[texbirds] Sabine Woods and Tropical Mockingbird update

  • From: steve mayes <sgmayes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: TEXBirds posts <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2012 04:07:27 +0000

TexBirders, Sabine Woods has been good lately with fall migration heating up.  
Saturday morning saw 15 species of warbler at the woods including Blue-winged, 
Nashville, multiple Mournings, Redstarts, Wilson's, Hooded and both 
Waterthrushes to name a few.  There have been ~20 warbler species seen at the 
woods in the last few days.  Also, good numbers of Empids around and two 
Broad-winged Hawks circling the woods for much of the morning.  Saw the adult 
male Golden-fronted Woodpecker (the one of questionable parentage) and one of 
his offspring.  The young bird is beginning to show a little red on top of the 
head and orange on the nape, so it is apparently male.As far as the Tropical 
Mockingbird goes, she has not been seen in several weeks now.  When her 
youngsters fledged, she began to get harder and harder to find, ranging further 
from her usual haunts.  Lately, she has just been absent.  Not sure what to 
make of this but the bird could easily just have moved to one of the nearby 
properties (private property) and might turn up again.  Did not see any of the 
hybrid offspring today, though they can be hard to separate from the Northern 
Mockingbirds in the area if you don't get a good look and there were plenty of 
the Northerns around today.If you decide to visit Sabine Woods, prepare for 
mosquitos because they were awful! Steve MayesPort Arthur, TX                   

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  • » [texbirds] Sabine Woods and Tropical Mockingbird update - steve mayes