[smartvisionau] Re: is it possible to change the notification sound for text messages so they don't sound the same as e-mails?

  • From: Vivien Palcic <vivienpalcic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: smartvisionau@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2019 08:29:55 +0800


So how does one get onto those lists? I thought I was on the Eyes Free list after initially going through the rigmarole of also signing up for the BrailleBack beta testing program, which I later left, but I was told by one of the guys managing the list at the time (who is no longer doing that) that I should be on it, but I haven't had emails from them and can't even find the website URL any more, and trying both eyes-free.com and www.Eyes-Free.org gave me errors.


On 9/9/2019 4:38 AM, (Redacted sender alexander.shannon for DMARC) wrote:

Hi Clive,

As  well as this list I’m also on the eyes free list, and another one called android discuss.

I’m considering sending a message to the android discuss list asking if there is a more modern app which will allow  a different ringtone for either text messages or  calls  or both from different contacts.

Alexander Shannon

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