[tn-dragonflies] Fwd: upper East TN visitB

  • From: richard connors <didymops07@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: tn-dragonflies@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 08:13:33 -0500

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: richard connors <didymops07@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 8:08 AM
Subject: upper East TN visitB
To: se-odonata@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, tn bird <tn-bird@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>


I made a visit to upper East Tennessee last week, it was mostly an Odeing
In Cumberland County I stopped at Catoosa WMA  for Arrowhead Spiketail, I
had been shown a spot there where they had been found - this turned out to
be my only Lifer for the trip.
I made a brief stop at Royal Blue WMA, in Campbell Co. hoping for sprites
that have been seen there again this year, but the stop was too brief and
was not successful for sprites.
My main destination was Dragonfly Day at Warriors Path SP (WP) in Sullivan
Co. This was our 4th year and we had a good turnout of folks and good
weather. Cherokee Clubtail was not found flying this year, but Larry
Everett found their larvae in the creek, so it made the list in that stage.
Most of my time was spent in Carter County (CC), some days waiting out the
rain, but most of the species on the trip list below are from Carter. One
morning was spent in Unicoi Co.(UC), some notes below designate county.
Some "spring" species still flying where I was staying at 2400 ft, like
lots of Com Baskettails, some still emerging, and one fly-by sighting of
Stream Cruiser. As highlights it's always good to see spreadwings, and
uncommon clubtails, and I don't often see Ruby Meadowhawks over my way in
middle TN.

Richard Connors

See a sampling of photos from the week here:

Ebony Jewelwing *Calopteryx maculata *

Amber-winged Spreadwing  *Lestes eurinus CC

Slender Spreadwing  *Lestes rectangularis UC

Variable Dancer  *Argia fumipennis *

Aurora Damsel  *Chromagrion conditum *

Azure Bluet * Enallagma aspersum*

Double-striped Bluet *Enallagma basidens*

Familiar Bluet  *Enallagma clivile *

Turquoise Bluet *Enallagma divagans*

Fragile Forktail   *Ischnura posita *

Eastern Forktail *Ischnura verticalis *

Gray Petaltail *Tachopteryx thoreyi*

Fawn Darner *Boyeria vinosa  (as larva only WP)

Swamp Darner *Epiaeschna heros WP

Unicorn Clubtail *Arigomphus villosipes  CC

Black-shouldered Spinyleg  *Dromogomphus spinosus  WP

Cherokee Clubtail *Gomphus consanguis (as larva only WP)

Lancet Clubtail *Gomphus exilis*

Ashy Clubtail *Gomphus lividus *

Sable Clubtail  *Gomphus rogersi  CC UC

Dragonhunter *Hagenius brevistylus (larva only WP)

Southern Pigmy Clubtail *Lanthus vernalis CC

Eastern Least Clubtail *Stylogomphus albistylus *

Brown Spiketail  *Cordulegaster bilineata CC

Arrowhead Spiketail  *Cordulegaster obliqua Cumberland Co

Stream Cruiser* Didymops transversa CC

Common Baskettail  *Epitheca cynosura *

Prince Baskettail  *Epitheca princeps  WP

Eastern Pondhawk   *Erythemis simplicicollis *

*Spangled Skimmer **Libellula cyanae*

Slaty Skimmer  *Libellula incesta *

Widow Skimmer  *Libellula luctosa*

Twelve-spotted Skimmer  *Libellula pulchella*

Great Blue Skimmer  *Libellula vibrans  CC WP

Blue Dasher    *Pachydiplax longipennis*

Common Whitetail  *Plathemis **lydia** *

Ruby Meadowhawk *Sympetrum rubicundulum  UC

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  • » [tn-dragonflies] Fwd: upper East TN visitB - richard connors