[sparkscoffee] Why weren't the 62 million murders exposed earlier?

  • From: Sblumen123@xxxxxxx
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2013 03:37:49 -0500 (EST)

The three sheepies and the rest of the gang
During the cold war and even years afterwards the only holocaust
talked about was the one produced by the Germains with pictures
of showers that were gas chambers, ovens to incinerate, stuffed
cattle trains to the concentration camps, surviving witness
testimonies, books, movies, documentations. The ones presumed
produced by communist countries is a relatively recent phenomenon
without pictures of gas chambers, ovens, stuffed trains, the number
of like witness testimonies although there were a few, books,  movies
and high profile respected peoples backing the crazy,  unbelievable,
impracticable numbers like 62 million which would make our allied
USSR unable to defend its self from a victorius blitzkrieg army  giving
us time to prepare for the Normandy invasion. If 62 million were a  true
figure there would be an enormous string of witnesses, pictures, hugh
burial grounds, means of execusions, etc. Then there is motives,
Hitler's final solution of ridding the world of jews, gypsies,  soviet
prisoners, handycapped children, etc. Why would the USSR want to
kill so many of their own citizens weakening and demoralizing  their
own country when they were struggling to industrialize and prepare  for
war and there wasn't even a revolt as in Syria? Only brain  washed,
illogical, anti socialist sheepies would swallow hook, line and  sinker
that Johnny come lately crap.
Comrade  Blumenthal      

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