[texbirds] Tropical Kingbirds, Tropical Parula, and Botteri's Sparrows at King Ranch Norias Division, 04/14/14

  • From: Tom Langschied <TLangschied@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 23:57:34 +0000

Yesterday, I birded the Norias Division (Kenedy Co.) of King Ranch with Tom 
Hince and several others.  Tom's (not mine) sharp ears picked up the first 
confirmed Tropical Kingbird found on King Ranch.  Once we located it, we 
realized there was a pair. This is a species I have looked (or listened) for 
over the past 20 + years on the King Ranch.  These birds were found near the 
headquarters of this division which is a location that I have long felt would 
be good for this species.  I hope they continue to linger in the area.
Tom also located the first Botteri's Sparrow of the season on the Norias 
Division.  We later found at least two more singing males and at one location 
where we had a singing Botteri's on one side of the road and a singing Cassin's 
Sparrow on the other side each no more 30 yards from the road.  Very cool!
Other highlights included a Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl (seen holding a mouse), 
Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet (4), and  Tropical Parula (2 males seen, one 
other heard), and Audubon's Oriole (brief glimpse).  The number of grasshopper 
Sparrows singing in some of the pastures was also quite remarkable.
All in all a very special day at Norias. For a full list of the 68 species 
noted during that outing see below.

Take care and good birding,

Tom Langschied
Kingsville, TX

Birds noted on the Norias Div., King Ranch - 04/14/14
1.       Northern Bobwhite  7
2.       Wild Turkey  8
3.       Black Vulture  9
4.       Turkey Vulture  13
5.       Mississippi Kite  3
6.       Northern Harrier  2
7.       Swainson's Hawk  12
8.       Red-tailed Hawk  2
9.       Upland Sandpiper  6
10.   Whimbrel  13
11.   Gull-billed Tern  2
12.   Rock Pigeon  4
13.   Eurasian Collared-Dove  2
14.   White-winged Dove  1
15.   Mourning Dove  30
16.   Common Ground-Dove  9
17.   White-tipped Dove  1
18.   Greater Roadrunner  1
19.   Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl  1
20.   Chimney Swift  3
21.   Buff-bellied Hummingbird  3
22.   Golden-fronted Woodpecker  4
23.   Ladder-backed Woodpecker  3
24.   Crested Caracara  1
25.   Merlin  1
26.   Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet  4
27.   Vermilion Flycatcher  5
28.   Brown-crested Flycatcher  8
29.   Great Kiskadee  3
30.   Tropical Kingbird  2     Heard and photographed.
31.   Couch's Kingbird  12
32.   Scissor-tailed Flycatcher  10
33.   Loggerhead Shrike  2
34.   Blue-headed Vireo  1
35.   Green Jay  5
36.   Northern Rough-winged Swallow  8
37.   Barn Swallow  12
38.   Cliff Swallow  6
39.   Cave Swallow  1
40.   Black-crested Titmouse  4
41.   Bewick's Wren  2
42.   Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  1
43.   Ruby-crowned Kinglet  1
44.   Curve-billed Thrasher  2
45.   Long-billed Thrasher  1
46.   Northern Mockingbird  18
47.   Northern Parula  1
48.   Tropical Parula  3
49.   Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)  1
50.   Botteri's Sparrow  3
51.   Cassin's Sparrow  2
52.   Field Sparrow  2
53.   Vesper Sparrow  1
54.   Lark Sparrow  6
55.   Savannah Sparrow  12
56.   Grasshopper Sparrow  14     Many seen & heard singing.
57.   Lincoln's Sparrow  2
58.   Summer Tanager  3
59.   Northern Cardinal  5
60.   Pyrrhuloxia  1
61.   Eastern Meadowlark  8
62.   Great-tailed Grackle  19
63.   Bronzed Cowbird  4
64.   Brown-headed Cowbird  9
65.   Hooded Oriole  12
66.   Audubon's Oriole  1
67.   Lesser Goldfinch  3
68.   House Sparrow  6

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Other related posts:

  • » [texbirds] Tropical Kingbirds, Tropical Parula, and Botteri's Sparrows at King Ranch Norias Division, 04/14/14 - Tom Langschied