[texbirds] 9-4-12 SEVEN species of warblers @ Warbler Woods Bird Sanctuary Tuesday, Sept 5th

  • From: Susan Schaezler 1 <warblerwoods@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Texbirds <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2012 16:35:06 -0500

9-4-12 SEVEN species of warblers @ Warbler Woods Bird Sanctuary Tuesday, Sept 

We ended up with 48 species on the composite day list for Warbler Woods 
yesterday. We had 11 join us with San Antonio Audubon Society that morning, 
which was most fun and I reported on that trip on the SATX group.

Yellow-bellied Flycatcher has been out there the last few days and I was able 
to get pictures. Loggerhead Shrike has returned to the brush pile after 
enduring lots of shooting with opening day of Dove Season and I haven't heard 
the Northern Bobwhite since opening day when they were crying from my neighbors 
field. Yellow-throated Vireo was beautiful--pictures at: http://flic.kr/ps/Xra5h

Northern Waterthrush, Nashville, Mourning, American Redstart, Yellow, Wilson's 
and Yellow-breasted Chat for the Warblers. Summer Tanager showed up in the 
afternoon. Painted Buntings are still here and we also enjoyed Orchard and 
Baltimore Oriole. I've been checking for nightjars and have been having a 
larger nightjar, but last night, I had a smaller one land in front of the cart 
and I didn't see any white. Will return tonight with Don, light and camera. 
Owls have also been calling, both Great Horned and Screech.

Today, I didn't have anyone helping observe and it was very active in warbler 
numbers. Lots of Yellow Warblers in many parts of the property, Wilson's, 
Yellow-breasted Chat, Northern Waterthrush. I also had a Solitary Sandpiper and 
a Cooper's Hawk is currently bathing in the Warbler Pond. I'm at 38 species at 
the current time, although I have several more species to add. I had to run an 
expedited run today since it was due to get hot very fast and I wanted time to 
enjoy the backyard. I can't wait for it to cool down 5 degrees so that I can 
stay out longer to play!!

I did something different on twitter today--I posted pictures of the different 
places that I stop on my regular route, which I run every day. I just noticed 
that my son has twitter posted on my webpage, so you can see where I went 

I never have time to get into the woods in the Summer and early Fall, but look 
forward to doing so when I have more hours to spend outside. I'm usually out 
645 a.m.-noon and a short time in the evening. The best places right now are 
the Scout Pond, Heron Pond and Warbler Pond. I like to spend 60-90 min at each 
of these sites and although they go through some quiet times, in the end, I end 
up with a good list of what I can hear or see from that location.

Susan Schaezler

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  • » [texbirds] 9-4-12 SEVEN species of warblers @ Warbler Woods Bird Sanctuary Tuesday, Sept 5th - Susan Schaezler 1