[sib-access] very strange issues when using sibelius

  • From: lior goldfarb <goldlior85@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sib-access <sib-access@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 17:40:04 +0200

hey all,
i'm using sibelius and have some strange issues with it.
it comes in when pressing the ctrl+alt+g that is the go to bar dialog
command, when pressing for example, the number 3 it says: "3 no eights
my numlock is turned on in order to activate the whole, half  and 32
notes. when pressing enter after typing the number of a bar it doesn't
say something.
the second problem is when i want to go to another line of the
instrument, for example, piano, because it has on it 2 lines, one line
for each hand, i cann't do it with alt+down or up arrow keys.
and, when it works, it doesn't tell me my location, for example, that
case, i am in line one or line to of the piano.
how to solve this 2 issues?
thanks a lot!
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