[texbirds] Granger area - 2/24 - White-tailed Hawk, Prairie F.

  • From: Chuck Sexton <gcwarbler@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: TXBirds TexBirds Posting <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2013 20:51:08 -0600


Prompted by Lee Hoy's repeat sighting of a Prairie Falcon on CR 354  
on the N side of Granger Lake (e. Williamson Co.), I spent a few  
hours wandering the county roads in that area today.  At 5:25pm, on  
my 3rd pass through the area, I spotted the Prairie Falcon perched on  
a telephone pole on CR 354 just E of the CR 350 intersection...just  
where Lee had mentioned.

Recalling that he'd seen another Prairie Falcon closer to the lake on  
CR 378 some time back, I headed down that way late in the evening.   
No Prairie Falcon, but I was rewarded by finding an adult WHITE- 
TAILED HAWK.  (That's "hawk", not "kite".)  This is probably the bird  
reported by Victor Emanual in January (?) a few miles away.  This was  
at the very end of CR 378 within the San Gabriel WMA.  I studied the  
perched bird for a few minutes, then it changed perches slightly  
further away and I watched it for another 5 minutes before it  
departed to the SW, somewhere towards the willow/ash riparian woods  
along the mouth of the San Gabriel River.  I tried to refind the bird  
from the CR 391 access point but failed.  By then it was dusk.  The  
bird may have roosted in the woods along the San Gabriel River.  In  
January, it was seen on CR 345 near 346, about 3 mi W of the present  

Many thanks to Lee Hoy for keeping in touch about the elusive PRFA  
and to Victor for his earlier reporting of a very rare Austin area hawk.

Chuck Sexton
Austin, TX
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Other related posts:

  • » [texbirds] Granger area - 2/24 - White-tailed Hawk, Prairie F. - Chuck Sexton