[slint] Re: Did updates break my emacspeak? + Ventoy

  • From: Jace Kattalakis <khalfang1366@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: slint@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2023 06:41:24 +0100

I've not solved it yet, but I did hear from someone else, without mutlilib the same thing is happening on a fresh install. with slapt-get updates though. I've not been able to extract the jacepkg text file from my VM as of this message

I am getting the same issues with emacspeak 55 on my Arch machine as well, so I'm not sure it's a Slint issue actually, I'm not sure if emacspeak 57.x broke things, or something,or if it's hardware specific on my end due to two versions of emacspeak both breaking

That's good to know about Ventoy as well, I've got that iso on my stick now and don't need to futz around with dd or etcher

On 4/15/23 19:10, Didier Spaier wrote:


I mistakenly send only to Jace the message below.

aswers in line

Le 13/04/2023 à 22:41, Didier Spaier a écrit :
Sorry again it should have been:
ls -1 /var/lib/pkgtools/packages > jacepkgs.txt

Le 13/04/2023 à 22:36, Jace Kattalakis a écrit :
la -1 /var/lib/pkgtools/packages > jacepkgs.txt
gives me command not found when either on the VM or when SSHing in

Jace, did you solve the issue? Else please send me the file jacepkgs.txt.

Also before being registered to this list you wrote:

2. Is Slint compatable with Ventoy? I've heard yes and no, Ventoy is basically a
way to have multiple ISO on a (properly formatted) USB stick, it makes it a lot
easier to use
I just tested with the current ISO and the answer is yes, copying the ISO
directly in the proper partition of Ventoy stick then booting off this stick
allows to boot the Slint installer.


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