<USS Banshee> Fwd: CPJ - Please Forward to Your Crews!

  • From: CptMorrigan@xxxxxxx
  • To: ussbanshee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 11:58:36 EDT

--- Begin Message ---
  • From: "Ahmad Sankoh" <asankoh@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <admiralgem@xxxxxxx>, <vadmgreyjag@xxxxxxx>, <asankoh@xxxxxxx>, <captainalkiara@xxxxxxx>, <chrnathanweiss@xxxxxxx>, <cpthacker@xxxxxxx>, <cptmorrigan@xxxxxxx>, <tamacy@xxxxxxx>, <fenristearse@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <enarraintdescai@xxxxxxx>, <captchoreltal@xxxxxxx>, <cptminakochava@xxxxxxx>, <groundzero@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <cptketchum@xxxxxxx>, <captainradetzky@xxxxxxx>, <anaisadarah@xxxxxxx>, <cdrjoyeleven@xxxxxxx>, <captainsullivan@xxxxxxx>, <cmichdave@xxxxxxx>, <ambjoy@xxxxxxx>, <jatannia@xxxxxxxxx>, <saskialar@xxxxxxxxx>, <victor_andros@xxxxxxxxx>, <svjutek@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <radmiraljulan@xxxxxxx>, <cmdrmdonnelly@xxxxxxx>, <cmdrkhausmann@xxxxxxx>, <pboopter@xxxxxxx>, <cmdsybosripley@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 22:42:08 -0700


First off, let me explain why my character's name is changing from Ahmad
Sankoh to Ian Blackthorne; the character change happened as the
culmination of a plot on Atlantis stretching back for five real-life
years. I did change to Sankoh seven months ago, but he was only an
interim character between Zuriyev and Blackthorne while Atlantis was in
a divergent timeline, so I promise not to unleash this changing of
Admirals on everyone again! My new AIM name is VAdm Ian Blackthorne and
you can email me at ian.blackthorne@xxxxxxxx This is the last email
you'll get from the Sankoh address, so please update your address books,
buddy lists, and mail filters!


This is a big month for the Celestial Prime Journal; it is with great
pleasure that I announce the CPA Forums! You'll find the link to them in
the contents pane of the CPJ, or you can access them directly at
http://forums.orbitalsunrise.net/cpa/ or
http://cpa.orbitalsunrise.net/forums/, whichever you prefer. Hosts,
please send me a current roster so I'll know what ranks and usergroups
to assign to people on the forums. I'll also need to know about
promotions so that I can elevate the person's forums rank. Aside from a
forum for each sim to post its logs and whatever else, there's also a
Lounge for general enjoyment and a forum for the Hosts to make
announcements about their sims! From now on, that's where announcements
will go instead of here.


The basic forum structure is like this - Each person registers one
forums account per sim character, using their character's first and last
name with no rank. That account is assigned to a usergroup that can post
new topics (like a log) in the appropriate sim's forum. You can't post
new topics in another sim's forum, but you can reply to existing topics,
so you can comment on a log from another sim, and you can always go back
and edit your own posts. Hosts will be moderators for their sim's forum,
having the power to delete inappropriate posts, create polls, and other
administrative functions. All registered users can post and reply in the
Lounge forum, and only hosts may do so in the Announcements forum.
Standards of censorship in your sim's forum are the same as in your sim,
and each forum's status is plainly labeled.


All of this will create a lot of questions and little things to work
out, I'm sure. We've already had a beta testing period of several weeks
to try to get everything, but things will pop up. Please do not hesitate
to email or IM me with questions or concerns! I'll be glad to help!


Vice Admiral Ian Blackthorne (formerly known as Ahmad Sankoh)

--- End Message ---

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