[sprdlinux] Re: Help with spreadtrum kernel

  • From: Orson Zhai <orsonzhai@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sprdlinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, steven.lin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2015 18:33:05 +0800

On 2015年03月11日 00:58, Abhishek Goyal wrote:

while I wait for more info and ideas - I am trying to work on the remaining
peripherls. Wifi and Touchscreen are the major ones.

Wifi I think the problem is only the modules. I am assuming that the
"ita_sta.ko" needs to be loaded for wifi to work? And that depends on
Hi G2,

Yes, sdio is used as host bus to connect wifi modules.

My trouble is this - the factory ita_sta.ko is just 700KB in size, while
the one built in my kernel is 18MB!! in size! Any ideas what is going on?

Hi, Steven,

G2 has resolved the size problem in his latter email.
But the ita_sta.ko has not been loaded yet.
Could you give some tips to G2?

Hi G2,

Any more debug information about your wifi?


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