<USS Eagle> "Felusian Concern" Sim of 101201

  • From: Rayne McCloud <raynemccld@xxxxxxx>
  • To: usseagle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2010 22:31:42 -0500

    Again, there will only be a couple hours between sims.  Great posts, last week.  Let's get some more this week. And please do not forget to post to the message board as well.

"Felusion Concerns"
Officers present: Captain McCloud, Commander Jorel, Dr. Compton, Lt. Hart, Ltjgs Banning, Moonshadows to Enien & Wren
Stardate: 64738.01 (09/27/2387, 09:00 hours)
    While still on-station at the site where the Felusions popped into the Alpha Quadrant, Lt. jg Banning does some long-distance scanning through the slip-stresm comm array.  He tries to scan the area he has leared to be the Felusian homeworld.  He also detects Enclave activity, headed towards Felus Prime.

21:01 CaptMcCloud =/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:01 DrCompton I wondered about that
21:01 DrCompton ::AA::
21:01 Moonshadows ::^-^::
21:01 LtjgBanning ::AA::
21:01 Lt_Hart ::AA::
21:01 Ltjg_Wren ::AA::
21:01 Cmdr_Jorel ::AA::
21:02 CaptMcCloud Captain's Log, Stardate 64738.01 (09/27/2387, 09:00 hours)
21:03 CaptMcCloud We have been on-station for two days, at the site of the spacial anomaly
which brought the Felusians to our nexk of the universe.
21:04 CaptMcCloud I am happy to report that the second Felusian is doing well, and that she
was obviously more than just Runtawr's trading partner.
21:05 CaptMcCloud We have notified Starfleet of our situation. We have also explained the circumstances that brought the Felusians here.
21:05 CaptMcCloud Starfleet actually has no problem with us taking them home, provided we do our best to steer clear of the Enclave.
21:07 CaptMcCloud I have reviewed Commodore Fyrstk's logs, concerning the Enclave. I will not feel slighted if we do not have to see them at all.
21:08 CaptMcCloud ==== BEGIN ====
21:09 Bot Runtawr> :: down in scikbay with his life-mate, and the cubs::
21:09 CaptMcCloud CO> :: on the bridge::
21:09 DrCompton CMO> ::in sickbay with Sufarn, Runtawr and their kittens::
21:10 Cmdr_Jorel xo> :: on the bridge::
21:10 DrCompton CMO>[Sufarn] :;examining her with a scanner:: How is your head feeling? Any blurred vision or other problems?
21:10 LtjgBanning SCI> :: On the bridge, do some creative scanning using the slip-stream comm-array, set up by the Eagle a couple years back::
21:10 Ltjg_Wren Ops> :: at her station on the bridge::
21:11 Bot Sufarn> :: ears slide back slightly:: I do ssstill have a headache, Healer Compton.
21:11 Moonshadows TAC>::Standing to her station, when she would FAR rather be admiring cubs:: [CO] Sir... my scans show no ship in the area
21:12 CaptMcCloud CO
>[ SCI ] Mr, Vanik. You've been working hard at that station, since
I stepped onto the bridge. Care to enlighten us as to what you are
21:13 Lt_Hart CENG> :: mutters:: He's probably been looking at porn all morning.
21:14 Moonshadows TAC>::Looks at CENG, tail waving slowly... does not understand the concept of porn::
21:14 DrCompton CMO>[Sufarn]
That's normal. You had significant trauma. there is a small chance of
complications as a result of the injury, which is why you are still
enjoying my hospitality. Byt the way You can call me Daisy.
21:14 LtjgBanning SCI>
:: turns and blushes at Hart's comment:: [CO] Ummmm... no, sir. Not
porn, but I have been trying to get some really long-range scans of
Felus Prime.
21:16 Moonshadows TAC>::No seems disturbed or aroused at the fact she parades around in only a collar::
21:16 Bot Runtawr>
:: looks concerned:: Heal.... Daisy? Will effect the feeding of the
cubs at all. Sssunfar sssometimesss appearsss weaker than normal.
21:17 Cmdr_Jorel xo> [sci] any luck Mr. Banning?
21:17 CaptMcCloud CO >[ SCI ] ::chuckles over Hart's comment:: Have you found anything interesting, Lt?
21:18 LtjgBanning SCI> :: looks to both the CO and XO and frowns:: Yes, and I don't think you're going to like it.
21:19 DrCompton CMO>[Runtawr]
It shouldn't, we're monitoring her closely and if anything occurs we
can take care of her quickly. Have you chosen names for your cubs?
21:19 CaptMcCloud CO> :: raises his brows::
21:19 Cmdr_Jorel xo >[ sci ] explain
21:21 Bot Runtawr>
:: looks to Sunfar. His tail curls, then he looks back to Daisy:: No.
It isss trrraditional to sssee the cubsss firssst, then pick our
apprrroprrriate titlesss for them.
21:22 LtjgBanning SCI>
I am picking up increased Enclave activity, headed in the direction of
Felus Prime. I was wondering if we could get Hailey to see if she could
tap into their comms.
21:22 Cmdr_Jorel xo >[ Ops ] Lt Wren?
21:23 CaptMcCloud CO> :: glances over to Wren::
21:23 Ltjg_Wren Ops >[ XO ] working on it Cmdr.
21:23 CaptMcCloud CO >[ SCI ] Mr. Banning? Can you give us a course that would .... skip us over Enclave territory?
21:24 DrCompton CMO>[Runtawr]
That's a logical way of handling things. the cubs are all doing well,
I expect they will be mewing for more milk soon. [Sufarn] If you are
too tired to nurse we can make arrangements for artifical milk for them.
21:25 Bot Runtawr & Sunfar> :: their ears go back:: Artificccial?
21:25 Ltjg_Wren Ops> :: modifies the long range communications to try to see what the Enclave are up to::
21:25 LtjgBanning SCI> Yes, sir, I could. Felus Prime is just outside of Enclave terriroty.
21:27 CaptMcCloud CO>
[SCI] Send the coordinates to helm. [XO] Judging by the way Runtawr
talked about the Enclave, their people have had no contact with them. I
wonder why if they're that close to Enclave borders.
21:27 DrCompton CMO>[Runtwar
and Sufarn] Yes, we have a machine called a replicator that can
recreate many things including food. Do your people not have such
21:28 Ltjg_Wren Ops >[ XO/CO ] I think I might have something
21:29 Cmdr_Jorel xo >[ co ] Good question, and it looks like it's about to change.
21:29 Bot RUntawr> Oh, no. We do not. I do remember Lt. Moonshadowsss getting some of her native food frrrom the sssquare in the wall.
21:30 LtjgBanning SCI>
[CO/XO] Starfleet has actually been "watching" the Enclave, since the
Eagle and Athena's last encounters. They have recently been ...
expanding off in the direction of Felus Prime... though
21:31 LtjgBanning SCI> ... Starfleet did not know of Felus Prime's existence.
21:31 DrCompton CMO>[Runtawr]
Yes, that's it. We could program it to make food that adult Felusians
eat too. would you like to have me help you try it?
21:32 Bot :: both Felusians look to one another, confused:: Runtawr> I... guessss ssso.
21:33 CaptMcCloud CO >[ CENG ] Mr. Hart. What is the status the Felusian ship?
21:33 Moonshadows TAC>::She runs another scan of the area, has nothing to report::
21:34 Lt_Hart CENG
>[ CO ] Basic systems have been reparied, sir. It is not capable of
warp speed, yet. We're still replicating some of that really old
21:35 Moonshadows TAC>[CENG] What is their level of technology, compared to ours, Lt. hart?
21:35 Moonshadows (H)
21:35 CaptMcCloud CO>
:: contemplates the next move:: If we jump there, and the Enclave are
headed in that direction, we may not be able to get involved.
21:35 DrCompton CMO>
:;smiles:: [Runtawr] Come over here, we'll use this one in sickbaty
so Sufarn can watch. Now, it would be easier if I had information about
the types of foods and preparations from your world, but tell me what
you eat and we will do our best.
21:36 Lt_Hart CENG
>[ TAC ] Lt., they have the level of technology of our early warp
capable ships. They don't have transporter technology, or are even
close to it.
21:37 Lt_Hart CENG> They're weaponry, is pre-phaser energy weapons. If the Enclave attack, they won't stand a chance.
21:38 LtjgBanning SCI> Runtawr did mention that they were basically traders.

21:40 Ltjg_Wren Ops >[ CO ] I am getting some comm traffic about the invasion Captain
21:40 Moonshadows TAC>::Whacks
her tail on the deck... thinks the Enclave should have its economy
wrecked by a good round of destruction of their fleets... says nothing::
21:41 CaptMcCloud CO> [OPS] Can you put it onscreen?
21:42 Ltjg_Wren Ops >[ CO ] Aye sir, it may be a little staticy :: puts it on::
21:43 CaptMcCloud =/\=ACTION:
The signal is a little tough, but the main viewscreen splits in two,
for each end of the comm. Both views are occupied by a slug-looking
being with antenna. =/\=
21:44 Bot ENCL1> How long til you reach this planet?
21:44 Bot ENCL2> Two days.
21:44 CaptMcCloud ENCL1> You are certain this is where that ship came from?
21:45 DrCompton CMO> ::listens to Runtawr's descriptions of a number of indigenous Felusian foods and their preparation::
21:45 Moonshadows TAC>::Looks at the screen, decides conciously she has a racial revulsion to the Enclave::
21:45 Bot ENCL2> Yes. We tracked their ion trail and computed the course.
21:45 Cmdr_Jorel xo> ::watches the screen::
21:45 Bot ENCL1> You know what the Supreme will do if this is another dead world.
21:46 Bot ENCL2>
::his antenna droop slightly:: I do. I am willing to take that risk.
THis will be my first conquest since becoming a botra.
21:47 CaptMcCloud ENCL1> You better be correct, or you better head for the Federation.
21:47 Bot ENCL2> ::his antenna flatten, and his eyes narrow:: It will not come to that, I assure you.
21:48 Bot ENCL1> Very well. Good conquest to you. Out! :: the transmission ends::
21:49 CaptMcCloud CO> :: frowns as the screen returns to the view of space::
21:50 Moonshadows TAC>::Hesitates... then speaks out::[ZCO]
21:50 Moonshadows WE cannot allow this sir
21:51 CaptMcCloud CO> I agree, Lt. But.... will Starfleet? Will our intervention be a violation of the Prime Directive?
21:52 Lt_Hart CENG> What if they requested our help, Captain?
21:52 CaptMcCloud CO> :: contemplates some more::
21:53 Moonshadows TAC>[CO] Sir... prevention of contamination or conquest of a more primitive race seems in line with the Prime Directive to me
21:53 DrCompton CMO>
::after a good bit of fiddling and adjusting and programming Daisy
presents Runtawr with her attempt at a Felusian dish::
21:53 Cmdr_Jorel xo >[ co ] Captain, at the very least, we can warn them.
21:55 CaptMcCloud CO >[ TAC ] That facat would not count because they have warp capabilities, but.....
21:56 Cmdr_Jorel xo
>[ co ] and the Prime Directive says not to interfere in internal
affairs . . . this is not internal Captain. Not sure Starfleet wants to
get involved in a war though.
21:56 CaptMcCloud CO>
:: brightens:: What if the Felusians were opening trade agreements with
the Federation? I mean... the Athena is still out that way,and could
benefit from such an agreement.
21:57 Cmdr_Jorel xo >[ co ] I would agree Captain, she definitely could
21:58 CaptMcCloud CO >[ OPS ] Open a hailing frequency to the Athena.
21:59 Ltjg_Wren Ops >[ CO ] Hailing frequencies open
22:01 CaptMcCloud CO >+[ ATHENA ]+ U.S.S Athena. This is Captain McCloud of the U.S.S. Eagle.
22:02 Bot @ Mergahn> +[EAGLE]+ :: appears on the screen, a bit of a perplexed look:: Captain McCloud... of the Eagle?
22:03 CaptMcCloud CO >+[ Mergahn ]+ Yes, Captain. Commodore Fyrstk has taken command of Pasteur Station due to.... well, circumstances.
22:04 Bot @
Mergahn> +[EAGLE]+ :: frowns:: Yes. I remember the death of his wife
now. :: brightens a little:: what can I do for you, Captain?
22:04 Moonshadows TAC>::At the word "circumstances" she snaps her tail once::
22:04 CaptMcCloud CO >+[ Mergahn ]+ I'm going to send you coordinates of a planet which is possibly coming under attack by the Enclave.
22:05 Bot @ Mergahn> +[EAGLE]+ :: frowns again, as she really wants nothing to do with the Enclave:: And what has that to do with us?
22:05 CaptMcCloud CO >[ OPS ] Lt. Wren, send Athena the coordinates of Felus Prime.
22:06 Ltjg_Wren Ops> ::transmitts the coordinates::
22:07 Moonshadows TAC>::Anyone who translates tail and ears can tell she is spoiling for a fight with the Enclave ships::
22:07 Bot @ Mergahn> +[EAGLE]+ ::looks at the data:: That is about 50 hours away at maximum warp.
22:08 CaptMcCloud CO>+[ Mergahn ]+ That would do, Captain. We're heded out that way.
I'm going to try to get Starfleet to approve us doing what we can to
stave off this invasion.
22:09 Bot @ Mergahn> +[EAGLE]+ :: looks skeptical:: We are in the middle of
something, Captain, but can break the Athena away, if you really need
22:09 CaptMcCloud CO >+[ Mergahn ]+ I wouldn't have called you if we didn't Captain.
22:10 Bot @ Mergahn> +[EAGLE]+ Get Starfleet command to give the order, and we'll be on our way.
22:10 CaptMcCloud CO >+[ Mergahn ]+ That's all I ask, Captain. Thank you. Eagle out.
22:10 CaptMcCloud =/\= Pause Sim =/\=

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  • » <USS Eagle> "Felusian Concern" Sim of 101201 - Rayne McCloud