[tcb] Re: What about a campout/show/party/eating festival here in late October?

  • From: Neil McGlothin <nbmdude@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 21:20:08 -0700 (PDT)

I'd be in!

--- Denis Dodson <coocoo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Would anybody come to the fall folliage fiesta. It
> would be absolutely bu-feakin-colic!

"The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery. If 
you seek the mystery instead of the answer, you'll always be seeking. I've 
never seen anybody really find the answer-- they think they have, so they stop 
thinking. But the job is to seek mystery, evoke mystery, plant a garden in 
which strange plants grow and mysteries bloom. The need for mystery is greater 
than the need for an answer."

-- Ken Kesey

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