[ SHOWGSD-L ] Letter to the GSDCA BOD...also...

  • From: "Evan Ginsburg" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "elg440@xxxxxxx" for DMARC)
  • To: showgsd-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 11:14:00 -0400

This has changed since I was on the board. The old practice of not responding,
of having board member with special seats at the national, the practice of
never directly talking to club members has greatly improved.

The club today is much more open, and more friendly to the membership. That is
due to the fine people we have had lead us from Lew, Ginny, Tish, and of course
now Frank. They have put the membership in the forefront of the club, and that
is great.

We still have room for improvement. I don't agree with secret meetings, or
closed sessions. But, as was pointed out to me, it is in our constitution. We
need to change that.

Most of the board members today are open, reasonable and friendly. There are a
few exceptions, but in any group you will find a diversity of thinking. I am
proud of most of our board members and appreciate what they do. As for
communication, only a few still will not respond. But, mostly it is open and if
you contact them directly, they answer you. As for the internet, it does have
a certain intimidation factor. I have to force myself to stay on the only
forum I use, this List. But, I keep watching those who want me to "friend"
them. I thought I had already done that.

I found out I am on Facebook. But, I have never gone there. Yes, besides a
flaming liberal, I do admit to being a luddite. Even worse, I will now admit
to being an attorney.


-----Original Message-----
From: Carolyn Martello <marhaven@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: edwinx <edwinx@xxxxxxxxxxx>; 'freelist' <showgsd-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Mon, Aug 10, 2015 8:46 pm
Subject: [ SHOWGSD-L ] Re: Letter to the GSDCA BOD...also...

Why are the Board members discouraged from, or even told NOT to respond to any
conversation or

question on this List??? We know some of the Board are on the
List....possibly all of them....?
I understand some may not bother getting involved in any conversations on the
List or any other public

format of communication. That's OK. But to be told they are 'not allowed'
to respond to or speak to

the conversations or questions on the List regarding some of their decisions
appears secretive and

insecure in their own decisions and vote!! Most of the members do belong to
the List and or Facebook

This IS the age of easy communication.....why not utilize it?

A response to questions in a discussion and concerned questions seems to make
more sense than

insisting on private letters. The break in communication between the Board
and the members is

troublesome and certainly not necessary as very few of us are Buffoons!
Being treated as such

only causes resentment and suspicion. Obviously the Standard issue last year
and the National site

for three years was / is a major concern. We know the Standard and we know
what we expect for

our Nationals. We might even have some great input....<G>

Some have stated the "concern" seems to be that some on the List are not
members. OK......but

aren't non members allowed to attend an actual Board meeting and sit in the
'audience' and watch and

listen to the proceedings and watch the vote? So why would it matter to have
a simple easy format like

this List...where there can be an open discussion or responses to concerned
questions. Might even

cause some to opt to JOIN a Club with more open communication! <G>

Carolyn marhaven@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


From: showgsd-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:showgsd-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of edwinx@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 9:33 AM
To: freelist
Subject: [ SHOWGSD-L ] Jan. 1st 2016 : Letter to the GSDCA BOD

Dear BOD, congratulations on your being elected! First let me say thank you for
sacrificing your time in the effort of moving our club and the greatest dog
breed forward. Your job won't always be easy ( it may never be easy) but the
majority voted for you because they believe you are capable of working with and
for the membership to get the job done! I am one of over 2000 members of an
Internet forum of German Shepherd Dog lovers called Show-List GSD.... aka "the
list". A large number of the members of this list are also GSDCA members, and
there are also formers members on the list as well. It is my strong
recommendation that you join the List if for no other reason to hear what many
club members are saying about topics and issues that effect our dogs and our
club! You may have heard that at times emotions and topics get out of hand!
true, but only because the listers are extremely passionate about their beliefs
and our breed! You may have heard that there are crazies on the list! Yes, I'm
one of them, but even crazy people made good sense sometimes! Some board
members have stated that since all list members are not GSDCA members club info
should NOT be shared on the list! nonsense, the issues of our club don't
involve national security or inter-continental trade issues! It's a DOG CLUB
for crimes sake! So in closing let me repeat my congratulations to you and
please consider joining our "list' ( but watch out for the ADMIN)....I promise
you will learn something! Even if you learn something you didn't want to know!
Flower Boy

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