[texbirds] Galveston County today

  • From: David McDonald <dkmmdpa@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 18:31:07 -0600

Hi Texbirders,

It was a wonderful day to go birding in Galveston.

I started alt LaFitte's Cove. It was failry quiet.

I found Eastern Phoebe, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher, 
several Myrtle Warblers and a female plumaged hummer, I presume most 
likely a Black-chinned at this time of year. I wasn't able to get a 
photo of it.

There were about 6 Loggerhead Shrikes, the most I have seen there.

There was one fall straggler..a White-eyed 
Vireo..   http://www.pbase.com/image/158521357

The ponds had Mottled Duck, Blue-winged and Green-winged Teals, 
Shovelers and a Coot

A single female Bufflehead was 
present...  http://www.pbase.com/davidmcd/image/158521364

Always nice to see was a single 
Spoonbill...   http://www.pbase.com/davidmcd/image/158521354

Settegast Road had a Red-tailed Hawk, American Kestrel, only 1 
sparrow, a Savannah, and this Loggerhead Shrike who let me get his 
photo from very close.    http://www.pbase.com/davidmcd/image/158521358
It was nice to get him on a branch instead of the wires. Also a 
Belted Kingfisher was by the pond.

8 Mile Road had a small flock of yellowlegs, mostly greater. An 
Osprey was fishing over the flooded field 1/2 way down. Don't know 
what he would catch in 3" of water?
There was a flock of 1/2 dozen Sandhill Crane as well.

Then I went to the Texas City Dike. I found only 1 duck, a female 
Bufflehead and no grebes.

However a few American Oystercatchers stole the show. They are such 
colorful birds.

Here is an adult with his feathers 
fluffed....   http://www.pbase.com/davidmcd/image/158521351

And here I think a neat photo with a wave breaking in front of 
him...   http://www.pbase.com/davidmcd/image/158521350

He was with this juvie. Notice the dark tip of the 
bill.....   http://www.pbase.com/davidmcd/image/158521349

Lots of pelicans were hanging out where the fishermen were cleaning 
their catch. Further on I saw this pelican with a pink throat. When I 
looked with binos, his throat is engorged with a huge fish he is 
trying to swallow. I haven't seen this before in all my years. I 
didn't know whether to go and perform a Heimlich procedure on him to 
dislodge it.     http://www.pbase.com/davidmcd/image/158521352

The gull flocks consisted of Laughing, Ring-billed and a few Herring. 
This Laughing Gull appeared to have a broken wing he was 
dragging.    http://www.pbase.com/davidmcd/image/158521353

Terns were just Forster's and a few Royals. This juvie Royal is 
molting to adult, but still has gray on wings and mud spattered 
orange legs    http://www.pbase.com/davidmcd/image/158521355

There were only a 3 species of sandpipers. Here is western 
Willet....   http://www.pbase.com/image/158521407

and Ruddy Turnstone...   http://www.pbase.com/davidmcd/image/158521356

And my FOS Sanderling...   http://www.pbase.com/davidmcd/image/158521365

Good birding

David McDonald
Friendswood TX

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  • » [texbirds] Galveston County today - David McDonald