<USS Banshee> "Academy Daze" Pt. 2

  • From: "Brad Ruder" <groundzero@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ussbanshee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 13:49:18 -0800

“Academy Daze” - Part Two
Lieutenant Commander Joshua Asper

Special Guest Writer:
Aldren Cross as Cadet Jerrad Asper

The red block blinked against the black screen for the countless time. And it still a disturbing sight. He failed his the last test. A big one test at that, and his only chance to pass this particular course. He closed his eyes, sighing quietly as he rubbed his forehead. It blinked, and no matter how much he wish he could will it to have a better grade, it wasn't going to happen. Blinking at a thirty-two percent, graduation suddenly seem like a long time from now. Jerrad waited, losing the attention of the teacher a long time ago as all he could do was stare blankly at the padd.

Which prompted him to stay after class talking to Commander Hessin, the Astrophysics docent. "Isn't there something I can do about this grade? Commander, by brother came down here- from duty- to see my graduation. There must be another way for me to pass, sir." He held the padd up.

"I'm sorry cadet, but you knew this test was coming. You should have studied as I suggested to all of you. It's out of my hands." Commander Hessin replied.

The final class of the day had come and gone. Dozens of students had already exited the classroom, but Jerrad wasn't among them. Not wanting to be intrusive, Josh took a lean in and saw his younger brother chatting it up with the Commander. A flashing red light caught his attention; another failed test. Gritting his teeth, Josh had to fight from going into the class room. So, he sat in wait.

"Please, Commander. I know, I should have tried harder, studied, and make a best effort for it. But I've been having trouble with this class since the beginning. Please, there has got to be something I can do, sir." Jerrad pleaded as he pushed the padd aside.

"You had a lot of chances to come here on the weekends to make up any tests or seek help. But you didn't, cadet." Hessin replied sharply as his eyes narrowed on the young man. "And where were you? Opportunities for help do not come abundantly, cadet. I gave the chances. You, cadet, are simply irresponsible."

Jerrad mumbled, "I... I’ve been distracted, sir."

Hessin cut him off, "that is no excuse, Mr. Asper. I cannot help you. Regulations are regulations, now dismiss cadet." Hessin replied. Jerrad looked at him, knowing full well that when his older brother found out, he wasn’t going to like this one bit. He took the padd and quickly made his way out. He had to seek help somewhere, before word Josh could find out what transpired.

Josh leaned against the wall, almost brooding. Jerrad walked out of the room with a quickened gait, but Josh stood his ground. Sarcastically calling after the cadet, Josh let it drip with sarcasm, "hey, champ, one test, huh? Why don't you explain to me what the hell that conversation with the professor was about?"

Jerrad closed his eyes, stopping dead in his tracks as he looked up to the ceiling. It couldn't have been more of an explosion, or any sooner for that matter. But he took a breath. He knew he was about to say something equally aggravating, and he couldn't stop but say it, "I don't think it's any of your business, bro," He turned around as he looked at Josh, arms crossed and what looked like shimmering heat off his head. Sometimes, that anger made him squirm. This was one of those times, but he didn't let that back him down, "so this time it's two. Big deal, a minor setback."

"Not graduating? What planet are you living on? You know that mom would be throwing things at you and would sit up with you to all hours of the night studying. Just because she's gone doesn't mean you can let your life and your future slip into oblivion," Josh unfolded his arm and walked over to his brother getting him to start walking, "what is going on with you?"

"Don't you start with me about mom. I don't need you reminding me how much she cared about us. And nothing is going with me. It's not like you're the one facing the possible fact of not graduating. I am. So leave as it is." It was a complete adolescent outburst from a man that was about to graduate. Josh had a way of doing that, making him out younger than he was. "And doesn't the words, 'private meeting' mean anything to you?"

"Well, stop lying to me and you may earn that respect. You had the chance to tell me that you weren't doing well and you chose to taint it. Jerrad, what is going on? Do you need help in that class because I'm sure that Olivia can help. Hayden has some knowledge of astrophysics." Josh was trying lighten the situation, but he could tell that it wasn't being met.

Jerrad looked at him a little taken back, considering that Josh hadn't raised his voice any higher than what it was, he realized this was probably the only opportunity to let his brother help him out. After that, his career would begin, and he’ll have no one to depend on. He looked around nervously and began pacing around his brother, "I've failed the last five tests. In fact..uh, well, most of my test have been on a sixty percentile. The last few tests were the biggest, and well... you saw one of test, Josh. I can't pass this damn class. So.. I'm screwed," he smirked, "... dunno what to do."

"How about," Josh elbowed him a little, "studying? We could go down to Autumn's Midnight Café and just hang out the entire night. You can cram and cram and cram and then pass that test. What do you say?"

"Unless you can convince the Commander," he gestured over to the door of his last classroom, "to give me the test again. I'm not graduating."

"Isn't there one more test?"

"No, bro. That was the last. The Commander has been posted to a ship. This is.. was.. our last test. And the only one I need in order to graduate," he smirked. Astrophysics for security? Times like these, he wondered which Admiral made the schedules at the Academy. "If you could convince him, I'll cram for the test."

Josh flattened his uniform and licked his finger to shine his three golden pips, "All right." With that, Josh turned on his heel and entered the classroom, beelining for the professor's desk. Jerrad quickly gave the name of the docent as Josh entered, "Excuse me, Commander Hessin, do you have a moment before you leave?"

Hessin looked up from his mound of padds. He noticed Jerrad's face, and now the man that stood before him. "You must be Lieutenant Commander Asper. Jerrad's brother correct?" With a nod from Josh, Hessin shook his hand. "I suppose a few minutes delay isn't a bad thing. But I also assume you're here to convince me to do something about Jerrad's grade?"

Shaking his head, Josh leaned on the desk trying to bring that homely feel to the conversation. It was just one of Josh's tactics. "No, I think that Jerrad earned the grade that he did, but I do feel that everyone deserves a second chance. As far as him getting special treatment, I wouldn't put it past you. I want you to administer the test again to Jerrad in two days and allow him a chance to make it up."

"I see. Well, you'll have to know this. My class, as every other class in Academy do not give second chances easily. In fact, while Mr. Asper here has attended my class, he's had every opportunity to come here- on the weekends- and seek help or make any tests he's missed or failed. The point is Commander Asper, I have offered the help, made it known in the bulletins, even drilled it into their heads during class about it. There really is no reason why I should give him a second chance." Hessin replied. He knew the young man was going to graduate soon- who didn't? And bringing in his older brother made a small impression on Hessin, having heard of another Asper cadet roaming in the academies.

"Commander, with all due respect, who wants to give up their weekends? No one. The point I'm trying to make here is that my brother needs this class to graduate. In addition, it doesn't even matter to his major," Josh was trying not to lose his patience. Yes, Commander Hessin had a point, but the lack of haggling on the topic angered him. "Try and see it from a fledgling student's point of view."

Hessin looked at Jerrad, who nervously looked at the two men debating. "Alright, tomorrow. Not two days from now. Tomorrow, at," he thought for a second, "three in the afternoon." He walked back to the desk getting up a padd, "you'll have to finish the last two tests in order to pass and graduate, Cadet Asper. This is your last chance. Do not disappoint me. If there is anything else?" He looked at both of them.

Taking what little the professor had offered him, Josh nodded and walked away pushing Jerrad with him. "You've got it. Fifteen hundred hours, got it. He'll be here, and he'll pass." With that they left the Commander behind and walked towards Jerrad's quarters. "See! You've got one more chance, Jerrad, one more."

Jerrad smiled, "Thanks bro." The reply made Josh give a look that had Jerrad raising his hands, "alright alright, we'll go right now." Jerrad entered his quarters and took the necessary padds for the tests.

"I'll call Hayden, we're going to need an ungodly amount of help."

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  • » <USS Banshee> "Academy Daze" Pt. 2