[sparkscoffee] Re: Johns Hopkins psychiatrist: Transgender is a me ntal disorder; sex change biologically impossible

  • From: "schalestock@xxxxxxxx" <schalestock@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 19:20:42 GMT

RR Well stated. We certainly agree on the evil witch hood of Hillary. I well
remember these bitches when I was in college - flat chested, stringy hair and
But from my look at it, the uranium deal is for real. One thing for sure, the
Clintons are very upset about the book. I haven't read it either but did see
the author interviewed by Bret Bair, complete with excel flow charts and
impeccable documentation. This isn't just smoke. This evil bitch thinks she's
bullet proof. But it would be the ultimate cosmic justice to see her burned at
the stake of her own corruption. We can only hope I guess. Personally, I think
the perfect solution would be the Mussolini method - hang them both from White
House lamp post. JS

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Johns Hopkins psychiatrist: Transgender is a me
ntal disorder; sex change biologically impossible
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:54:36 -0400 (EDT)

I'm aware of what you are talking about. It's in the recently released book
"Clinton Cash". I have not read the book. I don't need to. I have been
following the story of corruption of not just the Clintons but of just about
every other Washington politician for a long time. It's well known that "The
U.S. has the best government that money can buy." I was only commenting on what
I know about the global uranium trade. It makes no sense that Russia would be
buying uranium from the U.S..

Maybe the emphasis on the alleged uranium deal by the mainstream media is just
a psy op to discredit the book? Or maybe you just misunderstood and the U.S.
was buying the uranium from Russia?

Political propaganda has been practiced on the American people for so long that
it has become a science. The rules of propaganda say that if you really wanted
to discredit Hilary then you would release this book closer to the election.
The reason being that Americans have a very limited attention span. The fact is
that Hillary is an evil witch that has committed countless crimes while in
office. The rules of propaganda say that in order for Hilary to get elected
some dirt should be made public now and then parts of it discredited so that in
the public eye all of it becomes discredited (psy ops).

In America less than half the people even bother to vote anymore because it's
become a joke. Those that do vote belong to a political party like they belong
to a religion and the truth does not matter to them. They just want their side
to win like they want their favorite football team to win.

-----Original Message-----
From: "schalestock@xxxxxxxx" <schalestock@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Apr 27, 2015 6:46 AM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Johns Hopkins psychiatrist: Transgender is a me
ntal disorder; sex change biologically impossible

RR You my have missed this on your news feeds, but the Clinton uranium scandal
is huge news here in the states.The criminal implications are sufficient enough
to have the Clinton spin machine working overtime. Check it out. JS

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Johns Hopkins psychiatrist: Transgender is a me
ntal disorder; sex change biologically impossible
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2015 22:26:50 -0400 (EDT)

You make some interesting points but I still think that it is up to the
individual to decide who they want to have sex with as long as they are not
hurting anybody else.

As for gays being unhappy people, I look around and see mostly unhappy people.
I know gay couples who are just as happy if not happier than straight couples.

As for gays being more promiscuous, when I was younger I thought about sex all
the time. My biggest problem was finding willing partners. If you approach
women and say "Let's fuck" you're probably not going to have much sex. Gays
don't have that problem.

As for marriage there are really two different definitions. One is religious
and the other is legal. I see no reason why gay couples should be denied the
same legal rights as heterosexual couples. That doesn't mean that the church
should accept gay marriage or that they should be allowed to be married in a

I agree that I would not want to see any child raised by a gay couple. This
ventures into the area of hurting somebody else. That is just plain wrong in my

As for homophobia, it really does exist. I used to always feel uncomfortable
around gays and still do to some extent. I think it's because in the back of my
mind I fear getting ass raped. Isn't that the definition of a phobia?

As for the uranium deal I don't understand it. Maybe you have it backwards? I
invest in uranium mining stocks and have had an interest in uranium for many
years and the price of uranium was kept low for many years due to the sale of
uranium from the former Soviet Union. For years the nuclear power plants in the
U.S. were fueled by uranium from the former Soviet Union. Nearly half of all
the uranium produced in the entire world comes from Kazakhstan while the U.S.
produces only 3%.

-----Original Message-----
From: "schalestock@xxxxxxxx" <schalestock@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Apr 26, 2015 7:22 PM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Johns Hopkins psychiatrist: Transgender is a me
ntal disorder; sex change biologically impossible

DR An interesting exchange. The fact that we are having an open discourse shows
how much things have changed. What I think is under considered is exactly why
we now feel free to discuss homosexuality in positive light. The gay community
has managed to win the right to accuse anyone on the other side as homophobic.
Like racism, or even sexism, it has become a loaded term that precludes honest
discourse. I.E. the objective is not to only make homosexuality socially
acceptable but to insist it is natural and deserving of all legal and social
rights of "straight" people. There are two problems with this; One is the
insistence that gay marriage include the right to acquire and possess children.
Children are not created by homosexuals, they are captured and mentally
enslaved by them. It is the worse kind of pedophilia. The second problem for
society as a whole is that one of the problems for homosexuals, regardless of
the genetic/environmental factors that may or may not be involved, is that the
majority of them are inherently unhappy people. This is demonstrated by their
cultural promiscuity. Homosexual promiscuity or nymphomania among straight
women is a mental and spiritual problem caused by a feeling of inadequacy which
requires serial and ongoing sexual encounters, with satisfaction and
fulfillment never to be realized. What we are seeing now is the ascendancy of
homosexual political power. And "equality" is not the objective. Transcendence
and domination is the real objective. And it is being manifested by the demand
that our children and grandchildren be indoctrinated in school, starting in
kindergarten that homosexuality is not only acceptable but a desirable
lifestyle. Which of course is simply a format for recruitment of the young and
naive. At the end of the day, this is an evil thing. And those homosexuals of
decent spirit, of which there are many, should stand up and acknowledge this.
But then we now have a social and political environment where the president of
the United States condemns our constitution and chooses to ignore the rule of
law. And of course we have the Clintons who are are evil and self serving,
concerned only with their personal wealth and power, the good of our country
and society be damned. Bill Clinton was Arkansas white trash of the lowest
order, genetically gifted with a reasonable IQ and all the criminal
inclinations and connections Arkansas could provide. Hillary on the other hand,
is a vicious foul minded woman, so insecure that a quest for power to
compensate for these shortcomings is her life's mission. She is one of those
women who look like they smell bad. But sadly for the rest of us, she, like the
homosexuals who demand dominion over our children, can never be satisfied. I
went to college at the same time as Bill and HIllary. And I knew people just
like them during those halcyon days of protest in the sixties. They were
unhappy then and they are now. And I observed they were never in the front line
of the protesters. Only heaving insults and garbage at veterans from the safety
of the back ranks. But hell, so what that they sold 20 percent of our uranium
supply to Putin and by extension, the Iranians for nuclear weapons while Bill
was getting 500 thousand dollars a pop for "speeches" while Hillary was Secy of
State. This then is just how bad things have gotten in the United States of
America, circa 2015. God in his cosmic sense of humor might just let us
survive long enough to do an isotope analysis of the radioactive debris of New
York of DC. Wouldn't it be the ultimate piece of divine comedy to find that the
Iranian or Russian nuke that did us in was fabricated from American uranium. JS
PS I have just finished writing another novel entitled "A Farewell to Grace."
It is set on an American college campus of the sixties when four returning
Vietnam combat vets meet and become friends during those strange and turbulent
times when Bill and Hilary were honing their evil skills. You and RR might
enjoy this trip back to when we really lost our innocence as a nation.

---------- Original Message ----------
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr." <n1ea@xxxxxxxx>
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Johns Hopkins psychiatrist: Transgender is a mental
disorder; sex change biologically impossible
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2015 15:34:02 -0400

Sometimes there are long-term damages that become known as time passes.
People learned that homosexuality was something that caused damage as time
passed just as we are starting to see the effects of marajuana use.
It was not by chance that until recently that all religions considered
homosexuality a grave sin, and most societies too.
Not all harm is seen immediately. Marrying your cousin seemed like a good idea
until physicians observed a corelation between it and birth defects, often of
the fingers and toes.
You see this also in isolated communities like Flores, Azores, North Atlantic
Portugal Dependency.
On Apr 26, 2015 3:09 PM, "Ron Ristad" <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
deviating, esp. from what is considered normal in a group or for a society

unlike most others; unusual
The only difference between deviant and different is that the former usually
applies to human behavior.

I specified that (1) it wasn't hurting anybody and (2) that my wife also
enjoyed it.

I would like to have anal sex with her but she says it hurts so we don't. (She
doesn't dress up like a Nazi either. That was just a hypothetical example.)

-----Original Message-----
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Apr 26, 2015 12:30 PM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Johns Hopkins psychiatrist: Transgender is a mental
disorder; sex change biologically impossible

Deviation is a bit more nuanced that different, it is divergence from a norm.
I don't know if having your wife dress up as a NAZI while you have sex is
harmless. It still may be the proximate cause of mental illness resulting in
personality disorder. Your wife may eventually start thinking Jews are
responsible for all evil in the world.
It certainly would be someone's business if your wife went into theraphy for
any mental problems caused by it, even if you were unaware it had long term
It's similar to male homosexuals having anal sex, a deviant behavior, and later
learning such deviation was the proximate cause of AIDS which later caused the
death of one of the partners.
On Apr 26, 2015 2:08 PM, "Ron Ristad" <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Science once said the world was flat. Science once said the sun orbited the

"Deviation" just means different, not like most other people. If I like my wife
to dress up in a Nazi uniform when we have sex then I am a sexual deviant but
if she likes doing it and it doesn't hurt anybody then there is nothing wrong
with it, and it's nobody else's business.


-----Original Message-----
From: "David J. J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Apr 26, 2015 11:48 AM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Johns Hopkins psychiatrist: Transgender is a mental
disorder; sex change biologically impossible

APA is a group of medical doctors, not psychologists.

A scientific study should have been done before any illness is removed from

Perhaps they could prove sociopathy is not part of homosexuality.

Maybe research was done when it was moved to a sexual deviation disorder.

I just know that politics and science do not mix when politics trumps the
integrity of science.


On April 26, 2015 1:32:00 PM EDT, Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:DR,
"... most researchers have come to the conclusion that sexual orientation is
likely determined by a complex interaction between a person&rsquo;s genetic
make-up and their environment."

I would agree with this. I have known gays who showed homosexual traits from a
very early age (genetic). I have also known gays who were sexually abused when
they were young (environment).

Research on identical twins has shown that many genetic traits, such as
diseases, need to be triggered by the environment before they are expressed.
But I do not believe that environment alone can change can a person's sexual
preference. Many gay men have been married and had children before they
discovered (or admitted) they were gay. Likewise many men engage in gay sex
when in prison but go straight when they get out.

All I know is that I have never felt the slightest sexual attraction to any man
but when I was younger thought about having sex with just about every woman I
saw and it was something that I had no control over.

"The first version, released in 1952, listed homosexuality as a sociopath
personality disturbance." That's like a teapot calling the kettle black. A
sociopath is somebody who has no empathy for other people.

Psychology for the most part is just a scam to extract money from people who
are susceptible to suggestion and especially those who lack spiritual faith.
The majority of patients are people who just want somebody to listen to their
bullshit and housewives whose husbands don't have the time to sit and listen to
their mindless prattle.

-----Original Message-----
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Apr 26, 2015 12:32 PM
To: "sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Johns Hopkins psychiatrist: Transgender is a mental
disorder; sex change biologically impossible

I'm not a psychiatrist, but I do know that the ONLY illness that was ever taken
out of the DSM was homosexuality. It was part of a political agenda. You had
to get several things in place. One that homosexuality had to be removed from
the DSM, that it had to be something that was given at birth, not acquired by
behavior otherwise acquired, that it could not be reverted to "Normal" behavior
by theraphy. I found this on Yahoo Answers. The Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual, also known as the DSM, is the official list of mental disorders that
all mental health professionals refer to when diagnosing patients. The first
version, released in 1952, listed homosexuality as a sociopath personality
disturbance. In 1968, the second version (DSM II) reclassified homosexuality as
a sexual deviancy. Soon afterward, gay protestors began picketing at the
APA&rsquo;s annual conventions, demanding that homosexuality be removed from
the list completely. In 1973, after intensive debate and numerous disturbances
by gay activists, the APA decided to remove homosexuality from it&rsquo;s next
manual (DSM IV) completely. What followed was a swarm of outrage from
psychiatrists within the APA who disagreed with the decision and demanded that
the issue be reconsidered. In 1974, a referendum was called and approximately
40 percent of the APA&rsquo;s membership voted to put homosexuality back into
the DSM IV. Since a majority was not achieved to reverse the decision,
homosexuality remains omitted from the APA&rsquo;s Diagnostic and Statistical
manual. Many in the scientific community have criticized the APA&rsquo;s
decision to remove homosexuality from the DSM IV, claiming it&rsquo;s motives
were more political than scientific. Dr. Ronald Bayer, author of the book,
Homosexuality and American Psychiatry writes: The entire process, from the
first confrontation organized by gay demonstrators to the referendum demanded
by orthodox psychiatrists, seemed to violate the most basic expectations about
how questions of science should be resolved. Instead of being engaged in sober
discussion of data, psychiatrists were swept up in a political controversy. The
result was not a conclusion based on an approximation of the scientific truth
as dictated by reason, but was instead an action demanded by the ideological
temper of the times.15 Along these same lines, a recent radio documentary on
the subject of homosexuality revealed that the President-elect of the APA in
1973, Dr. John P. Speigel, was a &ldquo;closeted homosexual with a very
particular agenda.&rdquo;16 Some have exaggerated or misrepresented these
studies in attempt to prove that homosexuality is genetic. Others insist that
homosexuality is developed after birth as a response to one&rsquo;s
environment. The truth is that we have no conclusive replicable research to
prove either conclusion. However, most researchers have come to the conclusion
that sexual orientation is likely determined by a complex interaction between a
person&rsquo;s genetic make-up and their environment. Even the American
Psychological Association asserts that: There are numerous theories about the
origins of a person's sexual orientation; most scientists today agree that
sexual orientation is most likely the result of a complex interaction of
environmental, cognitive and biological factors. In most people, sexual
orientation is shaped at an early age.17 (emphasis added). And the American
Psychiatric Association wrote: Currently there is a renewed interest in
searching for biological etiologies for homosexuality. However, to date there
are no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biological
etiology for homosexuality.18 Whatever the case, we know from the personal
testimonies of thousands that homosexuality is a changeable condition. Stanton
Jones, who is Chair of Psychology at Wheaton College states: &ldquo;Every
secular study of change has shown some success rate...&rdquo;19 Go educate
yourself RR. 73 DR
On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 11:20 AM, Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I try to keep an open mind.

Please list some of the harms.

Please link some of the scientific research that you have studied so


-----Original Message-----
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Apr 26, 2015 9:01 AM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Johns Hopkins psychiatrist: Transgender is a mental
disorder; sex change biologically impossible

You are Mr. Truth, go and get a pre 1970 DSM and read for yourself.
I just gather truth so others can discover that they are being brainwashed.
Also your putting disease in quotes suggests that you have decided that Mr.
Turing's suicide was due to hormone theraphy and being arrested. Maybe it was
because of other mental illnesses produced by his homosexuality?
It took scientific research to put homosexuality into the DSM it should take
refutation of that research to remove it from the DSM.
On Apr 26, 2015 10:50 AM, "Ron Ristad" <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Please list harms. I understand that people who are "different" face
challenges but this describes most geniuses, as well as religious and racial

I recently watched the movie "Imitation Game" about Alan Turing, the inventor
of computer science and the machine that broke the Nazi Enigma code during
WWII. In 1953 he was found guilty of homosexuality which was crime at the time
and was forced to undergo hormone therapy to "cure" his "disease". He committed
suicide a year later. It was very sad.

-----Original Message-----
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Apr 25, 2015 8:14 PM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Johns Hopkins psychiatrist: Transgender is a mental
disorder; sex change biologically impossible

The list of harms homosexuality does was never removed by scienticic inquiry.
There are many examples of individuals being cured of the disorder.
Individuals are not born with this condition, and it has not been
scientifically proven otherwise.
You just don't remove things by political pressure. There should have been a
scientific inquiry to see if the classification as a mental illness was correct.
Such was never done.
Investigate, Mr Truth.
On Apr 25, 2015 9:41 PM, "Ron Ristad" <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
In order to be classified as a mental Illness it would have to (1) be harmful
to the patient or others and/or (2) be curable.

Neither of these are true in the case of homosexuality. Most homosexuals are
born that way. The only harm is that done by society.


-----Original Message-----
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Apr 25, 2015 9:06 PM
To: "sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Johns Hopkins psychiatrist: Transgender is a mental
disorder; sex change biologically impossible

As many here know homosexuality was the ONLY mental illness removed from the
diagnostic manual not on scientific research but on protests by the social
organizers in San Francisco during one of the meetings of the American
Psychiatric Association back in 1973. Here is an interesting article.73DR

Compassion and common sense dictate that transgenderism is a mental
illness. Society owes it to these poor souls to give them the mental
help that they so desperately need, not to mutilate their genitals.


(CNSNews.com) -- Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief
for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service
Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a &ldquo;mental
disorder&rdquo; that merits treatment, that sex change is &ldquo;biologically
impossible,&rdquo; and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery
are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.

Dr. McHugh, the author of six books and at least 125 peer-reviewed
medical articles, made his remarks in a recent commentary in the Wall
Street Journal, where he explained that transgender surgery is not the
solution for people who suffer a &ldquo;disorder of
&lsquo;assumption&rsquo;&rdquo; &ndash; the
notion that their maleness or femaleness is different than what nature
assigned to them biologically.

He also reported on a new study showing that the suicide rate among
transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher
than the suicide rate among non-transgender people. Dr. McHugh further
noted studies from Vanderbilt University and London&rsquo;s Portman Clinic
of children who had expressed transgender feelings but for whom, over
time, 70%-80% &ldquo;spontaneously lost those feelings.&rdquo;

&ldquo;&rsquo;Sex change&rsquo; is biologically impossible,&rdquo; said
McHugh. &ldquo;People who
undergo sex-reassignment surgery do not change from men to women or
vice versa. Rather, they become feminized men or masculinized women.
Claiming that this is civil-rights matter and encouraging surgical
intervention is in reality to collaborate with and promote a mental

J Young

-- end of forwarded message --

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