[TechAssist] FW: Mitsubishi CK35MX2, Pip question, "skip" on channel 7

  • From: "art bevilacqua" <abevilac@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <techassist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 22:01:39 -0400

This set had the normal PIP cap problems (no sync, etc) and we bypassed
it with a 47ufd and .01 cap.

The picture is now great, except that channel 7 exhibits what looks like
"skip" from the old antenna days - hash lines and a faint "second
picture" shifting across the screen, etc.

The set next to it is fine on 7, so the shop's antenna/cable system is
ruled out. Do you think this is an unrelated problem, or am I using the
wrong PIP bypass for this set.

Thanks, art

Art Bevilacqua
Essex Radio and TV
40 Main Street
Essex, MA 01929

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