[texbirds] Gillespie Co. - 2/23 - highlights

  • From: Chuck Sexton <gcwarbler@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: TXBirds TexBirds Posting <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2013 21:59:18 -0600


I cruised around the Fredericksburg region to pad my Gillespie County  
list today.  Hotspots included the Gillespie County Roadside Rest and  
LBJ State Hist. Park on Ranch Rd 1 at dawn, Fort Scott and the sewage  
ponds, Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park (slow with one exception),  
Morris Ranch Road, and Lower Crabapple Road.  Here are some  
highlights of a 74-spp day:

--  In the pre-dawn, I came across a Great Egret and cormorant roost  
in pecans and bald cypress trees along the Pedernales River adjacent  
to the State Park on RR 1 (30.23663N, 98.61522W).  A total of 22 GREG  
were in one tree, along with 55 Double-crested Cormorants and at  
least 3-4 Neotropicals in nearby trees.  Despite my efforts to avoid  
disturbing them, they all departed for parts unknown at sunrise.   
Curiously, my first raptor of the day was an Osprey on the river  
there and my first waterfowl were a pair of Wood Ducks at the same  
location--nice start!

--  A Marsh Wren was on the brushy island in the small lake at Lady  
Bird Munic. Park; the park was otherwise very slow for birding.

--  Raptors and sparrows were sparse and scattered, but Pine Siskins  
were present in all groves and riparian corridors by the dozen.  I  
worked many creek crossings and river corridors but only came away  
with a few Belted Kingfishers for the day; a mild disappointment.

--  Undoubtedly the strangest sight of the day was a group of 3  
Sandhill Cranes standing in a mesquite/cedar elm/prickly pear pasture  
along FM 1323 E of Willow City (a short ways E of FM 1631  
intersection) in the late afternoon--inexplicable.  I first expected  
them to be Great Blues but a scope view proved otherwise.

Chuck Sexton
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  • » [texbirds] Gillespie Co. - 2/23 - highlights - Chuck Sexton