[texbirds] 2013 at Warbler Woods Bird Sanctuary

  • From: Susan Schaezler <warblerwoods@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: undisclosed-recipients:;
  • Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 22:04:06 -0600

2013 at Warbler Woods Bird Sanctuary 

This has been a wonderful year at Warbler Woods, thanks to everyone!  It was a 
challenge with health issues with my Father and myself, but everyone helped out.

We added one new species, Tri-colored Heron.  http://flic.kr/p/ipQbCM

Warbler season was great fun--here are some of the best days this year:
19 species of warblers may 11
18 species of warblers may 6
20 species of warblers may 4
These values are typically the number of warblers seen in one day in the 
backyard, but, occasionally, they might include a warbler or two from the 
property.  Spring Migration is usually at its peak the last week of April and 
first 10 days of May. Every year except one we have hit 18-22 species of 
warblers in one day.  Fall Migration is fun too!

When the Coast has on-shore winds, the migrating birds keep coming and start 
arriving 10-2 p.m.  Of course, there are others that arrive overnight, so no 
telling when we will get major action.  One year we had a day when our major 
action started at 1 p.m. and we ended up with 21 species of warblers.

Major projects/expenditures this year were: base material and culverts placed 
from the parking lot to the field, Scout Pond Dam Blind, Thomas's Meadow Water 
Feature, Prairie Restoration, Pond repair & maintenance, Hummingbird/Butterfly 
Bed, Grubber to remove Huisache, etc., Rotary Spreader for tractor to spread 
native grass seed. The Portapotti is also a significant expenditure during 
Migration.  Labor is donated by different groups and/or individuals.

The Scout Pond Dam Blind was finished today!  http://flic.kr/p/ipXFZa
It was started by Lindheimer's Master Naturalist Mike McChesney and assisted 
along the way by other Lindheimer's members and the Wildlife Society of Texas 
State University.  The materials were funded by donations from San Antonio 
Audubon Society and Twin Lakes Audubon Society.  Thanks to all!

Thomas Moore Feed Company donated many tons of bird seed and kept that expense 
to $853 for the year?  Thank you so much for helping and especially for 
donating Thomas's Meadow to us!

We had two college graduates come and work for 110 hours in November for $10/hr 
and they did an amazing job.  Our trails really needed your energetic help!

Volunteer wise, we had Lindheimer's Master Naturalists, SAAS, TAS, San Antonio 
Zoo, Texas State University Wildlife Society, Scouts, Young Birders Group, 
Madia's, and numerous others and individuals.

Warbler Woods donations go into the WW bank account and the expenses come out 
of this.  We add money to make up the difference.  We have donated(personally) 
$14,000.00 so far this year.   We have received donations of $6078.00 with 
$1100.00 of that being given by one individual and $500 each of that by San 
Antonio Audubon Society and Twin Lakes Audubon Society.  I'm counting the 
Audubon donations as going for the new Scout Pond Dam Blind materials, so you 
have something concrete to recognize your donation.

Btw, the new asphalt from the gate to the parking lot was paid by ourselves 

The Prairie Restoration cost $4500. And we were reimbursed $3625.  This isn't 
in the above numbers.  Texas State U. Wildlife Society is doing the current 
restoration project by the Sparrow Hole.

It's Sparrow Season here now and great fun.  I hope you can visit soon.  Just 
email for permission to visit.

Thanks to all for helping this year!

Susan Schaezler
501(c)(3) Cibolo/Schertz/Guadalupe County
Lone Star Land Steward Winner 2011. GCBO Site Partner. Life member TOS, SAAS, 
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  • » [texbirds] 2013 at Warbler Woods Bird Sanctuary - Susan Schaezler