[texbirds] Smith Point Hawkwatch 10/29/12

  • From: Tad Finnell <tadcipiter@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 22:59:35 -0500

   The third day of North winds at the hawkwatch found me
taking the reins and giving Tony a few hours off to get some
paperwork done, but I didn't have to work very hard with fewer
raptors flying and Joe Kennedy assisting. The birds seemed to have
everything going for them, but evidently they just weren't in
the pipeline. Vultures once more took center stage, with 280
counted, but they weren't in any hurry to move as they meandered
back and forth multiple times before crossing the Bay. We had a
little excitement midday as two Bald Eagles sailed by about 5
minutes apart, and a bit later an adult Harris Hawk came
through in a kettle of Vultures, joining them for a while
wandering back and forth before disappearing, I think across the
Bay. A good number of passerines were around today, too. Red
breasted Nuthatch were seen and heard, a Black-chinned Hummer
contested with a Ruby-throat for feeder supremacy, and
somewhere between 9 and 10 o'clock an Ani (has it been
hanging around???) was heard calling in the NW motte, my candidate
for "Bird of the Day". I'm sure Joe will post with a better
passerine update. Only a couple more weeks. Come see us if
you haven't already, and if you have, come on back!

   Raptor List
Broad-winged Hawk     59
Red-tailed Hawk            16
Swainson's Hawk           3
Sharp-shinned Hawk    37
Cooper"s hawk              32
Turkey Vulture               269
Black Vulture                 11
American Kestrel           7
Northern Harrier           8
Harris Hawk                   1
White-tailed Kite           1
Bald Eagle                       2 (1 3rd year, 1 3rd or 4th year)

         Totals                    446

                         Tad Finnell
                         Lake Jackson
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  • » [texbirds] Smith Point Hawkwatch 10/29/12 - Tad Finnell