[ussgeorgetown] Sharing Pain by Vincent Aigremont & Jassa Kost

  • From: TKilyle@xxxxxxx
  • To: ussgeorgetown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2005 08:30:24 EDT

Sharing Pain
 by Vincent Aigremont & Jassa  Kost
When Jassa stepped inside the Ten Forward lounge, she stopped, simply to  
admire the view.  Even docked as they were at Deep Space Nine, it was  lovely.  
The chief was right.  If I'm going to work, it may as  well be with a good 
view.  Something else to distract me from wanting to  call Torias. 

"What can I get you, Mr. Kost?" the bartender  asked.

"Today?  Something indulgent that will make me feel  like I'm being served 
the nectar of whatever gods abound," Jassa said  wistfully.

Lifting his head, Vincent smiled blearily at the newcomer as  he raised his 
brandy glass.  "Cognac," he said cheerfully.  "If warmed  and sipped, it goes 
down like honey.  Here, barman, mon ami, bring us both  a cognac."

With a slight nod of his head, the barman smiled  ruefully.  "Don't you think 
you've had enough for tonight, Mr Aigremont?"  he said playfully.

"Non, on a day like today one can never have enough to  drink.  When the 
whole universe crashes down around your ears, there is  never enough alcohol to 
smother the pain."  Swirling the dregs of his  drink, Vincent let it slide into 
his mouth, feeling it tingle down his  throat.  "Vincent Aigremont," he said 
to Jassa, offering his hand, "The  once happily married and comfortable, now 
merely Sergeant  Major."

Jassa always found Human hands to be rather warm.  This man's was no  
exception.  She also found him to be rather drunk but she supposed she  could 
understand that.  She'd thought about it herself.  Still, she  shook his hand 
said, "Jassa Kost, the Petty Officer Second Class, who's  un-Joined and wants 
stay that way."  She gave the barman a shrug.   "I'll try what he's having."

Setting a rounded glass in front of each of  them, the barman stepped away 
and moved off to serve someone  else.

"Salut," Vincent said as he raised his glass and sipped.   "Un-Joined?  I 
cannot say that I blame you, I would not want to share my  body with another 
my mind and soul.  The torture that my life is at the  moment I would not 
inflict upon another."

Jassa took a cautious sip of the cognac, having never tried it  before.  It 
was strong, smoky, and, as the man said, it went down like  honey.  She set her 
elbow down on the bar and propped her chin on her  upraised hand.  "Yeah, 
well...there are certain people out there who think  you aren't worth any sort 
joining if you aren't Joined," she grumbled as she  took another sip.  "They 
lead you on, they make you  promises..."

"They say that they love you, they share your world  for so long that you are 
no longer sure where they end and you begin and  then...  one day they say 
that you don't support them, that you know  nothing of love, that the only 
things that matters are their own  sacrifices."  Vincent glared into his glass. 
"As if you have made no  sacrifices, as if the only pain is theirs, the only 
grief and the only opinion  that matters in the whole  Galaxy."

Jassa took another  slow sip.  "You know what the problem is with certain 
Joined people?   They think they're better than us un-Joined.  As if we were 
sort of  second class citizens," she grumbled.  Dark blue eyes flashed at her 
 drinking companion.  He looked as miserable as she felt.  "Self  centered, 
cold hearted...the lot of  them..."

Looking over at her, he smiled warmly for the  first time in what felt like 
years.  "There are too many people like that,  mon amie, far too many.  They 
hate, they resent and they are bitter.   It matters not how much we love them, 
all they care about is how twisted they  have become.  They wish to inflict 
their own pain on the rest of the world  just to make themselves feel 
 Slowly and with total clarity, it  hit him like a ton of bricks.  "They feel 
nothing," he said with shocked  awe, "but their own self-pity, which is why 
they cause pain in  others."
Jassa took another sip of the cognac, glad that she didn't have to worry  
about how it might affect a symbiont.  If she was getting lightheaded, it  was 
just her being affected.  She looked at him speculatively, considering  what 
he'd said.  Handsome, she thought.  She took note of the  graying hair and 
recalled what he'd said.  He had to have been together  with the woman a very 
time.  "Here I am whining about me but you must  have been dealing with this 
longer.  I'm sorry."

"Why are you  apologising, mon amie?  Pain is pain, no matter how long we 
carry  it."  Slipping off the stool, Vincent pointed himself in the direction 
a  table near the back of the Lounge.  "I have no wish to share my problems  
with the masses.  Will you join me somewhere more  secluded?"

Jassa stood up slowly.   Alcohol didn't usually go to her head very quickly 
but she couldn't say if that  was going to happen in this case, considering her 
emotional turmoil.  "Lead  the way.  If I'm going to rant and cry, I may as 
well not do it in front of  everybody," she said resignedly.

Vincent shook his head very, very  slowly, trying to keep it from toppling 
off.  "Whoever this person is, they  have no right to make such a beautiful 
woman cry," he said in complete  seriousness.  "Nom de Dieu de bordel de merde! 
Who is this person?"  he  growled.

"Torias Tel, formerly known as Torias Erdeen," Jassa muttered.  Even  now, 
the name sounded like a vile curse.  She looked up at Vincent, her  hand still 
holding the cognac glass.  "We've known each other since we were  five years 
old.  He knew I was never interested in being Joined but I guess  he made all 
these plans and kept them from me.  Never said a damned thing  about any of the 
plans we made, just nodded and agreed and did whatever he  wanted."  Don't cry 
now, you idiot.  Don't do  it.

"What a fool," he whispered as he  considered the woman in front of him.  
"Men like that are not worth the  effort of tears, petite.  Selfish people 
are and yet they are the  ones that we cry for most often.  They eat at us, 
suck away all our  resources and then spit them back in our faces when we are 
no longer useful to  them or we don't fit their plans  anymore."

Jassa sat rather heavily at one  of the tables and looked up him.  Everything 
he was saying was completely  true.  Hesitantly, she asked, "Your wife is the 
one who made Chief Ecitsuj  so mad, isn't she?"

"Oui," he said with resignation.  "I'm sorry for  that, I'm sorry for many 
things that she has done."  He rose slowly, the  volume of alcohol he'd drank 
swaying him on his feet.  "I can understand  that you will not wish to drink 
with me now that you have worked that  out."

One small cool hand reached out to touch his wrist.  "Wait!  I  didn't say 
anything of the sort.  It isn't your fault at all, Vincent,"  Jassa said 
quietly, her dark blue eyes shining.  "It's a pleasant change to  talk to a man 
isn't so egomaniacal.  That he's so easy on the eyes and  easy on the ears is a 
definite plus."  She cringed at her own words.   Jassa, you have had way too 
much to  drink.

The smile that lit Vincent's face made his  deep brown eyes glow.  He flopped 
back down, slipping his own hand over  hers.  "Then let us speak of more 
cheerful things.  How do you know  Chief Ecitsuj?  He and my Lieutenant are so 
lovely together, don't you  think?"

"He's my boss and not a bad one,  at that," Jassa replied.  Her pulse skipped 
a beat.  The man is  drunk, that's for sure, but he's in complete control of 
himself.  Those  eyes are so deep...She shook herself mentally and added, 
"They're adorable,  aren't they?  Lieutenant McKay can be a little...hard to 
with  sometimes but she makes him happy so that's alright."

"There are ways and  means for dealing with the Lieutenant.  It has taken me 
some time to work  these out, many mistakes were made, injuries to pride and," 
he coughed lightly  as he rubbed a line around his throat warily, "body.  But 
I would like to  think that we have an understanding now."  He began to rub 
small circles  around the top of her hand, wincing when his rough fingers 
snagged on her soft  skin but unwilling to let her go.  With a little humour, 
added, "She  understands that I am good at my job and I understand not to wake 
her from her  sleep walking without full body  armor."

Jassa felt a giggle, something that hadn't happened in a  very long time.  
His hands were certainly larger than hers and  warmer.  Usually she found Human 
hands to be too hot but his were  comforting.  Strong.  She let her fingers 
catch at his.  "So long  as she didn't hurt you permanently.  You should see 
and the chief if  they argue.  It's almost funny because then they work it 
out and they're  still just as  cute."

"And  that is why they will work well in the long run, why they will last.  
To  argue but not hold a grudge is a fine thing," Vincent said, losing himself 
in  Jassa's eyes.  He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it gently.   
Suddenly, he dropped it and sat back.  "Mon Dieu, I am sorry.  I don't  know 
what's happening to me."  I love my  wife, I love my wife, I love my wife, I... 
don't I?  On  impulse alone, he took her hand again and looked earnestly into 
her eyes.   "Forgive  me?"
Jassa felt her face flushed at  the kiss, knowing her spots had to be 
standing out very starkly.  She felt  her fingers wrap around his again as she 
her dancing eyes settle on his.  "For that?  No, I don't think so.  You've done 
nothing to offend  me."

"You are so beautiful," he murmured.  "You glow like a May  morning."  He 
leaned forward, using his free hand to lift her chin closer  to him as he 
her, the alcohol in his blood making him bold.  She  tastes so fine, he  

At first, Jassa froze, shocked that he'd even think about it.  In a  matter 
of seconds, she ran through 'he's married, you idiot', 'damn but he  really is 
a fine looking man', to 'please don't stop'.  In  that short time, she found 
herself gently returning the kiss, her hand reaching  to touch his face.

The kiss was long, sweet and soothing.  Vincent  sighed as he sat back, still 
playing lightly with her hand.  As he gazed  down at himself, a spark of 
embarrassment made him run a self-conscious hand  over his stubbled face.  "I 
am a 
mess, I'm sorry, I've not been able to  change my uniform or clean.  My God, 
I must smell like a  pig."

"No, just like old, bad coffee,  which is a serious offense to the java 
gods," Jassa said brightly.  Her  hand played over the graying stubble, 
the warmth of the skin beneath  it.  "It tickles but it makes you look 
rakish...like a hero from an old  time 2D movie."

"OH!  But I can't offend the great gods of coffee,"  he laughed as he kissed 
her again, deeper this time, his passion growing.   "How would you recommend 
that I appease  them?"

It was, she thought, a good thing she was sitting down because her knees  
would have weakened at the kiss.  Her face was still close to his, barely a  
breath away. True, he did smell of old coffee but he also smelled of warm  
and something cool and spicy.  The intensity of the passion of his  eyes was 
palpable, making her want to do nothing more than tell him to never  stop.  
"Vincent," she said, her voice soft and low, "I would hate to  suggest 
that you're regret later on.  You're too fine a man to  have that happen to 

"Oui," he breathed sadly.  Reaching out,  he brushed his knuckles over her 
soft, smooth cheek before kissing her softly  for a third time.  "You're right, 
of course.  I just wish...  I  wish I could simply be someone to go home with 
you, to spend all night making  love to you."  Kissing her again, he lingered 
over it, stroking her face  and hair.  "I wish you would let  me."

It wasn't the cognac.  It  was him and she knew it.  "Vincent...I'm on duty 
in three hours.  If I  knew you'd be there when I got off duty...." She sounded 
a touch wistful.   She didn't think she had the right to want to have him to 
herself so  quickly.  "If I didn't promise the chief I'd work on this  

"I'll be there, ma petite, if you'll have me," he smiled  shyly.  Glancing at 
the PADD she was studying with curiosity, he asked,  "What are you studying, 
if I may  ask?"

Jassa's face flushed again under his gaze.  How could she turn  him out just 
like that?  He's...what a gentleman.  And he's so  handsome.  "Of course, I'll 
have you," she said softly.   Please don't change your mind before then.  
Flustered at her own  boldness, she cleared her throat and tapped the PADD with 
one slender  finger.  "I don't know where he got it but it's information on the 
G'Tal's  transporters and those personal shields they have.  He wants to see 
if we  can shore up our own defenses with it."

"May I help you?" he said  quietly.  "Although, in my current state, I am no 
good to  anyone."

Jassa beamed at his offer of  help.  It was perfect!  She knew he was a 
forensic scientist, usually  given to examining formerly living things, but 
sort of scientist was also  good at examining other types of evidence.  She 
kissed his cheek, wrinkling  her nose at the scratchiness.  "I think that would 
wonderful,  Vincent!  You'll have a different view of it than I will.  It'll 
be  perfect," she said, her voice bright.  Happy with his offer and just plain 
 happy to be near him, she reached over and hugged him.  "Now why would you  
say you're of no good to anyone?"

"Look at me," he said with shame.   "I am drunk, I smell, my clothes are a 
wreck and I haven't had a good night's  sleep since Elspeth threw me out."  He 
chuckled quietly.  "I've been  sleeping on a roll mat in the Science labs," he  

Jassa squeezed his hand.  "Then stay at my place.  You can  shower, change, 
take a good nap...whatever you want," she said softly.  Her  voice was even 
softer as she added, "and it would mean you'd be there when I  came home."

Brushing her fingers over his lips, he smiled tenderly at  her.  "I will be 
there anyway, ma petite.  Thank you."  Kissing  her one last time, he rose, 
lifting her to her feet.  "Show me the  way?  Perhaps we can talk on your 
as we  go."

Jassa slipped her arm around his  waist as they headed for the exit.  Though 
she'd never felt the need to be  protected, she felt safe that way, as if he 
would take care of any problem that  arose.  She handed him the PADD as they 
"Here it is.  I, ah, haven't  gotten a look at it yet.  I got distracted," 
she began, smothering a slight  giggle.  You sound like a silly teenager when 
you do that, Jassa.   Cut it out.  Biting her lip in an attempt to control 
herself, she  added, "Those lizard men have these personal shields that repel 
phaser fire and  the chief has it in his head that the shields may allow them 
bypass our  transporter blocks.  If we can find a way to disrupt the shields, 
the  least, I think he'd be happy, the Security chief would be happy...well 
it goes  on up the line."

"Oui, I see that," he said, kissing the side of her head  and smiling to 
himself.  What a distraction too, he thought.   Vincent read the document and 
played the video footage several times, each time  pulling more information in, 
before handing it back to her.  "It is  intriguing stuff," he said as they 
approached her quarters, his mind already  ticking over.  It felt a little like 
up hill struggle though, he was  firing on an average of three hours sleep for 
over a week and the fuzziness of  insomniacs everywhere was setting in.

Jassa keyed in the code to open the door and shyly led him inside, at  once 
grateful that she wasn't a slob.  Everything was in its place but the  rooms 
weren't impersonal.  She'd added just enough to make it obvious who  lived 
there.  She placed the PADD on the desk next to her comm screen then  took hold 
both of Vincent's hands.  Handsome as he was, he looked tired  and worn out.
"Maybe you should take a rest if you aren't due for duty," she said  softly, 
reaching to brush his cheek with the back of her hand.

"Will you  join me?" he breathed as he pulled her close to him.  "You said 
that you  have three hours before your shift.  Would you lie down with me?"  He 
didn't want to push, there was no way he wanted her to do anything beyond 
what  she felt comfortable with.

Jassa's answer was to reach up with  her other hand so that she could put 
both arms around his neck.  She had to  stand on the tips of her toes but she 
reached up to kiss him, very softly.   He smelled and tasted of coffee, cognac, 
and something that was uniquely  him.  "I think I'd like that," she finally 
said, her arms still around  him.

Lifting her up, he walked them back towards her bedroom, kissing her  softly 
and slowly increasing the passion.  "So beautiful," he  murmured.
She couldn't remember ever being lifted off her feet before and the  
sensation was dizzying.  The only thing she could focus her attention on  was 
his kiss 
and the feel of his arms around her.  Her eyes were fairly  glowed up at him 
as he set her down on the bed.  She never gave a thought  to the holopic she 
smacked off the night stand earlier.  She kissed him  again, finding even the 
feel of his unshaven cheeks to be perfect.   Absolutely perfect.

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  • » [ussgeorgetown] Sharing Pain by Vincent Aigremont & Jassa Kost