[texbirds] PoCo incoming late evening

  • From: Brush Freeman <brushfreeman@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <Texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2013 19:37:58 -0500

Winds SE ~17, but despite them there are a significant number of birds in
the more protected areas of town and there are incoming shorebirds.   I was
not into checking the birds for diversity but was interested just to see if
the migrants had increased/decreased in sheer numbers.  There were a lot
more than this morning to be sure especially the ubiquitous Orioles and
Tanagers and like yesterday numerous thrushes which I did not check
closely...I did not bother with warblers much but see a fair number.  Found
a Chuck roosting.
  Have not done much in the way of shorebirds this spring, but was told
there is a field that is being flooded which is blanketed with thousands of
shorebirds. If it has to be viewed from a roadside, said to be incredible.
If I can work up some desire I may hit it in the morning for a bit but it
is a good 25 mile round trip from the house vs. my in town  at <2

Brush Freeman
361-655-7641 Cell
Finca Alacranes., Utley,Texas

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  • » [texbirds] PoCo incoming late evening - Brush Freeman