[texbirds] Gray-crowned Yellowthroat Sunday morning

  • From: Marilyn Turnage <marilynturnage@xxxxxxx>
  • To: TexBirds TexBirds Posting <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2015 07:16:03 -0700

My granddaughter and I arrived before daylight at Estero Llano (after missing 
the bird the day before), and started down the Spoonbill Trail as soon as dawn 
songs started in the moning, still very early. My granddaugher, Amber Carver, 
heard the song from a distance and followed it right to the bird. We probably 
had excellent views for more than 30 minutes, while it went from bush to bush 
singing from the top of each one, hoping for a mate somewhere. Lots of very 
good photos. Before we left (we had a 10:30 AM flight), the bird must have been 
singing from less than 10 feet away. Beautiful!
I do want to say that although the trail was underwater, it was hard packed and 
easy to walk on without getting muddy. I was concerned about how many people 
had trampled the grass instead of staying on the trail (as the signs tell us to 
do). It is hard to understand how we, as birders, can want to see a bird so bad 
that we hurt it's habitat like that. The Yellowthroat was going from singing 
perch to singing perch through the grass. The water on the trail was probably 
1-2 inches deep, not muddy, and yet we damage the grass the bird uses for 
traveling, by not using that trail!
Marilyn Turnage
Flower Mound Texas
Amber Carver
Denver, Colorado

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  • » [texbirds] Gray-crowned Yellowthroat Sunday morning - Marilyn Turnage