[techtalk] Re: FAT32 or NTFS on XP pro: WAS > Re: Disk errors in Event Viewer IBM Drives

  • From: Thomas Hurst <tom.hurst@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: techtalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 29 May 2004 02:55:23 +0100

* Roger Light (Roger.Light@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:

> This also applies if you are dual booting Linux for instance. Whilst the NT=
> FS support is improving, it is far from complete (or even useful really). W=
> e have lots of dual boot Windows/Linux machines at work and I tend to set t=
> hem up with a FAT32 partition that can be used to transfer data between the=
> two operating systems just as Tim describes.

Have you concidered running one inside the other rather than messing
about with dual boot configurations?  Both have a few options; one
especially interesting one with Windows is CoLinux, which runs the Linux
kernel effectively inside the WinNT one:


Another nice solution might be to have the Windows boxes act as thin
clients to a few *ix servers exporting X, or even just running SSH,
depending on what Linux is actually used for.  You could do it the other
way around with an *ix rdesktop client and a beefy Windows machine
running a full Windows Terminal Server daemon, but that's liable to be a
lot more expensive (depends what you spend on X clients on the Windows
side; whether the cygwin X server is sufficient, or if you want XWin32
or eXceed or so).

Anyway, just a thought :)

Thomas 'Freaky' Hurst  -  freaky@xxxxxxxx  -  http://www.aagh.net/

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