[texbirds] Laguna Gloria 5-14-12: Veery, 13 Warbler Species, etc.

  • From: Sam Fason <scfason@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 22:17:18 -0500

I birded Laguna this afternoon only (because school is a thing), but from a
few reports it sounds like it did not disappoint this morning.
compiling my own observations, plus Jane Tillman's and Ken William's
observations, im putting together a (possibly incomplete) list of the stuff
seen today
I personally had 10 warbler species this evening, and with reports from Ken
and Jane, they had 3 i failed to get. i will indicated which birds where
seen by who.

here is a list of the noteworthy birds:

Barred Owl (Sam, others maybe?)
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (Ken)
Willow Flycatcher (Ken, Sam)
Least Flycatcher (Ken)
Warbling Vireo (Ken)
Philadelphia Vireo (Ken, Sam)
House Wren (Sam: singing in the cane thicket)
VEERY - Jane Tillman reported a singing Veery from a poison ivy thicket in
between the red trailor on the asphalt-paved loop trail and the big red
sculpture in the clearing. looking back at my ebird data, the two Veerys i
have had at Laguna have been earlier (5/2/10 and 5/4/11) but this is a
great record and im confident in it. While trying to relocate this bird in
the evening, i had a relatively bright rufous thrush spook and fly away,
and i couldnt relocate it...could have been a more rufous Swainson's, or
something else entirely, who knows.
Swainson's Thrush (Sam)
Ovenbird (Jane)
Northern Waterthrush (Sam)
Tennessee Warbler (Sam)
Nashville Warbler (Sam)
Mourning Warbler (Sam)
Common Yellowthroat (Sam, im sure others)
American Redstart (Ken, Sam)
Magnolia Warbler (Ken, Sam)
Yellow Warbler (Ken, Sam)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Ken, Sam)
Black-throated Green Warbler (Ken)
Canada Warbler (Ken)
Wilson's Warbler (Ken, Sam)
Summer Tanager (Sam)

another good day, glad others had such good success
Sam Fason, Austin

Other related posts:

  • » [texbirds] Laguna Gloria 5-14-12: Veery, 13 Warbler Species, etc. - Sam Fason