[sparkscoffee] Re: Interesting

  • From: Sblumen123@xxxxxxx
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2013 15:07:22 -0400 (EDT)

J J Miller
Of the countrys listed only Israel would welcome Jews. A good
question, why was Jesus crucified except that Jewish crowd
there told Pontius Pilat who washed his hands of the act, let
his blood be on our heads and our children's head, the
beginning of anti semitisim. Of course todays Chrisitian leaders
say that we Jewa weren't there and are not responsible. However
we have guys like RR who accuse Jewish money lending  bankers
of controlling and ruinning countries as an absolute fact.  Interesting
to note that Rome is the headquarters of the very large Catholic
population when it was their soldiers that did the crucifying a most
horrible  way to execute including whipping.
Comrade B, the Jew    
In a message dated 4/13/2013 9:38:35 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
seaspark@xxxxxxx writes:

It must be said, "Lots of stuff on here  I never heard before".
"Jesus was executed for blasphemy".
Someone actually quoted from the  notorious,"Elders of Zion".
Reminds me of the long ago trivia question; "What  was Jesus , Catholic or 
Protestant" ?
If you were stranded in the Middle East with no  money or passport, which 
country would you prefer to be in, Egypt, Jordan,  S.Arabnia, Oman, 
Syria,Lebanon or maybe Israel ?
Just wondering
J J Miller

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