could  hear, "An drying out fuzz 
    "It is very important to have dry fuzz  brains," Joy said, going along 
with the joke, but having concerns about Pouncer  going out alone. Sivaoan 
looped in response to Joy's remark. Down at the  stream Pouncer was a bit 
    "Dry fuzz brains!" he muttered, as he bent  forward to first drink from 
the stream and then paw water onto his head. Joy,  back in the tent, plagued by 
thoughts having to do with "security red  shirts" kept a sharp ear in 
Pouncer's direction. WhiteEars felt the call to  follow Pouncer, not liking 
anyone to 
be alone in the wild. It was a good thing  she did follow him. She got in a 
glancing strike with her staff at a Grabfoot  making a spring at Pouncer's bent 
head. All the Grabfoot accomplished was  stepping on the silver tabby's head, 
shoving his face into the water. WhiteEars  yowled an alarm.
    Pouncer, meanwhile, sputtered and turned  over to fight back. He had a 
thankful thought for Zel, using the knife she had  given him and his claws to 
slit the Grabfoot's throat. He also used his hindfeet  to disembowel the lizard 
    "Grabfoots!" Tanglefoot shouted, picking up  her spear and rushing to the 
little lizard and Pouncer,"I did not smell a  colony!"
AlwaysLate jumped to the ready with her spear, "They must be  migrating!"  
Joy had already ducked out of the tent ahead of them toward  the stream. The 
dark haired android held the two Sivaoan females back,  thinking too many 
might be a problem. She continued to watch all  directions unless White Ears 
and Pouncer needed help. "If they are on the move,  would we be in their path 
where we are?" Joy inquired of  Tanglefoot.
    "I think it is a stray, starving.. or more  would attack.  They pack," 
Tangle assured her.
    "Well... we pack too..."Joy commented, as  she moved cautiously back to 
her post. Tanglefoot and AlwaysLate stand guard  with Joy, periodically walking 
sentry. WhiteEars spent sometime beating the  bushes with her staff to flush 
out other Grabfoots, but found none.   FetchesWater made a command decision 
and began striking the tent, "We cross  tonight."
    Zel frowned, but began assisting him, "If  you feel it is necessary."
    " Between the rain and the possibility  of migrating Grabfoots, we are 
better off ACROSS the stream," he explained, not  liking having to continue on 
when even HE was tired.
    "The fire won't move so easy..."Joy stated,  beginning to look for a 
branch that can be carried, so she wouldn't have to  start from scratch once 
crossed the stream. AlwaysLate was entirely too  cheerful in this situation. 
"If we move at night, we will get to Vensre  early!"
    "We're moving?!" Pouncer asked, disheveled  and disbelieving. His fur was 
in worse shape than from the bird guano. WhiteEars  entered close behind him.
    "Well....  I guess we don't need dry  fuzz brains..." Joy muttered, as 
she waited to see if ALL were in agreement  about the move.
    "Everybody bundle up in a useful and we  will keep going...I have a rope 
to get us across the stream," Zel told them all,  referring to the rope she 
had made from a useful.
    "I will go with the rope first.  I am  male," FetchesWater proclaimed, 
which brought a snort from Tanglefoot, "You are  male so what?  Raise a cub!" 
FetchesWater responded with a chuffing sound,  but left off raising his ruff. 
Getting across the stream safely was the  important issue at hand, he knew.
    "In which case, who should go last this  time?" Joy asked with a wink at 
AlwaysLate, who commented, "Adults." She  looked around at the gathered 
Walkmates, "Adults. All or  none."
Zel chose for the group, "*I* will BE the *Tail* because I  don't HAVE one."
    Joy bundled up, and started putting out  fire, saying, "Very wet adults, 
but  adults..." Zel smiled and agreed," That we will be.... name choosing 
after a  goodnight's sleep."

Joy scouted out a likely spot for the  Walkers to cross, taking into account 
the best footing and level of the  water. Even though it was shallow, the 
water was running WAY FAST and the rain  was coming down in buckets. Joy had in 
mind to be the one to  play out the rope considering her strength as an 
She made her way  back to what had been camp. AlwaysLate was finishing 
packing the usefuls  that had made up the tent. "I should have fallen. Then I 
have ridden a  travois the rest of the way!" WhiteEars put her whiskers 
forward in a smile at  the comment.
    "You'd want to be carried huh?" WhiteEars  just couldn't fathom 
AlwaysLate's seeming lazy method of getting thru life. It  was one thing to BE 
HURT on 
a Walk, but to WISH it?! In her mind, WhiteEars  thought,"~There is STILL 
opportunity for a fall AlwaysLate. Cloudshape keep  away! that we ALL make it 
Vensre!~" AlwaysLate ignorant of WhiteEars' prayer,  called,
    "Usefuls when we get across!" Pouncer  hissed at AlwaysLate while he 
continued to wipe off Grabfoot guts, taking  advantage of the rain, before he 
wrapped up in a useful. Tanglefoot already  wrapped in a useful came up and 
Pouncer a helping hand.
    "Wash off first and I will help lick you  dry."  Pouncer raised his head 
from where he had taken his right paw and  wiped his face.
    "You will?" he looked at her incredulously,  but then spread his whiskers 
wide as he thought about Tanglefoot licking under  his chin.  WhiteEars 
twitched her whiskers in a feline eye roll. They had  gotten to the edge of the 
stream where Joy could hear Tanglefoot's  offer.
    "We aren't any of us going to have to worry  about dry for a while."  Joy 
had been watching the stream rise with the  onset of the rain. "This might be 
best done sooner than  later."    FetchesWater came forward with Zel's 
useful-made  rope and handed one end to Joy. She accepted the end with a nod, 
readying the  coils to playout without resistance, but with little slack. 
Unceremoniously  FetchesWater charged into the rushing water with an unhappy 
snort.  It 
was  a struggle for footholds and twice he was grateful for the rope tied 
around his  waist, but he made it to the other side. Joy sighed when she could 
release the  braced stance she had taken on the more solid ground higher up the 
bank from the  stream.
    "I made it!" FetchesWater shouted from the  opposite bank.
    "Tie off the rope....THERE!" Zel shouted to  him, pointing to a nearby 
tree. Fetches did so, while Joy searched for a  decent anchoring point on her 
side of the stream. Once she had tied the rope  off, she bundled herself in a 
useful and made her way hand-over-hand across the  stream. AlwaysLate followed 
close behind Joy.
    WhiteEars went next, leaving Tanglefoot  fawning over Pouncer. Tangle 
noticed WhiteEars leaving and left off licking  Pouncer under his chin. 
She grabbed the rope and worked her way thru  the water, spitting and 
complaining about the WET the ENTIRE way. Pouncer  followed with a disgruntled 
at, first the pleasant sensation had stopped  and then the WET conditions he 
had to endure getting across the  stream.
    "It is only a day if we hurry from here,  Joy Mudd," AlwaysLate commented 
as she watched the other Walkmates scramble up  the bank. Tanglefoot resumed 
licking Pouncer, it seemed to be an inordinate  amount of time. Pouncer licked 
the top of Tanglefoot's head and her cheeks in  reciprocation and celebration.
    "Then let us hurry from here," Joy replied,  as she moved a bit 
downstream with the hope no rescues would be needed. She  paused to turn 
around, staff 
in hand, and pack over her shoulder.
    " Can't you at least wait for festival?"  she heard AlwaysLate complain 
at Pouncer and Tanglefoot. WhiteEars had licked  FetchesWater in celebration 
and had given AlwaysLate a few licks as well, but  stopped when Always voiced 
the complaint.
    "I understand it is better dry,"  Joy opined as she rejoined the party. 
AlwaysLate did lick WhiteEars in return,  but WhiteEars was paying attention to 
FetchesWater who was watching Zel across  the stream.
    Zel brought up the  rear, as she had promised to be "the Tail" of the 
party. She actually untied the  strong useful-made rope and drew herself across 
hand over hand as Joy had. It  was a test of strength, but Zel was GRATEFUL 
that wrestling and  pumping iron with Tajneteb (Chris) had become part of her 
every day life. She  reached the other side of the stream, having coiled the 
around her shoulder  as she had drawn herself across. FetchesWater came down 
the bank and offered her  a paw to help her to her feet and up the bank.
    "Up you go... do you want me to  lick you?" he asked, his pink tongue tip 
sticking between his lips. WhiteEars  came up behind him, her ears beginning 
to go flat in jealous anger, but they  arose to normal when she heard Zel tell 
    "That won't be  necessary....I may have been a cub to Sivao, but I DO 
have a mate." Zel smiled,  an eye closing smile, as she thought of Chris and 
much he would ENJOY this  kind of challenging trip as a Shoreleave. She vowed 
to bring it up to him  when she got home.
    "You Humans are strange..."FetchesWater  said with an amazed look on his 
face, he turned to the rest of the party, "If we  hurry, we can be in Venres 
by late afternoon... we will be tired, but adults!"  WhiteEars standing behind 
him, gave him a lick to test his reaction. She moved  foward to give a 
purposeful lick under his chin like Tanglefoot had been  licking Pouncer. 
spread his whiskers foward in a smile that allowed the  tips of his fangs to 
show. He nodded and licked the tabby patch on the top of  WhiteEars head in 
    "I have been adult before," Joy  said with a slight smile,"There are 
other Walks on other worlds. I must admit, this one is damper than others." 
    "I hate wet fur!" AlwaysLate whined,  stating the obvious, but she wasn't 
exactly happy with suddenly being a "Fifth  Wheel". The paired potential 
mates still washed for a little bit, but  ceased when the rain began pounding 
harder.  Zel handed everyone a useful  to bundle up in and they continued the 
Walk. AlwaysLate seemed to continue to  pout when the pairs walked along 
    "If we get to this festival, there will be  a room, and they can get a 
room?" Joy asked Zel, quietly. The Argellian looked  at the Near Adult cubs. 
Pouncer was stretching his neck as Tanglefoot once again  was licking under his 
    "I believe so Counselor, I believe so," Zel  responded slightly glum, 
missing HER mate. The MOOD of Adulthood was an  uncomfortable one amidst the 
rain, but everyone kept moving. Joy did her best to  cheer up the thoroughly 
soaked orange tabby female walking by  herself.
    "As you pointed out, we will be early." Joy  began gently, " Perhaps your 
adult name could reflect that?"
    " I suppose it could," Always cocked her  useful-covered head, "I will 
have to think on my name." The dark haired android  smiled as AlwaysLate became 
contemplative as they walked on toward  Vensre. Pouncer had overheard this 
exchange and dropped back to  approach Zel.
    " I want to thank you again for the knife.  It saved me." Zel looked at 
the delicate pink nose quivering as Pouncer huddled  under one of the usefuls 
she recognized as hers.
    "You saved yourself young man. The knife is  a tool and tools are only as 
good as the hand that wields them. My mate is  especially skilled." Zel said, 
with a grin that was an inward leer. Again she  wished that Tajneteb (Chris) 
were here becoming an adult with her, but  it would be good to come back to 
Sivao for his own Walk.  It would give  Chris yet ANOTHER non-Terran name. 
Pouncer looked at her blankly, not  understanding ENTIRELY, but burst out with 
he had been  thinking.
    " I am taking ZealousClaw to Sretalles  as my adultname. I hope you like 
it enough, to let me," his pink nose was  twitching anxiously. Zel looked at 
Pouncer and reached out with a hand to  smooth his furred cheek. " I am 
HONORED, little brother in claws. Here, hold up  your hand in greeting," Zel 
requested. Pouncer did so and Zel put her fingers  between his. She squeezed 
retracted her fingers while Pouncer did the same. 
    "Brother in Claws," Zel smiled again.   Tanglefoot came over to see where 
her mate had gotten to.
    "What is THAT about?" she asked about the  clasping of hands.
    "Zel is my clawsister," Pouncer announced,  with an amused growl.
    "Really?" Tangle began to slink away  dejectedly. Zel reached out and 
biffed Tangle's nose lightly.
    "*I* have a mate waiting for me at home.  You are just as easily my 
clawsister as Pouncer...er..ZealousClaw  to Sretalles is my brother. Silly 
cubling!"  Tangle intook a surprised  breath as she stared at Pouncer.  He was 
kind of 
pleased with the reaction  to his chosen adultname and nodded approval to 
     "Let's get either to the village or  somewhere we can DRY OUT!" Zel 
enthused, ushering the two forward and  onward. It was a LONG DAY, a LONG WALK, 
STRONG RAIN and a GIDDY Company  that entered Vensre village in the late  
    "We are here! and we are ADULTS!"  FetchesWater loudly announced to the 
village. There were Festival Drums and  music sounding at the far end of the 
village, but a few residents came foward to  greet the new adults.
    "Welcome to Vensre,  former  cubs,  I, FineFur to Vensre, greet you!" a 
willowy all white female greeted  the Walkers. She spread her whiskers in 
surprise to see Joy and Zel enter along  with the five Sivaoan youngsters. 
"Offworlders? You have Walked  too?"
    "Indeed, FineFur to Vensre," Joy replied,  "I am Lawbound to Tiffany's. I 
believe my Walkmates need to find somewhere to  sleep for some hours. We 
walked thru the night because of the  rain."
    "Through the night? Until now?" a classic  Tabby female of some age came 
to meet the party, leaning on her staff. She sent  a young fluffy tabby female 
to make a place for the Walkers.
    "You are offering them a place, Treasure of  the Heart? " FineFur asked. 
She shook her head at the condition of the young  adults, their fur either 
plastered to their bodies or spiked this way and  that.
    "Yes, FineFur...I sent EvilOwlEyes to get  things ready," Treasure of the 
Heart told her, "Do you offworlders need to sleep  too?"
    "I don't," Lawbound to Tiffany's answered  her, "but my companion does." 
Joy looked at Zel, who smiled and then rubbed her  eyes.
    " I, ClawsReady to Kronos, thank you  all! Point me to where I can get 
    "Just this way, ClawsReady to Kronos,"  Treasure of the Heart directed 
the weary Adults to her tent of bright usefuls.  They all tumbled onto cots and 
into a deep sleep. Announcing adultnames would  come later.

Other related posts:

  • » <USS Lovisa> The Walk to Adulthood - Occurs just before the 1st Departure from Sivao