[seeng_carclub] Re: TVRCC BHP/MoC opening event for 2021

  • From: "Alex Gray" <dmarc-noreply-outsider@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "alex.gray255" for DMARC)
  • To: seeng_carclub@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2020 11:51:47 +0000

Hi folks

Merry Xmas, folks!

Please see some updates on events for next year.

Thanks! A


*_Opening Event - 2021_*

After a bit of thinking and investigation into what we can do with CoVid etc. for the opening event this year, I have discussed with a few people and present the following...

The date for this event will provisionally be the 17th of April and it will consist of three main parts...

 * Morning - A visit to Topcats Racing in Aylesbury for a CoVid safe
   breakfast meet and open-day
 * Late lunch - We will then drive over to Sharnbrook hotel for a late
   lunch (Pizza or whatever)
 * Afternoon - Either stay at Sharnbrook for car meet and chances to
   catch up (CoVid depending) OR run-out event for a couple of hours

As the events are modular, you can come to part of all of them.

Also, if the CoVid rules change, then the events can also be switched as needed.

Date is not confirmed yet, but looking to do that soon.

_*Chris Marsh Classic Cars Event - 2021*_

I have discussed with the Marsh family and they are happy to host this event for sometime in May, so please keep an eye out for more details.

On 04/12/2020 17:06, Alex Gray wrote:

Hi folks

Just to keep you in the loop - there will be no TVRCC BHP Burghley event in 2021 planned by the TVRCC.

The main reason(s) for these are several and include CoVid19 and wanting to do more local events for the season opener where the event can be more locally tuned.

The date for the event (that I will be looking at) is sometime towards the end of March, but I wanted to float some ideas as to what people might like to do.

Options could be (all depending on CoVid19 restrictions in place at the time)...

  * Meet up at Sharnbrook, pizza and do a runout event
  * Arrange a runout & tour of <insertSiteHere> - e.g. Prodrive,
    Morgan Factory, Museum
  * Do a treasure hunt like event around SE area
  * Go-kart event at Rye House
  * Open-day event - e.g. Topcats or Chris March (if can organize)
  * Any other ideas

If any of the above sound good or you would like to suggest sometime else for Joe and me to look at, please respond as soon as poss.

Thanks! A

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