[texbirds] Re: Slaty-backed Gull mantle color

  • From: Chuck Sexton <gcwarbler@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: TexBirds TexBirds Posting <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 08:32:11 -0600


I think more needs to be said about this topic, actually.  The Laredo bird and 
Slaty-backed Gulls in general are *not* “black-backed” gulls.  I am certain I 
overlooked the Slaty-backed Gull on my first afternoon at Lake Casa Blanca on 
Wed., Feb. 12, because I was erroneously expecting a very dark-backed 
(blackish) gull.  Some of the pics of that individual from the LBF weekend 
appear quite black-backed.  In the late afternoon sun on Wednesday, I kept 
looking past the one (distant) large Herring-type gull which seemed to have 
just a slightly darker medium gray mantle.  Yet in hindsight, I’m sure it was 
the Slaty-backed.

I believe what Dan’s link to the Surfbirds.com pics of Slaty-backed Gulls was 
meant to suggest is that the mantle color is variable (a) among individuals, 
and/or (b) by angle and lighting conditions, and/or (c) by photographic 
measures.  Precisely because the Slaty-backed Gull has an intermediate mantle 
color, it can seem to be much lighter or much darker due especially to the 
angle of sunlight and cloud conditions.  My experience on Thursday, Feb. 13, 
with real-time discussion with several birding friends as we looked at the 
(known) Slaty-backed through 20X to 60X scopes continued to emphasize how time 
of day, side lighting, and shadows could deceive the eye into believing the 
mantle color of the Laredo bird could be virtually anything from pale Herring 
gray to Black-backed.

Chuck Sexton

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