[TN-Butterflies] "Memorial Day" NABA Nashville South Butterfly Count, May 16

  • From: "Nancy" <owlshill@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Adadot Hayes" <adadot@xxxxxxx>, "Anthony J. Halterlein" <wackford@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Bart Jones" <bjones7777@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Betty Eckert " <eckertjb1934@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Bill Haley" <insul8rbill@xxxxxxxxx>, "Carol Wolf" <humble1@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Carter Harkins" <carkeys@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Catherine Gain" <mail4gain@xxxxxxxxx>, "Connie Haun" <cmhaun@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Cyndee Finney" <cyndeefinney@xxxxxxxxx>, "David Badger" <dbadger@xxxxxxxx>, "Don Davidson" <gedavidson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Donna Ward" <wardd9@xxxxxxxxx>, "Elizabeth Cannon" <ewbc1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Gerald & Pat Martin" <osageglade@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Holly Barrett" <crickeypoo@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Jane Hurwitz" <hurwitz@xxxxxxxx>, "Jean Buchanan" <jbuchanan16@xxxxxxxxx>, "John Froeschauer" <jdfroesch@xxxxxxxxx>, "Jonnie Sue Lyons" <Jonniesuel@xxxxxxx>, "Kathy Malone" <zlongwing@xxxxxxx>, "'Kelly Harkins'" <kellyannharkins@xxxxxxxxx>, "Ken Childs" <kjchilds@xxxxxxxxx>, "Kim Hughes" <ktigger85@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Kristy Baker" <kristybaker@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Leah LaRocco" <leahlarocco@xxxxxxxxx>, "Linda Robertson" <docs@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Lynn Bayers & Lane Brody" <lane@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Marilyn Burgess" <Cookiemrb@xxxxxxxxx>, "Mary Hays " <maryhays2010@xxxxxxxxx>, "Melissa Donahue " <melissa.donahue@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Michael Ann Robinson" <mikeanddon@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Michael Smith" <ms722@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "My Home" <nancygarden@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Peg Davitt" <pegdavitt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Peggy Sue " <mail4psm@xxxxxxxxx>, "Regine Messerli" <reginemesserli@xxxxxxxxx>, "Richard Connors" <rconnorsphoto@xxxxxxx>, "Rita Venable" <rita@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Sandra B. Watson" <threedogwood@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Sarah Johnson" <trentnsarah2910@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'Stephen Stedman'" <SStedman@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Sue Ansley" <sueansley@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Teri Wildt" <teriwildt@xxxxxxx>, "TN-Butterflies" <tn-butterflies@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Tommy Edwards" <tommy.edwards@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Warner Parks" <wpnc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 May 2013 09:18:12 -0500

Just a reminder that this Thursday, May 16, is the spring butterfly count
for the Nashville South (Owl's Hill) circle.  We will be counting several
different sites in the circle. 
1.      If you can help at Warner Park, contact Kim at
2.      If you would like to go to Radnor or Ellington, contact Richard at
3.      If you would like to help at Owl's Hill, contact Nancy at
owlshill@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (The Owl's Hill counting parties will begin at 10
4.      If you know of other sites in the circle that need counting and are
willing to do so, contact Nancy as above.
The cost is $3/person; please bring exact change - as in 3 $1 bills!  Party
leaders may not have change!!!  Party leaders will send a check to the
Middle Tennessee NABA, and the MidTN NABA treasurer will send a single check
to the national office.  This fee helps cover data processing and printing
of an annual count report.
Thank you for your help,
Nancy Garden
Middle Tennessee Chapter
North American Butterfly Association

Other related posts:

  • » [TN-Butterflies] "Memorial Day" NABA Nashville South Butterfly Count, May 16 - Nancy