[THIN] Re: Citrix Over A Frame / Latent Network

  • From: "Matt Kosht" <matt.kosht@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 15:48:57 -0400

Citrix (all versions I have used 1.8,XP,PS3) work just fine on a frame
relay network.  A lot depends on how congested/poor performing the
network.  This can be said of any network technology and is certainly
not specific to Citrix.  Latency can be overcome by reducing congestion,
enforcing Quality of service with a traffic shaper like a Packeteer,
etc.  Latency over 300ms is generally unacceptable in most situations
for Citrix ICA. There is some voodoo you can perform to make it not so
noticeable but bottom line you need to get latency as far below this
threshold as possible.

>>> JasonS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 09/27/04 3:42 PM >>>
Someone told me that Citrix is known to have issues running smoothly
over a Frame Type network.  Is this true or was this true with older
versions?  Thank You.  I do not have much more detail other than
someone's observations.
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