[texbirds] Galveston to Anahuac today, first of season and last of season

  • From: Joseph Kennedy <josephkennedy36@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: 4 Texbirds Maillist <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 18:16:38 -0500

I started out with a stop on 61st street to check on the loon herd. There
was one full breeding plumage common loon a good way out but most of the
birds 65+ were way down past the Colonel's parking spot. They were flying a
lot back and forth between 2 feeding areas but none came closer to
civilization. Even going down the bay, the loons would have been way out
Stopped at A&M and had my latest ever song sparrow. Then had 4 more song
sparrows at Hooks woods that were even later and finally the latest one at
Anahuac just past the new center.

The cliff swallows were back on the bridge to Pelican Island and the
viaduct. They were also at the high rise bridge on 124 north of high island
and some of the other bridges. Checked cave swallow bridges in the pm but
had none.

A long string of scaup was west of the Bolivar jetty but had no large
strangers. Took pictures and they also had no large strangers.

Crystal Beach had my FOS sandwich tern with a very pink breast. As usual my
camera did not show the pink for some reason. Almost nothing on any other
beach. Plover were in back of the Cobb Realty office with 10 golden and 1
upland. Bob Road had a young caracara feeding where the whimbrels fed last
year and a single eastern willet. None of the usual ditches had eastern
willets yet.

Yacht basin road had my first scissor-tailed flycatcher of the spring. The
Louisiana waterthrush from a week ago was at Boy Scout Woods. Chimney
swifts were overhead at Smith Oaks.

Anahuac was quiet in the pm and the new visitor center is open and in
business. If hawks are about it will make a great viewing place as it was
for a bald eagle this morning.

I kept looking for more birds but would remember that is just the 20th of
March and not the end of the month when those birds would actually be
arriving in numbers. But swifts are great.

None at the local chimney when I got home but lots of singing house finches
who have come back from where they went last fall. Will have to see what is
around in the morning.

Joseph C. Kennedy
on Buffalo Bayou in West Houston

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  • » [texbirds] Galveston to Anahuac today, first of season and last of season - Joseph Kennedy