[uae] Re: Hardfile size limitations

  • From: Toni Wilen <twilen@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: uae@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 17:57:52 +0300

There is one non-listed restriction: OS3.1 (not everyone have OS3.5+)
and older apparently do not like >65535 cylinders.

Yes. Joerg went on to say in that thread:

"I checked the old sources and release notes of FFS and the AmigaOS <= 3.1 versions had several bugs, for example it's using mulu.w (HighCyl-LowCyl+1), SectorsPerCylinder to calculate the number of sectors on a partition, but since mulu.w is a 16 * 16 = 32 bit multiplication that can't work ..."

Yeah, it appeared just after I had posted :)

btw, I don't agree with rejecting "illegal" geometries. The problem is that you don't know if selected geometry is really "illegal" until it is too late. Perhaps user has blizkick/setpatch/other hacks in startup-sequence that adds updated driver etc..

I have learned to not reject "stupid" options. There is always someone who needs that feature, usually using it for something totally unexpected purposes :)

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