[THIN] Re: track user load at given time intervals

  • From: "Jeff Durbin" <techlists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 15:49:04 +1300

You caught me with 15 minutes and feeling like writing code, so here's a
script that will do it for you:
Option Explicit
Const cInterval = 60000 ' 60000 = 60 seconds 
Const cLogFileName = "TS Session Log.csv"
Const cForReading = 1, cForWriting = 2, cForAppending = 8
While 1
  wscript.Sleep cInterval
Sub WriteHeader
  Dim oFS, oFileOut  
  Set oFS = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set oFileOut = oFS.OpenTextFile(cLogFileName, cForWriting, True)
  oFileOut.Write "Date,Time,Sessions" & vbcRLF
  Set oFileOut = Nothing
  Set oFS = Nothing
End Sub
Sub WriteSample
  Dim intSessionCount, strData, _
      strLines, strLine, strOut, _
      oFS, oFileOut
    strData = Cmd("quser")
  strLines = Split(strData, vbCrLf)
  For Each strLine In strLines
    if instr(strLine,"tcp#") then
      intSessionCount = intSessionCount + 1
    end if
  strOut = day(now) & "-" & month(now) & "-" & year(now) & "," & _
           hour(now) & ":" & minute(now) & ":" & second(time) & "," & _
           intSessionCount & vbCRLF
  Set oFS = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set oFileOut = oFS.OpenTextFile(cLogFileName, cForAppending, True)
  oFileOut.Write strOut
  Set oFileOut = Nothing
  Set oFS = Nothing
End Sub
Function Cmd(cmdline)
  Dim oShell, oFS, strOutFile, oFileOut, sCmd
  Set oShell = createobject("WScript.Shell")
  Set oFS = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  strOutFile = oFS.GetTempName
  sCmd = "%COMSPEC% /c " & cmdline & " >" & strOutFile
  oShell.Run sCmd, 0, True
  If oFS.FileExists(strOutFile) Then
    If oFS.GetFile(strOutFile).Size>0 Then
      Set oFileOut = oFS.OpenTextFile(strOutFile)
      Cmd = oFileOut.Readall
    End If
  End If
  set oShell = Nothing
  set oFileOut = Nothing
  set oFS = Nothing
End Function

  Copy the script into notepad and save it with the extension VBS. I called
it "Log Connected TS Sessions.vbs". I set the sampling interval to 60
seconds (that's 60,000 thousandths), which you can change by modifying this
Const cInterval = 60000 ' 60000 = 60 seconds 
  Just multiply 60,000 by the number of minutes you want to use for your
sampling interval and re-save it. 
  Because this is VBScript, there's not a convenient way to end it when
you're through collecting the data, so you'll have to open Task Manager and
end the Wscript.exe process when you're finished. 
  The output file is a CSV file that you can open in Excel. To graph it,
just open the file, highlight the three columns (or you can just highlight
everything), and click the "Chart Wizard" button in the toolbar. Choose
"Line" as the chart type and pick whatever sub-type suits you. Click Finish
and you'll have your graph.
  I borrowed the CMD function from whoever's web page is located at
http://dev.remotenetworktechnology.com/wsh/lib/tslib.htm, so thanks to
whoever you are. That function lets you get the output of a program executed
by the shell, in this case: QUSER.EXE. Needless to say, the script relies on
Jeff Durbin
Red Fish Information Systems Limited
www.redfish.co.nz <http://www.redfish.co.nz/> 
-----Original Message-----
From: thin-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:thin-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Roger Riggins
Sent: 12 December 2003 2:32 PM
To: thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [THIN] track user load at given time intervals

I'd like to be able to see how many users were logged in during certain time
intervals over a period of about a week. Something like perfmon to give me a
nice line graph would be perfect. The counter for session latency doesn't do
what I'd like.
Anybody know of a tool to do this?
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